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Everything posted by alincoln

  1. Day is a shockingly normal and down to earth guy given his position. His kids are assholes though. Urban is just a condescending dickhead who was in the perfect place at the perfect time at both Florida and Ohio State.
  2. alincoln

    EPL 2021-22

    Which is why MLS has playoffs. MLS simply couldn't sustain the interest of the fanbase under a Euro model.
  3. alincoln

    USMNT 2022

    They added Bello.
  4. Stenson named as the next Ryder Cup captain for the euros. Stenson v. Zach Johnson, a battle for the ages
  5. alincoln

    EPL 2021-22

    Yes. EPL is the worst.
  6. alincoln

    EPL 2021-22

    The FA ruined the EPL. They never should have allowed sales to foreign ownership. EPL teams are now almost universally owned by a laughable collection of the biggest cunts in the world.
  7. alincoln

    EPL 2021-22

    Completely disagree. No one was giving Liverpool supporters the benefit of the doubt after Heysel and its fallout (the removal of English football from European competition for basically a decade). Frame by frame analysis of Hillsborough also wasn't really available in 1989. Heysel enabled both the coverup and the hostile media coverage.
  8. alincoln

    EPL 2021-22

    Your self-righteousness falls a little flat when you post a laundry list of Liverpool's indiscretions without mentioning Heysel. No question. That said, you can understand how people jumped to conclusions at the time given the coverage of Hillsborough by the tabloids and the fact that Liverpool supporters murdered 39 people in stadium during the European Cup Final four years earlier.
  9. It was woke casting ("Uhhhhh . . . my checklist is still missing fat and Asian") but it didn't work primarily because of the shockingly bad writing. She is also a mediocre actress. Not in the same universe as the guy who played Finn, but still shit. No one with a brain complained about the diversity in Rogue One (female lead, Latino co-lead, Asian, Black, Arab actors in the other key roles) because the writing was quality, the acting was great and most fans comprehend that the universal environment of Star Wars should be diverse. The sequel trilogy put its diverse and overmatched cast in a position to fail and they did so, miserably in most cases. If the writing and acting is good in Kenobi, it will be treated like Rogue One. If if sucks, it will be treated like the sequels.
  10. Holy shit. Cam with the awful duck off the 16th tee. Awful
  11. Cam going to win unless he finds water
  12. Jesus. DJ with the 63. Course record
  13. Huge shots coming up for Smith (in pine straw on 15) and Bradley (17 tee shot).
  14. Strange leaderboard which seems to happen from time to time at the Players. Two guys outside of the Top 250 in Lahiri (322) and Ghim (252) and arguably the most unheralded players in the top 10 (Cameron Smith), Top 20 (Sam Burns) and Top 40 (Tom Hoge) in the world rankings, plus Paul Casey and a guy I've never heard of (2019 Sanderson Farms Championship winner Sebastian Munoz). Someone is getting the biggest win of their career today.
  15. I thought it was an effort to avoid going to jail (i.e., sending this asshole to jail for such a brief period of time is more trouble than it is worth).
  16. alincoln

    USMNT 2022

    Weston is out. Reyna is probably out. Turner and Steffen are both up in the air. We don't have a 9. Grreggg is the man responsible for addressing these issues. We could easily finish 5th.
  17. https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2002-10-25/106933/
  18. Should be required to actually eat Subway
  19. Well that settles it. We will never hear Westbrick uttered again in an NBA arena. Westbric ... Westbrook has effectively nipped that in a bud.
  20. I don't know. Great tiktok opportunity apparently
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