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Everything posted by alincoln

  1. Yup. People forget that Muschamp went 11-2 his second year. Bowling Green went 11-3 and 9-3 in the two years after Urban left and Whittingham kept Utah performing at a high level for years after he left. Ohio State still hasn't lost a conference game since Urban left.
  2. alincoln

    USMNT 2021

    Derka thinks the USMNT/US Soccer just discovered minorities while: 10 years ago: Tim Howard, Nick Rimando, Timothy Chandler, Michael Orozco, Oguchi Onyewu, Omar Gonzalez, Fabian Johnson, Edgar Castillo, Maurice Edu, Alfredo Morales, Ricardo Clark, Jermaine Jones, Jose Torres, Juan Agudelo, Jozy Altidore, Hercules Gomez, Teal Bunbury and Edson Buddle 15 years ago: Howard, Marvelle Wynn, Cory Gibbs, Gooch, Bocanegra, Clark, Edu, Mastroeni, DMB, Lee Nguyen, Brian Ching, Charlie Davies, Robbie Findley, Freddie Adu, Brian Ching and Eddie Johnson 20 years ago: Nick Rimando, Howard, Eddie Pope, Regis, Balboa, Robin Fraser, Bocanegra, Llamosa, Stewart, Mastroeni, Sanneh, Reyna, Cobi Jones, Brian West and Jeff Cunningham 25 years ago: Balboa, Fraser, Pope, Sanneh, Ramiro Corrales, Mark Chung, Ramos, Reyna, Jones, Martin Vasquez, Dante Washington. Less players also got called up in the 90s and early 00s (around 40-45 a year compared to around 60 now). As previously noted, the diversity of the squad has increased as the USMNT and U.S. soccer has evolved from a predominantly white sport consisting of former college soccer players to a multiracial professional one, but to claim that the USMNT used to consist of 95% white dudes misrepresents the history of the USMNT and ignores and erases the contributions of dozens of minority players who have played for the USMNT for decades. Tons of people now in their 30s, 40s and 50s in the Midwest learned to love the game of soccer watching the Crew's African-American forward line of Edson Buddle, Brian West, Jeff Cunningham and Dante Washington in old (then new) Crew Stadium win the Crew its first major trophy (2002 Open Cup). Derka has no idea and doesn't give a fuck that these guys existed or inspired tons of kids in the Midwest of all races to play/love soccer. Believe me, these dudes (who are all now in their 40s) would slap the donut out of Derka's gaping maw if he cavalierly denied their existence/influence/achievements in their presence. It pisses me off that incredible US soccer history like the early 2000s Crew forward lineup is ignored/forgotten so that a bunch of poseur ignoramuses can pretend that their current experience is more groundbreaking than it actually is. I will now move on.
  3. alincoln

    USMNT 2021

    Multiple myeloma is an awful disease.
  4. alincoln

    USMNT 2021

    A 1994 starting lineup including 3 latinos and 1 black guy doesn't exactly support your recollection of 21-22 white dudes on a 23 man roster. You are entirely incapable of admitting when you are wrong even when presented with incontrovertible evidence of your ignorance. You consistently spew nonsense on topics you admittedly know nothing about. I'm not disputing that the team isn't more diverse now, which it obviously is based on facts. I'm disputing your attempts to portray the USMNT rosters of yore as bastions of whiteness which they obviously weren't again based on facts.
  5. alincoln

    USMNT 2021

    As suspected, not brown enough for Derka. Perhaps refrain from providing history lessons to a group of people infinitely more educated on the subject at hand than you. The USMNT has never been a bastion of whiteness as you claimed (21-22 white guys on 23 man rosters is laughably inaccurate), and your fantastical recollection of its history (which you admit above that you have zero knowledge of) required correction. The USWNT, on the other, does have an entirely different history in which rosters were overwhelmingly white. Instead of lashing out when encountered by your own ignorance, try educating yourself on a topic you purport to have an interest in. Otherwise, it's just more worthless Derka diarrhea.
  6. alincoln

