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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Harvdog

  1. The 80’s started with Linda Kim took over the mid 80’s
  2. Susanna Hoffs is a total smoke show. I watched ”The Allnighter” in HS just to see her. Any chick who looks like that and played the guitar.....damn. Good call
  3. Proof that the media is biased and completely full of crap. Brian Davis is a wanabee Kirk Bohls. The Statesman is unreadable. Not shocked that the $9.95er’s jumped all over an opportunity to claim they were right. Morons
  4. Bring out the gimp IMG_0794.mp4
  5. Ketch typing up his newest report
  6. A feast fit for a new coach and Futureman’s date with his fist.
  7. Someone queue up Rapgame Larry and Ceddy.......
  8. The only London team I support is Brentford. My team that I have followed since 1984 is a little further north
  9. That’s quite a history since 2003. Thank god for the Russian oligarch and his money or Chelsea would be Portsmith. Let me know when you get above 30 trophies.
  10. Chelsea would like you to hold their cup of tea
  11. I think this is a test from inside Belmont. They are leaking stories to see who runs with it and if they report. Best way to smoke out a rat is to see who runs when given the only exit
  12. Futureman’s pucker hole when he reads an update
  13. Nothing like a perfect brisket on a Sunday afternoon
  14. Really good place. Been to the one downtown Columbus and in Dublin. Not as good as Vic and Anthony’s. They have a solid wine list and all the steaks have an Ohio State football theme.
  15. But....but.....but...they are the 1st runners up! Advantage Jimbo.
  16. She looks like a manly Lisa Ann
  17. Urban just said he needs infrastructure like Alabama. 1. Weight guy 2. Recruiting coordinator sounds like he just made his case
  18. No one goes back to OB. That would be like Tom Hanks crashing the Fed Ex plane to get back to his Castaway status with Wilson on the Island. Its a crime if you post and pay Geoff Ketchum anything more than a squirt of piss. Good riddence Troll
  19. His cousin, Mike Hunt, is totally legit and trustworthy. People will do anything for a piece of Mike Hunt.
  20. PETE Thamel is an idiot but he is a mouthpiece with reach
  21. My buddy in Columbus said UM is tight with Thamel and to see what he writes. He also confirmed 7/$84M and all the other stuff reported. He thinks it's going to happen.
  22. Bronte, Eden and Robert Lee don't have much to offer other than a Town and Country with gut grenades and a filthy bathroom.
  23. A few comments over the last 20 pages: 1. Mayo is disgusting. Mustard is the only thing for a burger or a hotdog 2. San Angelo is a shithole. My ex-wife is from there so maybe it clouds my judgement but when you have to drive 90 mins to Midland or Abilene for fun, you live in a shithole 3. F-150. Had one for 3 years and it's the best truck.....period 4. If Wal-Mart had beaches, they would be in Destin 5. Someone needs to get futureman some lube and anal nitrate. He will need it. 6. I hope CDC shit cans Tom on the tarmac after the game Saturday, ala Pat Hayden to one Lane Kiffin, and makes him hitchhike back to Austin. 7. Called a buddy in Columbus who is a tOSu letterman and at first he said no way.....his tune is changing. He went from 0% to 80% Monday-Wednesday. He had the same talking points as the article did. Legacy, health, wife, Fox gig and he doesn't need the money were all thrown out. If that was true, he could just say ”I am not coaching again”....but he hasn't. The restaurant never came up. They might get rid of his choice of Steak at Hyde Park though.....😁 Let's get UM
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