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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Harvdog

  1. I was the same way. 8th wonder is my new go to for, local Houston beer that hasn't sold out. I do have a 12 pack of Crawford Bock in the fridge.....
  2. When Herman is fired and UM takes the job, I will drink a G2 and Tito’s and not pour an ounce out for the fraud that was Tom Herman.
  3. FCB just posted a VIP update......anyone?
  4. Charcoal House in San Angelo. Burgers, fries and the best steak fingers ever. They also had the best BBQ sauce I have ever tasted.
  5. Being that it was a euphemism I will expound. We literally have received the ass to mouth treatment from OU, in-state 5 star recruits and the media has killed us. Our recruitment of high caliber players has sucked. They would rather go to Norman, Tuscaloosa or Columbus than rot in Austin. They have basically shoved their dicks in our collective asses and then shoved it in our mouths all while flipping off their home state to go play elsewhere. That’s cool no the coaches and development. UM will change that. Open the truck, give him whatever he wants and let’s her back to winning
  6. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaaf/bigten/2018/08/02/urban-meyer-career-timeline-ohio-state-florida/891819002/
  7. 10 years of getting Buttf’d in the mouth by OU, in-state recruits leaving and national media highlighting all the mistakes doesn't sit well with the BMD’s. They want to win. CDC wants to win. UM wants to be the first to win MNC’S at 3 different schools. Texas has the money, the players and his ego would love to bring Texas football truly back. Hire him and prepare to win
  8. Never heard anything bad aboutUM at Bowling Green. Never heard a peep in Utah. So Urban had some players that ran wild at UF? Mack had his fair share of players who were boneheads. Brock Edwards? Robert Joesph? Every big time school has it's share of guys that break rules. Zack Smith is a piece of sh!t. UM had an unbelievable sense of loyalty to his grandfather. That was his mistake. I never heard a single statement about issues at a Florida involving women. It wasn't until ZS had his legal issues that things were said. If UM wants to coach again and go for a MNC at a 3rd school, I am all for it. This team lacks leadership and player development, Those are UM’s strongsuits. Hire him, flip a couple of recruits and prepare to win. All the snowflakes and piss off.
  9. It will be great to see Urban develop all this talent. MY will really open things up without Herman trying to control everything. Is it 2021 yet?
  10. Can you imagine when these kids get out of school, don’t make it to the NFL and now need to get a real job? How funny would it be for their potential employer to go on Twitter and announce their top 3 for a job....then push the 2 hats of the schools those not selected attended off the table only to pick some other person and then the employer says “respect my decision”.
  11. Harvdog

    OU at ISU

    Spencer Ratler looks like a guy who uses Axe body spray just to be a bigger douche than he already is
  12. I think he wants the attention. He’s sitting out this year and that won’t help him. No one cares when you aren’t playing. He went to Florida and turned his back on his friends and talked all kinds of shit about his Texas HS football. Not smart. I would bet on either Alabama or A&M. Either way, best of luck to him and maybe he will follow through on the package deal promise. That will be a nice badge when him and James Brock transfer to Texas A&M Commerce so they can play.
  13. He basically let the world know that he couldn’t beat what was here and he knew a kid a year younger than him was better. He didn’t want to compete. Not exactly the kind of player you want. You want guys that want to compete. Iron sharpens Iron but butter melts and you get all greasy. Best of luck Jalen. Looking forward to whipping you and the Brocks in 22/23.
  14. I am shocked. This team is getting an identity and we have some talent in and on the way!! Hook’em
  15. That’s what I heard. He’s a classic example of what happens when a 16/17 year old is given the spotlight by every college coach in the country. It went straight to his head. If I was The coach at Tompkins I would tell him to pound sand.
  16. Have to laugh about Tunmise. I would say he’s going strictly SEC. it will be between Florida, Alabama or aggy. At this point I don’t care where he goes. I don’t think he’s as good as what we have or what we are getting. I did hear that he’s coming back to Katy for his senior year. Wonder how they will accept him after all the shit he talked about IMG.
  17. Herman came into to cook the cake and found out that he was missing the oven and some ingredients. I thought Charlie was a good guy but he sucked as the head coach at Texas and he screwed us for the last 5 years. Blaming Herman for not winning more with what Charlie left him is like hating a Chef on a Chopped because they could make Eel’s brain, Honey, pomegranates and bourbon taste like a turkey. The first class that we brought in has been solid. His 2 OL signees will get drafted in the higher rounds. Both Cosmi and Kerstetter were 3 stars. The proof is 5 years after he starts. I remember all the haters on LonghornFanZone screaming for Mack to be fired after 3 years. He worked out ok. Give Herman his time and sees what happens. Winning changes everything. It’s up to Tom now
  18. So the last 10 years made your kids, who evidently grew up bleeding burnt orange, choose Alabama over Texas? So recruits that were here under the last 4 years of Mack and the sh!t show that was Charlie were the deciding factor? Forget that the first 2 lineman that Herman signed in Austin will be high draft picks...So they had zero interest in changing the narrative? Instead they are taking the easy route and just being sheep who follow and not someone who leads? Hell of a job you did there, Blake. You raised 2 boys who don’t have the balls or heart to make a difference. I give Luke high marks for putting in the hours to help his team and a big middle finger to the “twins” who decided to follow the path of lesser resistance.
  19. So let me get this right....some Bama Fuc Boi wrote a post gloating about Bama taking away some legacy recruits and he warns their fans that the language may be offensive? Bama fan should probably put down the moonshine and plead the 5th when it comes to being offensive. You can thank your lucky stars Colt got hurt or we would be 8-0 against you. And don’t worry, you will get your chance to see if we are back in 2 years.
  20. If they were serious about Texas, they would have committed. The only reason they waited was Covid. Some kids care about bringing back the swagger. They want to put in the work and be known as the kids that brought Texas back. Sam is that way. Vince was that way. Bijan will be apart of that. The Brocks wanted it handed to them.....they didn’t want to put in the work. So enjoy Bama and move there. You made yours choice and it wasn’t your home state or the school that made your dad.
  21. Who was the last True FR All-American at LT? Recruiting is funny. Christian Jones, Isiah Hookfin, Tyler Johnson.....all good recruits that have had at least a year in the program. I still remember the run on shower rods when Walker Little chose Stanford and we had to settle for Sam Cosmi and Derek Kerstetter. It worked out ok. Point is, they didn’t want to be here. They bought in to Alabama, the SEC, and Sagan.... so enjoy it. That’s now your school. I personally can’t wait to kick the living shit out of them in 22 and 23.....kinda like a certain running back who decided to go north because Texas was good for winning games but if you want to win MNC’s you go to Oklahoma.
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