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Everything posted by CurlyDumps

  1. I enjoyed The Staircase as someone who has been interested in the case ever since I saw the original docuseries back when we were still getting Netflix in the mail. Thought it sagged and got kinda boring around episodes 5-7, but I enjoyed the last 30min or so and loved the ending.
  2. One of Barkley's finest moments. And that's a high fucking bar.
  3. A walk up three when he has a defender on his heels. Gonna haunt him for a long time.
  4. Well that got fun for a bit there. Boston-GS should be a good time.
  5. That stolen 3 points is officially a thing.
  6. lol Oladipo. What an awful shot. ball gama
  7. Refs trying to take this shit over.
  8. Williams getting stripped inside giving me slight Texas last season PTSD
  9. Wow, WTF?! His heel didn't come down. They just stole 3 pts from the Heat!
  10. And PJ just shouted out Draymond.
  11. Wow. What a performance. Love this for PJ. Funny thinking back to last night, when Draymond was being interviewed after the game, and said something like, "let's be real, it's gonna be Boston." I think Miami heard that.
  12. They need to fucking review restricted area or not? Jesus Christ.
  13. This silence is delightful.
  14. At least he cuts it himself unlike Lebron who asks the waitstaff do it.
  15. Not a good look getting cucked like that at home. Another fake 1 seed - congrats on trying hard in the regular season though!
  16. Nothing says “We quit” like letting Draymond go coast to coast.
  17. So an unheralded, undersized prospect drafted in the back half of the second round only became a great defender because he got star treatment from the officials? When did the shot callers running the NBRA get together and decide to pluck this random player out of obscurity and play starmaker with him? Because I assume it had to be before he anchored a top defense for a team that had one of the best seasons in NBA history.
  18. Going to Animal Collective on Friday. I've seen them once like fifteen years ago. All I really remember is the white bred southern chick I brought being like, "what the fuck is this..."
  19. I'm a regular listener. Bart Scott gif.
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