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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. 3 hours ago, shadow_operative2.0 said:

    For the old school Steak & Ale fans. 

    When we left Europe and moved back to the states in '86, I remembered seeing the TV ads for Steak and Ale and thinking "This must be one of the fanciest places in the country!". Then I went once as an adult and I said to myself "Really? This?". 


  2. Some dumb bitch called me at work at 4:52 PM yesterday. Who does that?? If the clock reads almost 5, just wait till tomorrow. I remember as a teenager working at Best Buy, some fucker would always want to run into the store 5 mins before closing to buy a fucking CD. 

    • Like 3
  3. 8 hours ago, midtown said:

    I spent 6 hours yesterday site seeing in panama. Walking. Getting in an out of a van 30 times. Standing in line. I feel like I was in a car accident

    I was in London a couple of months ago, did a lot of walking. After the second day, my left knee felt like it was full of broken glass and both calves screamed when using stairs. I felt much better a couple of days later but to this day, my knee explodes when I straighten it out. 


    • Rage+1 1
  4. I was talking to my coworker, we've both been working here for almost 15 years. We were discussing this guy that used to come in all the time and how he had died some years ago. I remember rolling my eyes at the old women that used to work here when they'd blab about some person from 1987. But it dawned on me that we were now the old people in the office, standing around talking about shit that happened a decade ago, but no other employees have been here long enough to remember this one guy. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Saint Tacky said:

    Talented. Polarizing for certain.

    I always felt like it was a big deal when McCarver was broadcasting. Made it feel more important. I felt the same way when Billy Packer was doing basketball games. Now both are gone and I feel old. 

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  6. 9 hours ago, 52-80 said:

    The fact that the Superbowl insists on using roman numerals in its name. 

    Motherfucker I aint trying to translate numbers when you tell me michael jackson performed at SB XXVII. 

    In fact, drop the number, just use the calendar year. Who the fuck knows when 27 was?

    They stopped for one year, for SB 50, because they didn't want to have a big "L" by itself on the uniform. They should have used that as the pivot to regular numbers from then on. But no, let's cling to the past. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. My brother in law did this once. He was wearing Crocs (LOL) and he said his shoe got stuck around the pedal somewhere and he drove into the front of a Payless shoe store. Nobody was hurt but he was mortified. The worst part for him was a few weeks later, he went to the dry cleaner next door to the Payless to pick up his clothes and a couple of employees recognized him. "Hey, you're the guy that crashed into the Payless!"; he quickly denied this and left. He went home and told my sister, "Fuck, I have to find a new dry cleaner now. I can't go back there again!". 

    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    She's causing the "near wrecks".

    Nah, I drive with her all the time and she's fine. She's just a drama queen. Raining outside? It's a "torrential downpour!". Windy out there? "The wind is INSANE!". Guy driving really fast on the interstate? "OMG that guy is a FREAK! He almost hit someone!". I tease her all the time about her "script", she won't even deny it.

  9. My wife often calls me on her way home from work to discuss our dinner options. It's amazing how many "near wrecks" she sees on the highway, or how many times she has had to avoid an accident. Strangely, all of these terrible drivers seem to stay home whenever I happen to be driving us somewhere. It's almost like she's being overdramatic, but that would be ridiculous.

    • Hook 'Em 5
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    • Rage+1 1
  10. On 2/8/2023 at 9:45 AM, SilasCoade said:

    she does a Mia Khalifa impression

    Do you watch her when she's banging the black guys or do you give her some privacy? /s

    But I agree, somewhat. I choose my battles. I don't care how she decorates the house or if she takes her mom shopping. But I reserve the right to make fun of her when she says something dumb. 

    • Drool 1
  11. My MIL's cousin called her the other day. Told her he's got 3-6 months to live, he's in his early-mid 70s. He's got melanoma and can't do any chemo/radiation due to his heart condition. He and his wife have an adult son (40s) with special needs. They're trying to find him a home, as his mother will not be able to care for him on her own. My MIL is pretty torn up about it. Only met him a few times, seemed like a nice guy. 

