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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by 'stache

  1. "She shouldn't have dressed that way."
    Look, there's a confluence of factors, but the ultimate responsibility is on the person who has the power of life and death in his hands -- the cop.
    Running away isn't a death penalty offense.  Mouthing off to the cops isn't a death penalty offense.  Maybe they're DUMB.  Just like wearing a hooker outfit into a biker bar would be dumb.  But the ultimate responsibility falls on the shooter/rapist.
    And underneath it all, ask a simple question.  If this had been a white kid hopping fences in your neighborhood, with his phone in his hand....would he have been as likely to be shot by the cops as Stephon was?  Come on, man.  Cops have a quick enough trigger finger to be problematic as hell.  When the target is black, that trigger finger is even quicker.

    The National Review article makes a lot of good points. The information was that they were looking for a vandal, possible burglar. A very small fraction of a percentage of these types are looking to shoot and kill anyone especially cops. Sacramento hasn’t even seen a cop die on duty in 20 years. Why on earth does a cop in that situation think this unknown person who may have been vandalizing windows is a threat to their lives? Unless you know the person your following has a weapon and has killed or is looking to kill, the risk to the cops safety is astronomically low. Why are we okay with them going straight to deadly force? And why do we think that a vandal is somehow worthy of death? There are a million reasons he may have been in that situation. Tons of people make really poor decisions at some point in their lives and all it takes is some point in time to turn around. Nobody deserves death for vandalism or even burglary. I can’t fathom anyone who thinks it’s okay because he was doing something wrong. Have we completely lost any sense of proportion?

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  2. I find that most guys who bitch about “working 12 hour days” are exaggerating and are lazy as fuck and use it as an excuse to bitch about others being lazy. The fact that he posts this tells me he’s a lazy fuck but throws out “12 hour days” to feel superior. It’s also possible she works too and maybe just came home got into her fat clothes and is relaxing. I don’t trust the story from the bitchass who posts this. Finally, he’s married or otherwise attached to her, so even if she is a fat lazy slob, he’s clearly no catch himself since she’s the best he could do.

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  3. Might as well get my first post out of the way here with my current daily drinker.  Seems apropos. 

    How long til Bob gets sued again for webname? Maybe a strategic partnership is in order? I’d buy the shit out of Surly if it were available locally. Btw, just found out the iPhone suggests this when you type surly.

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  4. The deconstructed Bomb was $30 for a 4 pack. Not worth it so far.
    DR18 is a bargain at $15/6 pack.

    I got it for $24. It’s more of a novelty and fun for a tasting. Not something to stock up on, so I was fine with the price.

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  5. Picked this up today. It’s very different.
    Definitely pick up the sweetness of the corn in the mashbill that is so dominant in the True Blue but it’s got a good spice from the rye and the finish is a mix of coffee and chocolate.
    It’s good and was only $40. Think it will make a good OF.


    Where did you find this? I assumed it was only at the distillery and would sell out on release date. Is it in the wild? Does the distillery still have some for sale?

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  6. Treated a friend to happy hour last night at a trendy cocktail bar and found out that they have George T Stagg for $25 a pour.  Never seen it in town so couldn't pass it up.  Man, there's a lot bombarding the palette.  I thoroughly enjoyed it and thought it was worth the cost.

  7. Is all of the other content on TV "actively insulting 63 million Trump voters"?  

    They consider anything that doesn’t kiss their deal leaders ass as an “active insult” from the librul cabal. But everyone else is a snowflake, lol.

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  8. 20 hours ago, Randolph Duke said:



    "Aggies, he said, were held in very low esteem..."

    One of my favorite lines in all this aggy stuff.  I'd buy a tee-shirt with that quote.

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