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Posts posted by triplehorn

  1. This is damn horrific - study shows almost 8 of 10 infected with covid have persisting cardiac abnormalities irrespective of health status or severity of illness.

    JAMA: Outcomes of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients Recently Recovered From Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

    - 78% of Covid-19 patients had abnormal cardiac markers “independent of preexisting conditions, severity [illness]"

    -Cardiac function remains impaired in most recovered patients, even middle aged people.

    -Lymphocytes can invade the heart, causing edema and fibrosis.  Cardiac fibrosis.

    -Persisting impaired cardiac function nearly as likely in outpatient cases as hospital cases.



    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 16 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    While there are likely undiagnosed cases, she is supposedly a doctor who would both make a diagnosis and send it to the appropriate officials so that it be counted as a case.

    Katy has 250 total cases of all ages, but let's take a deeper dive.

    Fort Bend County has 6530 total cases.  8% or, 534, of Ft Bend County cases are 18 and under. 

    Harris County has 66195 total cases.  Roughly 9,000 are aged 19 and under. 

    Waller County has 349 total cases.  Let's say they're all kids.  Can't find the percentage.

    A quick zocdoc search shows 164 pediatricians in Houston.  There are more than that when it comes to specialists and practice groups.  Anyway, if we split up every pediatric case in Harris, Fort Bend, and Waller Counties equally, that's 60 covid patients per doctor.  This also excludes all the pediatricians in Fort Bend and Waller Counties who would bring that number down if they were added.  And it also assumes that every pediatric case actually received medical attention even though we already know that the majority do not.  And it assumes that people aren't choosy with their pediatrician, even though Houston has some of the finest in the world.

    TL:DR.  She's a liar.  There's no way she saw 350 covid patients.


    First, I'm not propping up this doc.  Never heard of her until yesterday and watching her lose it in that outside interview made me cringe.  But I don't think she's lying.  In listening to her rant, I did pick up that she said what sounded like sick Covid patients are coming to her from the greater Houston area outside of Katy.  Traveling less than 30 miles to see a physician for specialized treatment is pretty ordinary.  So i wouldn't call her a liar based off of a comparison to absolute caseload of Katy proper. 

    She's brought a national spotlight on herself, so I expect the digging to proceed at full steam ahead.  We'll know soon enough if she's a fraud or just a truthful well intentioned doctor who still has some cultural beliefs that carry over from her life being raised in Nigeria.  A lot of physicians have different religious beliefs, some consider it magical thinking, but that doesn't influence their telling the truth and helping people to the best of their ability.

  3. 48 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    So it's your contention that the FDA is wrong in cautioning against HCQ prescription for CV19 because of concerns related to abnormal heart rhythms?


    Nothing to see here?


    I'm well aware.  Yale epidemiologist Harvey Risch MD PhD spoke to this in his recent article in Newsweek.



    Third, concerns have been raised by the FDA and others about risks of cardiac arrhythmia, especially when hydroxychloroquine is given in combination with azithromycin. The FDA based its comments on data in its FDA Adverse Event Reporting System. This reporting system captured up to a thousand cases of arrhythmias attributed to hydroxychloroquine use. In fact, the number is likely higher than that, since the reporting system, which requires physicians or patients to initiate contact with the FDA, appreciably undercounts drug side effects.

    But what the FDA did not announce is that these adverse events were generated from tens of millions of patient uses of hydroxychloroquine for long periods of time, often for the chronic treatment of lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. Even if the true rates of arrhythmia are ten-fold higher than those reported, the harms would be minuscule compared to the mortality occurring right now in inadequately treated high-risk COVID-19 patients. This fact is proven by an Oxford University study of more than 320,000 older patients taking both hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, who had arrhythmia excess death rates of less than 9/100,000 users, as I discuss in my May 27 paper cited above. A new paper in the American Journal of Medicine by established cardiologists around the world fully agrees with this.



    Read the whole damn article.  Don't expect to find anything about demon seed.




  4. 8 minutes ago, trauma babe said:

    I'm hoping that it's zero patients, not because of HCG, but due to the rest of her medical "beliefs" or whatever you want to call them. Though, if she really is treating people with HCG, I'd be interested in what she's doing to monitor her patients' heart rhythms (as they are presumably seeing her on an outpatient basis). 12-lead ECG machines aren't cheap, and I don't think a lot of general practitioner offices bother with having one. 

