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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. 4 hours ago, camel at sea said:

    as Texans and Okies watch college football, the viewership for the new Big 12 will be pretty good

    Every shit-eating ou fan I know likes to drop the old "Ah alwayz root fer OSU when they ain't playin' Oh-Yew!" any time bedlam comes up in discussion. So I guess that means we're bound for huge Neilson numbers. Or whatever they use now.

  2. Quote

    First paired in 2009, Verrett and Everett made magic together, forming one of the great SportsCenter duos of all-time.

    there’s something to be said for the on-air bond Verrett and Everett shared for so many years. Viewers will miss their easy chemistry as late-night co-conspirators, kindred spirits who made reading highlights fun.

    I've got nothing against either of these guys but how much "magic" could there have been? I know who each of them are, individually. No idea they did SC together. 

  3. What's with the guys that don't wash their hands after taking a piss? If you're in there alone and you skip it, whatever. But when there's someone else in the bathroom, these guys that only do the most cursory splash of water on their hands, no soap, is just dumb. You KNOW they think it's wrong to not wash up because they do the bare minimum of washing and it's only so YOU won't think they're a fucking pig.

    Either stand firm to your no hand-washing stance or wash your hands like an adult.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 15 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    We don't know that it was friends who dared him - it could have just been somebody who saw a drunk dude and took the opportunity to goad him into jumping

    My BIL goaded my then teenaged nephew into eating 6 hot dogs during a cookout. "What, you ate 4 but you can't eat 6 of these? Weak!" I left not long after and I was told the aftermath was quite unpleasant. /csb

    • Haha 2
  5. On 5/29/2023 at 9:35 PM, YGIFS said:

    I guess they could dubbed her Queen of Pop, but as you say...it was a money pivot later in his career when there were hordes of female pop singers.

    I always thought Madonna was the Queen of Pop. I could've sworn I've heard that somewhere. 

  6. On 5/5/2023 at 6:53 AM, CooterBrown said:

    Realtors will tell you it’s a minor detail but it’s a minor detail that will piss you off 100% the time you live there.

    When I was selling my old house, the "staging expert" my wife knew told us we should take out the TV in the living room to "make it look better. No one wants a TV in the living room". I reminded her that we were still living there and would like to watch TV, so I declined her advice. Do these morons think that no one in America watches TV? Like a prospective buyer would turn down my house because there was a TV in the living room?

    This woman also said I should swap my bedroom around 180 degrees but could give me no reason when I asked what this would accomplish. Thank God we didn't pay her anything. 

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  7. I almost fell down the stairs here at work. Don't know if I slipped or my knee gave out. I was able to flail out and catch myself on the railing but I scraped my knuckle on the brick wall. Also, my knees are screaming from having to suddenly bend and take all of my weight. My big toe is on fire as well, I think it got caught under me.

    Now, as hilarious as that is, I can't lie. After some of that nervous laughter you get after you avoid a serious catastrophe, I got scared. What if I had just smashed my face on the landing or worse, broke something? My heart was pounding like a mofo when I was telling my coworker about this. If I wasn't busy today, I'd just go home. #pussyalert 

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  8. 1 hour ago, tejas60 said:

    every woman I know has just about every fucking thing you can imagine in their purse.

    Except for that coupon/gift card/receipt/whatever that was the sole reason you went to whatever place you went.

    "Crap! I left the *whatever* in my other purse!"

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  9. On 5/18/2023 at 11:52 AM, YGIFS said:

    There really isn't any part of my life not colored by Seinfeld.

    For me, it's one of those shows where I never watched an episode that I thought was "bad", but I never had a strong desire to watch it. I saw Jerry's specials before the show came out and I always thought he was funny. But the show never really drew me in.

  10. 4 hours ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    My wife does this and it drives me nuts.

    "I'm going to run to grab dinner, you want something"?

    Me: "Where are you going?"


    They don't care what you have to say. They just HAVE to get their words out to someone. The text is just a way for her thoughts to reach the universe. 

  11. 47 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Your experience is also stuck with the 1940's opinion that the most productive worker should be promoted to the manager role. My experience is that this person can easily be the worst manager. 

    Then what's the incentive to be productive? Because if I have the best productivity in my department for a sustained period of time and they wind up promoting Jerry, who doesn't do jack shit, then I'm planning my exit strategy.

  12. I get this call at work almost every day:

    "I have questions about the paperwork you sent me"

    Ok, what's the ID number on the paper?

    "Uhh, hang on. I'm driving and it's hard to read this, ha ha".  Or  "I don't have the forms in front of me, I'm currently driving"

    Who the fuck decides they have important questions about shit and then immediately jumps into their car and drives around?????

    • Hook 'Em 4
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