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Bender Bending Rodriguez

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Posts posted by Bender Bending Rodriguez

  1. The Rewatchables podcast did an episode on Dazed. I thought one of the more interesting notes about the movie is that Pickford was supposed to be one of the major characters, but he (21) hooked up with Mila Jovavich (16 at the time) and even got married, which later got annulled by Jovovich’s family. The cast was mostly annoyed by the whole thing and especially him. Linklater is very big on natural dynamics and relationships between the cast, so he slowly wrote him out of the movie and turned MM’s bit part into a much bigger deal. MM was famously known to be an instant hit with the mostly non Texan cast.  It’s why you see Pickford a lot at the beginning, but not towards the end, and vice versa for MM. 

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  2. My absolute favorite television show of all time as a kid. Like a lot of great shows in that area era, it over extended its run and limped to the finish line, but it’s peak was funny as hell. Just a great concept for a show that allowed for a core cast to deal with a diverse general public. And the core cast was fantastic. I particularly liked the interactions between Dan/Harry and later Dan/Roz. I’ve always kinda felt Newsradio was its late 90’s clone.  

  3. The SNL guests (Spade, Sandler, Baldwin, etc..) all make for very interesting and entertaining discussion, but it does come off as either lazy producing or they're having real trouble getting A-List quality guests beyond those handful of guys.

    Sending Richard and his wife to the Super Bowl is an awesome gesture to a seemingly good-hearted dude regardless of who paid for it, even if it did require him to create some show content in exchange.

    Doing Super Bowl material two weeks after the Super Bowl because you took a two week vacation after the Super Bowl is lame as hell and something Howard would have slammed other shows and hosts for doing years ago.

  4. It's been background TV in my house a handful of times and besides the predictable, formulaic aspect to it, what kills the show is the bar owners are typically impossible to root for. Mostly just dipshits who scraped together a few bucks for a bar they thought would be a non stop party. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. Memet got serious airtime around Fall of 2018 and that lasted until springtime or so in 2019, then fell off the planet. The feedback had to have been that listeners just didn't like him. He over played the millennial stereotype to an unlistenable level. He basically portrayed someone who embodied every negative characteristic one generation could be known for. It's been all Brent's soft swinging and Chris Wilding ever since.

  6. 1 hour ago, Tommy Nobis said:

    Like i said, they have 4 fucking days to rest next week. That’s weak.

    If the Astros do it right, they have an intense month of baseball awaiting them after that four day break. The magic number is 1 (2 for all MLB) and regardless of grabbing the overall 1 seed, Hinch wants to ensure that he gives Verlander and Cole their well deserved A-Team lineup for the last two games of the season. Also gives Hinch and Luhnow another chance to evaluate the Round Rock kids.

  7. My house in Atascocita looked like it was going to flood around 10am. By 11 the rain slowed a bit and the water almost completely drained. Water got disturbingly close to the front door and the cul-de-sac was completely flooded. Good thing the rain finally slowed down. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, RollLeft said:

    I'd like to see the loud but odorless variety on the list of acceptable farts.  The silent but deadly have to go.  

    The morning thunder farts can be like this. Typically the result of swallowed air overnight while sleeping. They can lift a leg up off the ground, but don't typically send the children running for the hills like a post steak dinner bomb.

  9. Pearl Jam has always been great on the funeral/coping with death songs. They have several, these three resonate the most with me.  

    Man of the Hour is an all-timer that I’ve instructed the misses to play on my behalf when she inevitably outlives me:

    Light Years is about struggling to understand why a good person is just gone:

    ..and I recently came to the realization that the very melancholy sounding Parachutes is about counting down to the inevitable with a loved one:



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  10. 1 hour ago, UTexasFight said:

    That will be a great time to go.
    Went mid-August last year when they played the Tigers.
    Nice ballpark and really enjoyed Minneapolis.

    I’m already planning the Minnesota trip for next July. I went in August 2015 and had a great time with some friends. Great weather that time of year, there and really nice stadium. I like downtown ballparks where you can stay, eat/drink, and watch the games without having to rent a car. 

  11. 8 hours ago, Rimbo said:

    You remember back in 2017 when we had that amazing game where we were down by some retarded number of runs to the Twins and came back to win? It was the game that showed the team they were World Series-ready.

    I'm wondering if the no-no game wasn't that same game for the 2019 squad.

    Yep, it was a Monday afternoon game on Memorial Day. Down 8-2 in the 8th, they scored 11 in the 8th and 3 in then 9th to end up winning 16-8. Put them 20 games over .500 before June.


    Minnesota even tried the cheap home field trick of calling a bullshit rain delay in then middle of Springer’s at-bat to slow down the momentum. He said fuck your bullshit rain delay to slow down the momentum and kept the hit parade going 30 minutes later, then scored the go ahead run. 

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