    I can't speak about applied human chorionic gonadotropin, but the safety of hcq has been long since established.  To my knowledge a screening EKG is not even recommended in people who do not have known cardiac health or conduction problems. The drug is over the counter in a lot of countries around the world and the number of adverse events recorded during routine use of this medication is almost undetectable in relation to the tens of millions of doses taken over the last 60 years. Safety is not the issue at all.  It's an irrational scare that materialized in the US out of thin air back in March.  How and when during the course of illness it's use is best applied and to what quantifiable effect is still open for further clarification.  But 65 studies and counting show positive results, particularly when used as early as possible and prophylactically.  

  5. 9 minutes ago, trauma babe said:

    Hopefully, the number of people she has actually treated in Texas is 0. 

    At least 350 around Katy, evidently, and reporting zero deaths.  Somebody show she's lying or hiding even one patient dying of heart block and it's open and shut.  I'll hang up and listen.


  6. 3 hours ago, Captainant said:

    He retweeted her pro-HCQ position and it has of course gone viral (pun intended) in the GOP and twitter-right. 

    I'm sure @triplehorn is giddy from another source backing his position. 


    Sad, not giddy.  A 100% uniquely American shit show.  Our numbers reflect it in so many ways.

    This Dr. Stella won't convince me about anything regarding Nigerian demon sperm, but I don't believe she's lying or deluded about no deaths occurring in 350+ patients she's treated in TX.  Quite a lot of docs in TX prescribing this regimen and taking it themselves prophylactically.  They're keeping it in office with their patients and choosing to not draw public attention to themselves, for reasons that are all way too obvious today. 

    Most health care providers are accustomed to seeing people every day who are misinformed, have odd personal beliefs about medicine, and who routinely use bad judgement that negatively affects their prospects for health.  It kind of pays the bills.





  7. 1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Your track record on new theories panning out isn't so good.  I'll wait.

    Like the ukraine whistleblower thread that led to the third ever impeachment of a sitting president.  I’ll give you that one jj lol

  8. 22 hours ago, triplehorn said:



    Prince was a SEAL.  This man is a Marine.  opened his twitter account in June.


    I'll give this a few more days before starting a new thread on it, but I think it's lit.  No blue thing on his account that's doubled in the last 24hr, but the detail is pinpoint.  This is the kind of detail that lands you testifying under path on the Hill:


    I think he approached and already is cooperating with Congress (House).  I also suspect he's done it with known others also coming forward to the House.  In the second re-quoted tweet above he says "Others will tell the Libya and Russia side of the story."  To whom?  To Congress.  What is the last and only not entirely corrupt body that can investigate and publicize evidence of this scale and kind?  The House.  If shit's coming down and you're in a position to get silenced from very high levels, what's the best place today to go to talk about stuff of this scale and kind?  The House.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. Here's a follow-up article to the large Israeli study demonstrating the importance of sufficient Vit D levels for fighting/limiting Covid infection:

    Vitamin D helps us fight Covid-19, major study finds - Israeli population-based study supports research showing that vitamin D supplements could help people avoid serious respiratory effects of Covid-19.


    A low level of vitamin D in blood plasma appears to be an independent risk factor for Covid-19 infection and hospitalization, say scientists from Israeli HMO Leumit Health Services and the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine of Bar-Ilan University.

    The researchers came to their conclusion using real-world data and an Israeli cohort of 782 Covid-19 positive patients and 7,025 Covid-19 negative patients.

    “The main finding of our study was the significant association of low plasma vitamin D level with the likelihood of Covid-19 infection among patients who were tested for Covid-19, even after adjustment for age, gender, socio-economic status and chronic, mental and physical disorders,” said Dr. Eugene Merzon, head of Leumit’s Department of Managed Care.

    “Furthermore, low vitamin D level was associated with the risk of hospitalization due to Covid-19 infection, although this association wasn’t significant after adjustment for other factors,” he added.

    The scientists’ research follows a few worldwide studies that have shown the pronounced impact of vitamin D metabolites on the immune system response and on the development of Covid-19 infection by the novel SARS CoV-2 coronavirus.

    “Our finding is in agreement with the results of previous studies in the field. Reduced risk of acute respiratory tract infection following vitamin D supplementation has been reported,” said Dr. Ilan Green, head of Leumit’s Research Institute.

