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Everything posted by alincoln

  1. alincoln

    USMNT 2020

    Yeah. MLS already has free academies for their elite team in each age group from U-13 up. We also need that setup at each USL team to provide a geographically comprehensive free option for elite players. Part of the problem at the MLS academy level is the travel required to get to elite competition.
  2. alincoln

    USMNT 2020

    DA was an unsustainable clown show that was about to be rendered irrelevant by an MLS academies league on the boys side and was losing the battle against the ECNL on the girls side. The USSF's focus on the boys side should be to assist all USL teams in establishing free academies. The financial resources simply aren't currently available to support a USL academy system but that is really the only way for US to develop more elite players. The past is the future for the girls with the ECNL regaining its position on the top rung. It will be interesting to see if it can continue to produce world class level players or whether the Euro model will finally overtake the US. I expect that corona is going to gut financial support in Europe for women's football and will further delay the decline of the USWNT. No pyramid inversion any time soon.
  3. Ohio increase in % of new cases was 8%, 10% and 7% on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday
  4. Ohio is interesting as a case study for relatively extreme social distancing requirements. New cases as a % of total cases 3.27 31% 3.28 24% 3.29 18% 3.30 17% 3.31 14%
  5. Trump is so irritated that he has to deal with this
  6. Trump is supposedly going to "shut down the country for two weeks" during his speech.
  7. Well Pompeo definitely has corona if Trump's got it
  8. President Pelosi in less than 10 days?
  9. Political stars are born in times of crisis
  10. Ohio closing all schools for 3 weeks starting Monday. Mike DeWine isn't fucking around at all.
  11. Unquestionably. I'm sure that this article has been posted, probably multiple times but it is a must read imo: http://medium.com/@tomaspueyo/coronavirus-act-today-or-people-will-die-f4d3d9cd99ca
  12. Columbus is building a coronavirus triage center at the Ohio state fairgrounds. The major cities in Ohio now have drive through coronavirus testing. The Cleveland Clinic will soon have an expedited test available. Ohio State was one of the first major universities to cancel classes. The governor of Ohio issued an order prohibiting mass gatherings, including all indoor sporting events. Ohio of all places appears to be relatively proactive so far and its actions underscore the need for state and local governments to take the lead on this. Relying on the feds is clearly a waste of precious time.
  13. Every event of any significance after this weekend will be cancelled and almost every event this weekend will be cancelled. My country club just cancelled its annual spring break party and the local school district just cancelled the annual pancake breakfast fundraiser and there are zero confirmed cases in my city. All school nationwide will be cancelled within two weeks and all workplaces that don't require in-person attendance to function will be cleared out by April. The decision makers finally understand that they are in the kill zone demo and are starting to cover their asses.
  14. Rogan had epidemiologist Michael Osterholm on today: Main takeaways: 1. Hand washing and sanitizer won't do much against Corona because the main transmission is simply breathing the air that an infected person is breathing. Not their cough or sneezing. Simply the same air. n95s do work but there aren't any, even for health care workers. 2. There is nothing you can really do to prepare yourself other than sleep and stay in good shape. Americans are going to be particularly fucked because of the levels of obesity. There are many people in their 40s who are getting extremely sick so its not just a problem for the very old. 3. Next 4 months are going to be very difficult in the United States. He anticipates 500,000 deaths in the U.S. during that time. 4. Cancelling school is almost a non-starter because of the number of nurses who have kids in school.
  15. Trump's handling of this pandemic coupled with the Dems' nomination of an establishment Dem in Biden (senile as he may be) is going to yield the 2008 electoral college map.
  16. It's getting more and more difficult by the day (hour?) to discuss coronavirus in the U.S. without addressing the stunning incompetence of the governmental response. The President has handled the situation abysmally thus far, but so have many other governmental organizations.
  17. Which is EXACTLY why a quarantine makes sense. Parents know there will be sick kids at school and will not want to send theirs. Yeah. The parents will also be at home. The U.S. will be on lock down in April
  18. When are the mass mandatory quarantines imposed in the U.S. and where? I'm expecting Seattle, L.A., D.C. and NYC to all be on lockdown before April
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