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Bender Bending Rodriguez

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Posts posted by Bender Bending Rodriguez

  1. 8 hours ago, Rimbo said:

    You remember back in 2017 when we had that amazing game where we were down by some retarded number of runs to the Twins and came back to win? It was the game that showed the team they were World Series-ready.

    I'm wondering if the no-no game wasn't that same game for the 2019 squad.

    Yep, it was a Monday afternoon game on Memorial Day. Down 8-2 in the 8th, they scored 11 in the 8th and 3 in then 9th to end up winning 16-8. Put them 20 games over .500 before June.


    Minnesota even tried the cheap home field trick of calling a bullshit rain delay in then middle of Springer’s at-bat to slow down the momentum. He said fuck your bullshit rain delay to slow down the momentum and kept the hit parade going 30 minutes later, then scored the go ahead run. 

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  2. Every team has an MLB assigned “natural rival” in the opposite league. Those two teams play two 2-game series every year. The Friday off day thing happens when one of those two series unavoidably falls on a weekend. It also happens in the games played in Mexico, but that’s on purpose as MLB has both teams participate in entertainment events the Friday before the weekend series. 

  3. Earlier today, the Mariners decided to sit Leblanc and let their bullpen throw the entire game. Hinch  wanted to keep the set off day for Brantley in tact and with the righty-lefty swithing turns nature of bullpen, he decided he to maintain the lineup he already scratched out.

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  4. XO Steakhouse in downtown is a solid, upscale steakhouse place and that strip of bars and restaurants by the Cavs arena and Indians stadium is fun. I’ve been to Cleveland a few times for work and it can be fun for a couple of days. Weather should be decent. 

  5. "That was a static filled, triple scrambled, microwave transmission between two soldiers talking in Mandarin Chinese!"

    "Well, the Chinese were only using a simple polyphonetically grouped twenty-square-digit key transposed in booster-verdonic form with multiple nulls. I broke it with this.”

    ”a drogan’s decoder ring? They put those in cereal boxes for kids!”

  6. Stephen Lynch was great. Saw him live about ten years ago. Hilarious and very talented. The two songs about being Satan and Jesus’ brother Craig are all timers. Funny, funny dude. 

  7. Great thread, I grew up watching comedy and still love the art of stand up comedy. I remember watching Comic Strip Live as a kid every Friday night and trying like hell to remember the jokes for Monday at school. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Rimbo said:

    By the way, am I the only person who's noticed that Collin McHugh's slump started immediately after his Neo™ moment?

    He was really good immediately after the Neo-moment for the remainder of that start in Oakland. He gave up zero runs over 6 full innings that night.

    The wheels came off in his next start and the next three after that. 24 ER over 18 innings. Yikes!

  9. Tracy Morgan is like Tom Arnold in that he's just so fucking amped up it's hard to listen to.  The interviews are best when the guest converses with Howard, versus performing some kind of act.

  10. Anothe vote for Monterrey/Carmel. If you've got a week, that entire part of the California coast kicks ass. Especially considering you both like good beer, wine, food, nightlife and history. We flew into San Jose and spent five days driving around the  area and stayed at multiple hotels. It ranks right up there with any of the transatlantic trips we've taken. 

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