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  12. My kid came by last night to pick up some mail and shoot the shit. It was nice. But the best part was when she called over the dog so she could pet him and he didn't really pay her much attention. She said (not very seriously) "Why are you being so distant??" and he just looked away. I laughed internally and said "Ah, I'm not the only one!". We had a great visit and I look forward to the next one.

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  13. 4 hours ago, Gatorubet said:

    This post is in no way meant in a negative way

    No negativity taken, sir. I've been in therapy a few times and it was great, I wish I had the time (and money) to go every week. 

    I don't feel like my relationship with my kids is damaged at all, or that they're acting in an unreasonable manner. Funnily enough, I just got a "Hey, thinking of you" text from one of them. Pretty cool.

    I think it boils down to I'm just scared of the unknown and maybe I'm trying to latch onto those things that are most familiar, like having my children around 24/7. But they had to grow up and leave at some point, why not now? I'll get over it in time. Reading the posts in this thread (and venting) has and will continue to help me. So, thanks for that.

    • Hook 'Em 6
  14. 16 hours ago, cactusflinthead said:

    Try to not take it personally. There's a greater than zero chance they have shit going on and just didn't respond. 

    Being available later is better than nothing at all. 

    And don't beat yourself up for getting yourself something cool. It serves no purpose. Unless you told someone besides us, you're the only one that is really going to know. You made it clear they are welcome to come by. That's enough. You did what you are supposed to do. Feeling guilty about a nifty new whatever isn't going to make them call you. 

    Just keep being available. 


    I think my issues (and I 100% accept that these issues are mine, and no fault of my children) stem from my upbringing. I was a military brat and didn't grow up around family, at all. Never spent time with grandparents, uncles, cousins. Only met my maternal grandparents 5 times, I think. Later, my older sister got married and left when I was 15. I never learned how to make familial connections, or maybe I just thought that you don't get close to people, as they'll be gone soon enough. So I find myself teetering between being bothered that I don't have as much contact with my kids as I would like, or being fine with moving on in my life without thinking much about them. 

    Being a grandparent is not something I feel good about, either. I never had a "real" grandfather. My dad's dad died before I was born. My mom's dad just wasn't interested. I don't know how that relationship is supposed to work. My instinct is to just not get involved. I feel a lot of pressure to do things "the right way" but I honestly don't know what the right thing is. Just thinking about it makes me want to just walk out the door and drive away to parts unknown. Why???

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  15. I know this is going to sound very "Cats in the Cradle", but here we go:

    My kids are 21 and have both moved out. One of them (stupidly IMO) ran off and got married and is having a kid. I don't approve for many reasons but there's nothing I can do. I haven't cut her off or anything like that. SHe's always welcome at the house, I still ask if she needs anything when we run to Costco or Sam's. My other kid is doing fine, and I treat her the same way. But I feel a huge disconnect between us. They haven't done anything "wrong", like something that has ruined our relationship. But I find myself pulling away, more and more each day. They don't communicate well, that doesn't help. Takes days from them to respond to a call or text. I don't want to be up in their business all the time, just don't text me 2 days later if I ask you to come by and get your new insurance card. 

    I feel guilty when I do things for myself, like buy myself something cool, or go somewhere fun, when I know they don't have a lot of disposable income. But I didn't force them to move out! They wanted to do it, I said you might want to think harder about this, you know you can live here for free, but they left anyway. They don't come to me for money at all but I still feel like they think I'm throwing shit in their face. "Dad's a jerk, buys himself stuff while I suffer!", that's what I worry that they might think. And I can't be a part of that, I pull away. Maybe I subconsciously feel like them moving out means that they don't want anything to do with me anymore? Like I have to distance myself as a petty revenge? 

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