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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by 'stache

  1. 16 hours ago, immortal13 said:

    The big problem for the DA here is that the most appropriate charge for her crime is murder. I'm not a lawyer or legal expert, but my understanding is thar in the state of Texas manslaughter is supposed to apply to acts of recklessness only. Not deliberately pointing a a gun at someone and pulling the trigger. The odd circumstance in this case is that she thought it was her apartment, in which case what she did would have been legal. Her simple mistake, or drunkenness or whatever contributed to her decision is irrelevant, or under Texas law it is supposed to be.  We shall see.

    I am a lawyer, and I'm quite certain the statute also says "provided that, it shall not be a crime for a police officer, whether or not on duty, to shoot and kill a large drug fueled black person, as all such incidents are deemed to be self defense regardless of any other surrounding circumstance."

    Another part of the statute defines "police officer" as "any white person" and "large drug fueled black person" as "any black person."

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  2. 1 hour ago, mop said:

    Obviously, you know next to nothing about John aside from what you have read in the few hastily written articles that have been published. John had built his entire life around getting to that island for 10 years. He first felt called to those islands in high school (he was 26/27) and had made most of his life choices around preparing to be on that island. His heart was to love and serve them and become one of them.  He wasn't on a short term mission trip, he was moving there for the rest of his life or until they understood how much God loved them.  Obviously, if you are materialist reductionist, this will seem the most absurd thing imaginable, but try to imagine that people can actually think differently than you.  Within John's worldview, he was going to love and serve the North Sentinelese.  


    “You guys might think I’m crazy in all of this but I think it is worth it to declare Jesus to these people. Please do not be angry at them or at God if I get killed. Rather, please live your lives in obedience to whatever he has called you to and I’ll see you again when you pass through the veil. (Don’t recover my body). This is not a pointless thing—the eternal lives of this tribe is at hand and I can’t wait to see them around the throne of God worshipping in their own language as Revelation 7:9-10 states. I love you all and I pray none of you love anything in this world more than Jesus Christ. 

    Soli Dei Gloria, 

    John Chau, 
    November 11/16/18

    You seriously don't see the absolute arrogance and vanity in a statement like this?  Would you feel the same if he were a Muslim looking to make them understand the greatness of the prophet?  Christianity is the world's largest religion, and yet 2/3 of the planet does not follow that particular form of religion.  Why does this guy and many others feel so confident that their version is right, so right that everyone should agree, even a society of people who have survived for 60,000 years without the need for that particular form of belief?

  3. There is no way she had a “reasonable” belief it was her apartment. She may have in fact thought that (still skeptical) but that belief is not reasonable. As I recall reasonableness is tested by way of the ordinary person. An ordinary person does not mistake another persons apartment for their own. And if her story is right that she was new to the building and the floors look similar a reasonable person would pay extra attention and in any event wouldn’t be so sure of themselves to blast another person with a pistol. Nothing about any of that is reasonable.

  4. well agree to disagree then.  i don't think he had a savior complex.  not from reading what he'd written.  i think he was doing it out of obedience, not vanity.  

    It absolutely was vanity. I’d posit that most people who act like this do so not because they care about others but to show others how super duper extra bigly Christians they are compared to all those “cafeteria” Christians. Just personal observation and I’m sure you disagree but I’m right and somewhere inside you agree but can’t come to admit it.
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  5. Is this your first Garrett presser? I can get more information out of my cat than what he surrenders at his meetings with the public. I heard David Moore put in this perspective. JG made the conscious decision to distance himself from the public as much as was possible. To the extent that we mock him as a robot. It is by design. He doesn't give a damn if we, the great unwashed, connect with him in any way whatsoever other than the title beside his name. Jerry has his back. As much as Jerry has anyone's back. He loves him like a son. Jerry is prone to this. This is known. 
    It does not mean that because he is distant, aloof, reticent and robotic with us that he is the same with the team. He has made that bargain. He will be his true self with them but not us. I am fine with that, but I ain't listening to that shit. 

    Yes it was my first. They happened to play it on Sportscenter. I don’t particularly give a fuck. I still think he’s a shitty coach who has a slight chance at changing my mind this year. If we win I could give a fuck about his press conferences. I fully expect however to lose several more games this year to shittty teams and miss the playoffs. I’m thinking a ten point loss to the fucking giants or something.
  6. this thing is swirling out of control (his control) faster than trump can follow it.  the noises we hear from him are the bleatings of tomorrow's barbecue as it feels the first knife break the skin of its throat.

    Bullshit. All he has to say is “fake news” and his worshippers (i.e. 90%+ of republican voters) will believe him. That is and always will be under his control. Plus, he still makes libruls mad so it doesn’t matter if he’s a traitor. Only lib tears matter. ‘Murica.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Your Mom said:

    Ham, of any kind and quality, is the second-most boring meat you can get.  Only turkey is worse.  I'll occasionally make a ham and salami sandwich, but only to take advantage of the ham's blandness and be able to add more meat without the salami becoming overpowering.  But on it's own... fuck ham.  

    You, sir, are in the correct thread.  Wow.

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