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honolulu horn

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Posts posted by honolulu horn

  1. 14 minutes ago, GotThatFire said:

     Ohio State is so stupid Lulz.  Urban is now the big rock tied to their foot and they just jumped in a lake. 

     Ohio State is now TOXIC

    I wish that were true, but I think it's more likely that Urban can now tell recruits "yeah, pretty much anything goes here and there are no real consequences, so come on in."

  2. 1 hour ago, RPM said:

    He'll be doing more roadshows, too. That's a very good thing.

    Exactly. Roadshows, taped bits, and travelogues are where he excels. Looking forward to more of those.

  3. Slayer's show on their farewell tour is great. The lineup is incredible. Napalm Death and Testament did their stuff well, although it's hard to get any energy when you're screaming death and thrash metal to a crowd baking in the summer afternoon sun. Anthrax brings great energy as always; the past ten years or so with Joey Belladonna have upped their game considerably. Lamb of God was better than usual. Randy Blythe was jumping around like a maniac and the band was very tight.

    Slayer played a great set. I'm glad they played When the Stillness Comes as the only down-tempo song because that song kills. The set list was like a retrospective look through their catalog, but tilting towards older stuff. The pyro was great, especially the flames shooting to make inverted crosses. There was absolutely no crowd banter. I think Tom Araya spoke to the crowd maybe 3 times. And no encore. They just came out and played brutally until the end. Being outside and seeing lightning begin to flash in the distance as they played Hell Awaits and South of Heaven is a definite concert highlight. I'd go see it if you get the chance.

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  4. 37 minutes ago, tchookem said:

    I'd say it's more likely the young ones that don't know who they are. 'Fly' was over twenty years ago, my bro.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

    bitch slap of epic proportions

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  5. This is my favorite early Metallica clip. They are playing Master and the power goes out. They regroup but the power goes out again. Regroup, power goes out a third time but this time the crowd doesn't care -- they takeover the song. You can see James Hetfield at around 4:15 realizing "holy shit, we are going to be fucking huge."


  6. A man answers the phone at the medical office of Schwartz, Schwartz, Schwartz & Schwartz. "Hello, you've reached the medical office of Schwartz, Schwartz, Schwartz & Schwartz, how may I help you?"

    "Let me talk to Dr. Schwartz."

    "I'm sorry, he's on vacation."

    "Ah, okay. Well, let me talk to Dr. Schwartz."

    "I'm sorry, he's in with a patient."

    "Well in that case, let me talk to Dr. Schwartz."

    "I'm sorry, he's at lunch."

    "Well, let's see, let me talk to Dr. Schwartz."



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  7. A couple of aggies meet at a bar in College Station. The first one asks where he other grew up.

    "Texas, by damn."

    "Yeah, me too. Best state in the country," says the first aggie. "What town?"

    "Bryan College Station, that's where."

    "Really?" says the first aggie. "Me too! Where'd you go to school?"

    "Jackson High."

    "Wow!" says the first aggie, shaking his head and smiling. "Me too! Small world!"

    Soon the phone rings behind the bar and the bartender answers...."Yeah, the bar's okay tonight. Pretty slow though, just me and the Johnson twins."


    • Haha 1
  8. On 7/24/2018 at 8:01 PM, jimmyjazz said:

    <not a metal guy>  Why was Lombardo playing with Metallica?

    I could say because they wanted to know what it was like to play with the best, but I think Lars was sick when they were doing one of their Big Four shows and so a few different drummers stepped in.

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