    As for the amount of vitamin D required, Merzon says it should be “personalized and take into account patients’ age, gender, race and ethnicity, nutritional status and health condition.”

    Their report on the study was published in The FEBS Journal and is expected to make a wide impact because of the study’s size and population-based structure.

    Fascinating findings

    Dr. Milana Frenkel-Morgenstern, leader of the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine research group, added that the analysis showed people who were Covid-19 positive were older than non-infected people.

    “Interestingly, the two-peak distributions for age groups were demonstrated to confer increased risk for Covid-19: around ages 25 and 50 years old,” she said.

    “The first peak may be explained by high social gathering habits at the young age. The peak at age 50 years may be explained by continued social habits, in conjunction with various chronic diseases.”

    Leumit Chief Medical Officer Dr. Shlomo Vinker said he was surprised to discover that “chronic medical conditions, like dementia, cardiovascular disease and chronic lung disease that were considered to be very risky in previous studies, were not found as increasing the rate of infection in our study.”

    However, he added, “this finding is highly biased by the severe social contacts restrictions that were imposed on all the population during the Covid-19 outbreak. Therefore, we assume that following the Israeli Ministry of Health instructions, patients with chronic medical conditions significantly reduced their social contacts. This might indeed minimize the risk of Covid-19 infection in that group of patients.”

    Now this joint Israeli research team is planning to evaluate factors associated with Covid-19 mortality in Israel.

    “We are willing to find associations to the Covid-19 clinical outcomes — for example, pre-infection glycemic control of Covid-19 patients — to make the assessment of mortality risk due to Covid-19 infection in Israel,” said Merzon.


    While there is a lot of attention being paid to adaptive immunity, like antibody formation, it's important to keep in mind the essential role T cell mediated immunity plays in fighting novel infections.  Adequate Vit D levels play a significant role in T cell mediated immune responses.

    I saw this graph depicting the relationship between Vit D blood levels and Covid infection:




    The pink column represents normal range (ie 30 ng/mL).  For general purposes, taking 5000 IU of Vit D3 should get you at and above 30ng/mL within a few weeks if your levels are insufficient.  There is a potential for Vit D toxicity at levels above ~150 ng/mL but that is very rare and seems to happen only with gross misadministration.  Blood level testing is a good idea if folks are on prolonged high dose Vit D.

    So adding any med that can even slow the rate of viral replication might allow enough time for a decisive T cell mediated victory over Covid with adequate Vit D.  Just a hunch, but I don't think the T Cell immunity just snaps into peak function with a loading dose of Vit D in those who are deficient.  There's likely a sequence of cellular/molecular events that take days to weeks to correct to optimize the role for immune response.


    • Hook 'Em 3
  10. 'These are his people': inside the elite border patrol unit Trump sent to Portland

    Bortac, a quasi-militarised outfit equivalent to the Navy Seals, has been deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan

    Bortac?  Navy Seals?  Sounds like Erik Prince.


    More concerning still is that the federal officers deployed in Portland, ostensibly to protect federal property, were spearheaded by an elite unit, the border patrol tactical unit. Better known as Bortac, it is a quasi-militarised outfit equivalent to the Navy Seals.

    Todd Miller, the author of Empire of Borders, has dubbed Bortac as “the robocops of US border patrol”.

    Operating largely in secret, Bortac agents are trained for Swat-style raids on organized gangs smuggling immigrants or drugs across the US border. They have been deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as in many Latin American countries.

  11. 23 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    nothing like spilling some concrete evidence that the 2016 election was bunk 90 days before the next fucking election.  super great timing, gregg.

    If there's any meat at all, best case is tipping off the public now comes only well after relevant officials have been informed.  And it very well may be that he's not the one that's going break news, just that he was involved and knows what's coming out.



  12. 9 hours ago, F250 said:

    These dudes have been under investigation for years. I find it difficult to believe Gregg Smith suddenly was overcome with a patriotic duty to spill the beans. I question the legitimacy of this account but if it's real this is probably a Michael Cohen type mea culpa. Prince and Smith are fucking vile pieces of shit.


    Assuming for the moment it's the real Gregg Smith, what would separate what he's indicated is going to drop from all those other investigations is that this is apparently about Prince's involvement in "fucking with the 2016 election" which he suggests contributed to tipping PA, MI, WI electoral outcomes.  What's more important than Prince et al going to prison over past transgressions?  That whatever they may have succeeded in doing in 2016 doesn't happen again.  Whistleblowing has that very effect whether or not anyone gets punished.  Waiting until this late also has a perhaps unintended effect of allowing less time for a well coordinated Plan B to get hatched.

