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Everything posted by alincoln

  1. alincoln

    USMNT 2022

    We got lucky with the weather in Columbus (30 and no wind had little if any impact) but Minneapolis is currently tracking for 0 degrees with 15 mph winds at kickoff.
  2. alincoln

    USMNT 2022

    Pure Gregg to start a 9 who is in the off-season
  3. alincoln

    USMNT 2022

    Canada is more than happy to cede possession and let us turn the ball over in the final third. We have no 9 and no one who can unlock a defense with a killer pass. Turner was a 1 out of 10. Awful distribution and weak effort on the goal. Really shit performance from him. We always suck in the first half which really speak to greggg’s inability to gameplan.
  4. And that whole Yale thing . . .
  5. Sean Payton was also a first time head coach now that I think about it. The NFL is such a grind that you kind of want a relatively fresh coach
  6. Exactly. Prior experience means nothing. I believe that Zac Taylor, Shanahan, McVay, LaFleur, Kingsbury, Harbaugh, McDermott, Reich, Vrabel and Tomlin are all in their first HC job.
  7. alincoln

    USMNT 2022

    I didn't watch the game too closely because I got stuck working during the game but I came across some interesting stats after the game. Pulisic was 0-10 in duels during the 1st half. Almost unfathomably bad performance. 11 yanks podcast said that he was playing inside all game on top of Jesus who was playing as a false 9. As a result, there was no space which made things easier for El Sal's blocks of 4. The xG was basically 3-0 so the performance wasn't as bad as some commentators are making it out to be. Gregggg is clearly under pressure to play MLS guys. Morris and Zardes as the subs instead of DLT and Pepi is questionable at best. USSF was very lucky this game wasn't played 24 hours earlier when it was under 10 degrees and windy instead of the relatively balmy 30 and calm last night. The weather could be a negative factor for us in Minnesota.
  8. alincoln

    USMNT 2022

    Good lineup and lllllettgett isn't on the bench. 32 and cloudy right now in Columbus which is the warmest it has been in a few days. It was 5 this morning at 830 so big improvement.
  9. Just a little bit of pressure on getting the Sauron casting right.
  10. And arguably the best pitcher and player since integration.
  11. Police in many (most?) large cities have intentionally reduced their presence in high crime areas since George Floyd to (1) reduce the opportunities for more cop killings and (2) increase crime and thereby hamper the defund the police movement. Their efforts have been extremely successful. Crime has increased rapidly in those areas and defund the police has become political suicide outside of one-party D locales.
  12. The Hall of juicers who weren’t assholes to the media
  13. I honestly don't know how they do it. We represent issuers on a few offerings a year and every time we close one I feel sorry for those Wall St associates who do nothing but those bond offerings over and over and over again while watching the partners walk home with $5 million a year.
  14. Tell that to the corporate bond associates representing lead underwriters on 30 offerings in 2021.
  15. Yup. The difference between 1800 and 2200 is massive and I can't even imagine the 2500+ that Wall Street associates are putting in these days.
  16. Harvard's "incomplete" internal study stated that Asian's would comprise 43% of accepted students if the admission standard was "academics only".
  17. It's entirely dependent on the specific opportunity and your personal goals. You won't make as much as a law firm partner unless you are the GC or a direct report to the GC in a very large (generally public) company (outside of liquidity events that you won't control). The job security also isn't as strong, particularly if you are the GC or a direct report to the GC. Senior leadership changes (new CEO or GC) often trickle down to the management team which generally includes the GC and the GC's direct reports. You may also have to be willing to relocate if you decide to leave your in-house position and there isn't a comparable opportunity with your experience and industry expertise in your market. That consideration is extremely market dependent. Another current reality is that legal is an area corporate America utilizes to improve its management diversity (more of a public company consideration). This trend is rapidly accelerating to the point where white males are not even considered in some candidate pools. In any event, it's a better gig than AMLAW50 associate, who are now routinely billing 2500 - 3000 hours a year.
  18. Always amazes me what some human bodies can endure for so many years.
  19. alincoln

    USMNT 2022

    Sargent's lack of productivity (0 G/A in 19 PL games before his brace) is glaring but he did just tie Jozy's career EPL goal tally and did so in 50 less appearances. Glad he didn't get called up because he needs to focus on following up that performance and helping Norwich stay up.
  20. And the biggest douchebag on the field catches the td
  21. They have swallowed the whistles
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