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Posts posted by thrillhammer

  1. 6 hours ago, DanRydell said:

    I’ve mostly enjoyed it but the editors and Jeff have been really focusing on trying to force sappy “inspirational” moments which has been pretty cringey.

    the past 2-3 seasons have been like that.  it is cringey.  the sappiness and heart sting manipulation is one thing, but he's also getting more blatant about tooting his own horn and playing up the show.

    one thing though, that contradicts the diversity emphasis that has been not so subtle, the only two black girls were one of the first two voted out.   the only three guys that got votes last night were the only three black guys on the show.   


  2. 57 minutes ago, HenryJames said:

    Dovetail will serve pizza, salads, and pasta. The first will include pies like the spicy Italian with Italian sausage, mozzarella, and chilis; meat (a mess of pepperoni, sausages, mortadella, and coppa); crab (which will be paired with roasted corn, cherry tomatoes, and chili crisp condiment); and the BitterSweet (with smoked eggplant, ricotta, sweet and hot peppers, and arugula). The pizzeria notes that it won’t offer the pizza staples of pepper flakes and parmesan; rather, it’ll have chile crisp and herby-vinegar oil for additional flavor drizzles. Manley, who is also McGuire Moorman Lambert’s corporate director of baking, developed the pizza dough. There will be a gluten-free option too.

    kids aint gonna eat that shit.  there better be some cheese pizza on the menu if they want it to be family-friendly.

  3. 46 minutes ago, ousux said:

    Airmailing passes assumes he doesn't hang on to the ball like it's the last one on earth and he really wants to keep it...for a sack and 4 yard loss.

    **Sidesteps incoming flying shoes from LT mafia**

    or, god forbid, he were to throw it at the feet of a receiver that's fallen in the backfield.

  4. Just now, BurntOrange&White said:

    Overshwon is not good.



    He's a great athlete who plays linebacker. He's not a great linebacker or even good.

    we'll see come draft time.  i think he'll do fairly well in the nfl.  as for now, he's one of our leading tacklers, one of our hardest hitters, and consistently around the ball.

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  5. 16 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    Fond memories of the one in the spot that P Terry's now occupies.

    on lamar and 33rd?   i lived about 4 blocks from there for about 8 years.  went there all the time, plus they delivered.  great family-run place.  

  6. 23 hours ago, Augustus said:

    I don't know what to say to anybody who isn't enjoying this series, especially the last two episodes.

    It's pretty impressive to me how good this has gotten considering everything up to this point is still prologue for the actual story, which is the Dance of Dragons.

    Aemond is clearly grown into a badass character that'll be fun to watch, especially given the stare down between himself and Daemon.  It's a very big deal that House Velaryon will be allied to Rhaenyra and Daemon but sucks that the little warrior cyclops snaked the biggest, baddest dragon out of from under them.  I did like his response to Cole, "I don't give a shit about tourneys."  He just wants to kill people for realz.

    Paddy Considine absolutely delivered as Viserys, taking the character well beyond what anyone expected, including GRRM, who told him "your Viserys was better than my Viserys."

    I think Emma D'arcy has been great as Rhaenyra, I'm liking her portrayal more than the younger actress', which I did enjoy.  I can barely tell a difference between the two actresses playing Alicent.  Nice to have Otto back in King's Landing causing trouble.

    Turns out it was worth paying close attention to Helaena's mumbling over the millipede/whatever that was.  She's clearly got the gift of prophecy.  

    Kind of weird that a guy like Ser Harwin Strong, who was an absolute badass, sired such undersized, un-intimidating children.  It'll be interesting to see how Daemon and Rhaenyra's kids turn out.

    i dont know if we're not enjoying the series.  we watch it every week and post here every week, i just think superfans and nerds dont like the criticism.  its no got.  its a forced takeoff of it, a greedy capitalizing on the popularity of got.  

    how many years have passed from episode 1 to now? 20 or so?  enough for at least 10 characters to have aged so much that they had to change actors, yet daemon and otto miraculously havent aged a bit.   in the first episode it was clear that otto and alicent were threatened and alarmed and were planning on subverting viserys proclamation that rhaenyra was heir.  we all knew it.  everybody in the audience knew it, everybody in the red keep knew except rhaenyra.   8 episodes later we are in the exact same position.  alicent and otto still selfishly undermine the kings wishes.    we all know it, the entire audience knows it, everybody in the red keep knows it except rhaenyra.


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  7. the season finale is this sunday?  seems like not much happened this season.  and i totally disbelieve that the heir to the iron throne would be so passive and naive, especially with a badass warrior husband.   everyone knows alicent and her dad are trying to undermine her rule, she walks back into her childhood home and its redecorated with alicents symbols, alicent is sitting in the position of the king at all council meetings, and acting as the king, and rhaenyra just says i think i'll go back to dragonstone.  fuck dragonstone.  she should have never left the red keep, she should have never let any of this happen.  if you're the heir to the kingdom act like it, don't let your enemy act like it instead.  makes no sense.  she comes off as if she has no plan and no clue what's going on around her.

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  8. 4 hours ago, perfectchaos007 said:

    I guess the 4-6 week time table was right all along 

    most doctors would say 8.   ive thought all along there was some undue rush and pressure to have him back.  cedric golden's article this morning is a prime example.  he is dead wrong.  we can win with card.  we have to win with card.  ewers can not be reinjured or he will be out for the season, maybe his career.  we can win without him.

  9. 22 minutes ago, Codaxx said:

    Cool, I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express and can tell you it was a SC sprain.

    oh, by all means then lets rush him out there.   lets let a 300 lb motherfucker running 20 mph wearing hard plastic all over him charge right into his not a bone and see how quick he comes back the next time.

  10. 1 hour ago, Fud said:


    "Texas redshirt quarterback Quinn Ewers is fighting to play against West Virginia on Saturday but his shoulder will need to improve dramatically for that to occur.

    According to multiple sources, Ewers is still feeling pain near the breastbone after throwing this week. Unless that injury dramatically improves this week, Ewers will miss another game and Hudson Card will start this weekend.

    Ewers traveled to Lubbock for his team's recent game against Texas Tech. He participated in pregame warmups but was the third quarterback during drills. Unfortunately, for Longhorn fans, Ewers was not close to 100 percent and only threw soft passes."

    we dont need ewers.  card is serviceable.  he is not the reason we are losing games.  it's playcalling, clock management, and defense.  ewers needs more time.  jesus.  it's a fucking bone for christ sake, and its only been two week.   sure, its not his throwing shoulder but if he gets slammed to the turf on it he'll be out for the season.   and what are the odds he'll get slammed to the turf on it?  pretty damn high.

  11. 26 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    Preseason Hype

    if you'd asked us preseason what unit gives us the least amount of confidence we'd have probably all said the kicking game.  if you'd ask us now what units gives us the most confidence we'd probably all say the kicking game.   the offense and defense is not good.  worthy's td was the first td by a wr 4 games in?  that's ridiculous.  bjian has been on the heisman watch list two years running and sark is not using him as if he wants him to win it.  the defense played a great game against bama but then went back into hiding.   tech was 6-8 on 4th downs?   expect no team to punt on us for the rest of the season.  why not just consider you have 4 downs to make 10 yds?  we havent proven that we can stop anyone.  we put fear in no one.  we will be run roughshod over until we can make teams respect us.  until then expect to see joy and jubilation and a shitload of horns down from the other side.   

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