    As Noel Casler described in the podcast I linked last page, so many people knew for years about Trump's insanity and unfitness and chose to not speak up in 2016 out of the belief it was impossible for him to ever actually get elected.  In 2020, people are looking at stopping a repeat of the 2016 playbook as opposed to ratting people out so they go to jail.

  13. Wow.  They all fucking knew. 

    This is something to watch when you've got a little free time.  As NYC and LA insiders, they all offer a unique insight into the respective compartmentalized cultures that fed this Trump catastrophe.  Also, surgical repair of his nose from cocaine addiction/Trump properties/Felix Sater/Russian mob/Jeffrey Epstein.


  14. Generic over-the-counter mucolytic medication, bromhexine, showing signs of efficacy against Covid in this RCT in Iran with collab from U of Arizona and U of Toronto:

    Effect of bromhexine on clinical outcomes and mortality in COVID-19 patients: A randomized clinical trial

    Note these are patients who already have progressed to advanced illness/pneumonia.




    Mechanism of action thought to be inhibition of TMPRSS2 transmembrane protease involved in viral entry to cell via ACE2 receptor.  This is a different path of inhibition than other agents under investigation, which means it potentially could be used in combination with other meds/mechs of action to achieve a greater therapeutic effect.




    Used safely in adults and children


  15. 11 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

    I appreciated this map's providing perspect on the supposed terror in Portland.


    The protest area is concentrated now and there isn't any appreciable new property destruction.  You can go 2 blocks in any direction and not know what's happening outside the Fed courthouse.  Peaceful protesters are mostly policing themselves against outliers.  The last 3 nights, the feds have been progressively spending less time making a show of force and tear gas seems to be getting used less.  The fence in front of the courthouse is still not getting torn down or breached.  Protesters were rattling the cage last night, making noise banging on it shouting "Feds go home" but not much more.  Feds announced over bullhorn that they were about to start arresting people for fucking with the fence.  The thousand or so protesters crammed up against the fence simply stopped banging on it and watched the faceless building.  No feds came out to make arrests.  Then it picked up again with less fence involvement.  News coverage of this will move on while this cat and mouse game continues indefinitely until the shadow brutes leave.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  16. 3 hours ago, F250 said:

    Depends on what the Feds do. The Portland protests were tapering off until the Feds showed up and took things to 11. The current state of protest is a reaction to Federal engagement. The BLM Movement and city of Portland can't really settle things when the Feds are pouring gasoline on the fire and fanning the flames.

    The shadow military rollout in DC Lafayette Sq got everyone's attention.  AG Barr and Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley walked alongside Trump in that violent photo-op.  Gen. Milley immediately and publicly expressed regret for appearing there.  So it got hobbled from the start.  And now no one is buying the "city in anarchy at the hands of antifa" trope.  I'm hearing people here not forgetting that police and criminal justice reform is necessary, but that this militaristic force turned on peaceful protesters with snatch and grab and use of blinding munitions is dangerous as hell.


    1 hour ago, tantric superman said:

    So how does this thing end?

    I realize they do things differently than I do in Portland, and I'm too damn old to go out there and protest every night, but does this move into a stage of purely peaceful (no law enforcement escalations) at some point, and if so, when?

    I don't see this as negatively affecting anti-Republican voting at this point unless it escalates even more.  From a purely selfish, don't give a damn about Portland desire to see all the Republicans thrown out, I'd like to see things cooling down by early October.

    The protest will continue with or without the militarized feds there, but will die down to normal portland_prolonged _protest (could easily be months), and move on from national attention once the feds leave.  I've been watching some live periscope protest feeds from downtown the last couple nights.  It's looks like they're leaving the fence alone, not defacing it or trying to breach it or pull it down.  No fire setting, but there are fireworks randomly getting set off.  I've seen a couple times where it looked like fireworks got tossed over the fence but not clearly at a fed.  All throwing shit over the fence should stop.  The leaf blower brigade is organized and effective.  If the perimeter fence is left alone and shit doesn't get hurled over the fence, this will stall and completely bleed out any benefit Trump imagines.  And now ACLU already has a hold of a leg.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  17. Paper on observational study that shows how critical sufficient levels of Vit D are to weather Covid infection:

    Vitamin D Sufficiency Reduced Risk for Morbidity and Mortality in COVID-19 Patients



    Method: Hospital medical records were analyzed from inpatient database of Sina Hospital COVID-19 Registry (SHCo-19R). The data include demographics, laboratory measurements and computerized tomography results. Vitamin D sufficiency was defined a serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] level of at least 30ng/mL.