    USMNT 2021

    Game thoughts: The new Crew stadium is fantastic. There was a sprinkling of Costa Ricans in attendance but the atmosphere understandably lacked the intensity of a US-Mexico game. I live around 20 minutes from the stadium and was home 25 minutes after the final whistle. McKennie and Dest were dire the first 10 minutes but then settled into the game and we controlled the game from there. Dest dominated his flank even when he was giving the ball away early. Costa Rica had no answer for him and he was loving it. Constantly pumping up the crowd and his teammates. Great to see from him. The Costa Ricans were noticeably slower everywhere on the field than their American counterparts and we actually used our speed to our advantage. I do think that we could press even more aggressively with our front three. We have the youth, legs, and depth to put the slower CONCACAF defenders under more consistent pressure. Musah is a beast and compliments Weston and Adams very well. He has continuously carried the ball forward from defense to attack and no one in the pool (other than Puli) can consistently provide those driving runs. Gregg clearly likes him and it will be very interesting to see if he maintains those three as his first choice MF. Puli obviously slides right back into the lineup for Weah but I'm not sure where Reyna goes. Aaronson works so hard for the team and does so much dirty work in pressing and winning the ball back that I'm not sure Reyna does. I also don't know if you want to disrupt the MF that started against Costa Rica. Fortunately we have a brilliant manager more than capable of resolving this difficult issue to everyone's satisfaction.
  7. alincoln

    USMNT 2021

    And Clavijo, Ramos, Balboa, Hugo Perez, Mastoreni, Reyna and Llamosa. Probably not brown enough though. Maybe Derka just watched the USWNT in his youth.
  8. alincoln

    USMNT 2021

    Alright dudes. I'm heading over to the stadium at 5:00 ET. Hopefully they don't kick people out for booing our fearful leader.
  9. alincoln

    USMNT 2021

    Berhalter has made much worse moves. Turner's distribution has always been a weakness and it was a liability against Panama.
  10. They have to be careful. A divorced manny is relatively fucked.
  11. Anecdotally, the househusband/manny population has exploded in the past decade in the burbs. There is an even larger number of men who "work" and have college degrees, but who are essentially diaper carriers/child taxi drivers. From what I can tell, these guys have relatively stress-free lives (other than coming to grips with their wife being pounded over the desk by another partner in the firm) in no small part because the wife/mother continues to also perform an outsized share of the domestic responsibilities compared to men who are the breadwinners. An emasculating existence without question, but it has its advantages.
  12. No. Those are the profile pics of the posters on this thread.
  13. Unanimous #1 Georgia? Good example
  14. Racist fanbases clearly don't negatively impact recruiting or winning in college football.
  15. alincoln

    USMNT 2021

    It's emblematic of playing safe by design (ggg's awful tactics) instead of putting the opposition under pressure, the slow pace of play of the MLS lifers (players who came to the US and will never get back to Europe) and a lack of confidence/skill of the MLS lifers in attacking. These weaknesses combine in a shit stew to somehow provide Panama a goal scoring opportunity when the US should have, at the very least, had the ball in the Panama box. This is all on ggg because he is picking players who simply aren't good enough for international soccer and telling them to play safe instead of putting Panama under pressure. Pussy soccer basically.
  16. alincoln

    USMNT 2021

    It demonstrates that despite how pathetically slow the US players are to move the ball, they can still progress to a dangerous situation because of how poor Panama is. If the US moved the ball with speed and precision, their advantage would have been even greater because less Panamanians would have recovered to defensive positions. #3 and #15 on the left side are brought back into the play by Arriola hesitating and Acosta's stupid pass to Zardes (who actually does relatively well) instead of to Musah or directly to Lletget. Lletget completely ends the play by cutting back instead of going one-on-one. If Lletget gets past that defender, the CB has to make a tough decision whether to come to Lletget and leave Weah basically open on goal. If you can't take on a Panama defender in that one-on-one situation, you shouldn't play for the USMNT.
  17. alincoln

    USMNT 2021

    Berhalter's USMNT is perfectly encapsulated by Acosta's first touch and the back pass from Lletget. The US hasn't scored in the first half for 8 games running. I will try to heckle Berhalter on Wednesday.
  18. So he gets fired next week?
  19. alincoln

    USMNT 2021

    Austin will likely always be in the running for a qualifier against the Caribbean nations and Canada. The qualifier in 2029 against T&T should be electric.
  20. US and Mexico have had extremely similar results so far. Mexico beat Jamaica at home 2-1. US beat Jamaica at home 2-0. Mexico tied Canada at home 1-1. US tied Canada at home 1-1. Mexico beat Costa Rica on road 2-1. US beat Honduras on road 4-1. Costa Rica and Honduras both have 3 points through 4 games. Mexico tied Panama on road 1-1. US tied El Salvador on road 0-0. Panama and El Salvador both have 5 points through 4 games.
  21. alincoln

    USMNT 2021

    What a carrier Musah is at 18. Crazy. Depleted Jamaica but still
  22. The most surprising aspect of the incident is that Urban gets that obliterated in public.
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