    Results: The hospital data of 235 patients infected with COVID-19 were analyzed. The mean age was 58·7 years ± 15·2 SD. Based on CDC criteria, among our study patients, 74% had severe COVID-19 infection and 32·8% were vitamin D sufficient [25(OH)D≥30 ng/mL]. After adjusting for confounding factors, there was a significant association between vitamin D sufficiency and reduction in clinical severity, inpatient mortality, serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP)and an increase in lymphocyte percentage Only 9·7% of patients older than 40 years who were vitamin D sufficient succumbed to the infection compared to 20% who had a circulating level of 25(OH)D< 30 ng/mL.

    Discussion: The significant reduction in serum CRP, an inflammatory marker, along with increased lymphocytes percentage suggest that vitamin D sufficiency also may help modulate the immune response possibly by reducing risk for cytokine storm in response to this viral infection. Therefore, it is recommended that improving vitamin D status in the general population and in particular hospitalized patients has a potential benefit in reducing the severity of morbidities and mortality associated with acquiring COVID-19.



  18. 23 hours ago, JohnLocke said:

    Yeah, I don't get why people are so closed minded about this. Good video, thanks. It's not just the fringe medical community on this. Here's a Yale epidemiologist saying widespread use could save tens of thousands of lives in the U.S.: https://www.foxnews.com/media/hydroxychloroquine-could-save-lives-ingraham-yale-professor

    We need something better, but HCQ is safe, and appears to be the best we've got right now to take on an outpatient basis.



    I want to follow up on your Risch interview.  This morning the Yale prof had an op-ed published in NewsweekThe Key to Defeating COVID-19 Already Exists. We Need to Start Using It

    Risch makes a reference to and explains what was recently observed in Switzerland.  France Soir did a story on this .  The graphic explains it pretty clearly:



    On big pharma (this case in particular, Gilead😞

    "Now primarily a marketing machine to sell drugs of dubious benefit, this industry uses its wealth and power to co-opt every institution that might stand in its way, including the U.S. Congress, the Food and Drug Administration, academic medical centers, and the medical profession itself."

    - Marcia Angell, former editor-in-chief of the NEJM, The Truth About the Drug Companies


    • Like 1
  19. 6 hours ago, JohnLocke said:

    Yeah, I don't get why people are so closed minded about this. Good video, thanks. It's not just the fringe medical community on this. Here's a Yale epidemiologist saying widespread use could save tens of thousands of lives in the U.S.: https://www.foxnews.com/media/hydroxychloroquine-could-save-lives-ingraham-yale-professor

    We need something better, but HCQ is safe, and appears to be the best we've got right now to take on an outpatient basis.



     Yes.  thank you.  

    In the same vein, the Florida Broward retrospective Ivermectin results are now out:  

    Use of Ivermectin is Associated with Lower Mortality in Hospitalized Patients with COVID19

    Findings show a significant mortality benefit in severe cases, but statistical significance not reached on more moderate cases.

    Listen to this interview with Drs. Jean-Jacques Rajter and Dr. Juliana Cepelowicz Rajter as they discuss Ivermectin In Broward County and their experience from inception.  Check out what they talk about re politics and forces they encountered related to big pharma starting at 13:30 and 23:30 as well as their message in the final few minutes. 





    It's sad that given we are lacking organized non-corrupt guidance at the federal level, what that also means is that we really are adrift and subject to the influence of forces aligned with maximizing profit, not saving lives.  This story is no different than what has been observed with HCQ in the US.  It starts with physicians treating actual patients and using trial and error within established safety bounds to understand if and how to help.  When motivated physicians directly involved in saving lives find something offers material benefit, and it's not in the financial interest of big pharma's financial bottom line, pharma moves its well oiled levers at their disposal to manipulate public perception, influence actions of federal bodies like the FDA, and gum up the works for peer reviewed publication.  Sounds sinister, but hey, it's just money they're after, not making actual life decisions for sick patients.

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