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honolulu horn

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Posts posted by honolulu horn

  1. 2 hours ago, Larry T. Spider said:

    The days off are nice but when I was teaching I had to work a side job most of those days to afford anything my friends were doing.

    I'm sorry but I'm going to go back to this. Why would you expect to make the same as your friends who are working 50 weeks a year? I get that you said it in the context of retention -- the reality of making a low annual salary is irrefutably shitty -- but it's this sort of comparison argument that starts to lose the room.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Baboontyme said:

    Teaching is hard as fuck and I wouldn't want to do it and neither would you, despite all of the "free time". It's a thankless job and I consider the byproduct of a teacher's work to be far more important than any project I've ever worked on. 

    I think teaching is probably THE most important job we have in our country, and I agree that it's hard as fuck. Maybe my experience is atypical, but the teachers in our school are thanked constantly -- with gifts, admiration, and monetary gifts. But when I show up on the first day of school and hear a teacher say to another in the hallway "Is it June yet?" the shine sort of comes off.

    • Fuck You 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Jack Burton said:

    If there's one thing I hate more than first responders and veterans, it's whiny ass teachers.

    The sarcasm is there, but there is some truth to what you're saying. Some teacher recently posted some sort of bullshit calculation saying along the lines of "if you paid me what you would pay a babysitter ($10/hour), I should be making $300,000 per year." Well, go for it then.  Find another profession if you want to get rich.

    We all understand that teachers are underpaid. They deserve more money. But it's the constant "I work so hard and put in so many hours" attitude that gets under my skin. I work long fucking hours too. So does everybody else I know.

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  4. 8 hours ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    Yeah there are a bunch of streets there.  Gun FIght, Sixgun, Gatling Gun, Shotgun, Ft. Worth Trail and Boothill.  The really ironic thing is, it's an unincorporated area, and right next to that neighborhood is small ranch where people target practice, and the neighborhood group is constantly complaining about gunshots.

    the rare triple post, wow

  5. 8 hours ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    Yeah there are a bunch of streets there.  Gun FIght, Sixgun, Gatling Gun, Shotgun, Ft. Worth Trail and Boothill.  The really ironic thing is, it's an unincorporated area, and right next to that neighborhood is small ranch where people target practice, and the neighborhood group is constantly complaining about gunshots.

    double post

  6. 8 hours ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    Yeah there are a bunch of streets there.  Gun FIght, Sixgun, Gatling Gun, Shotgun, Ft. Worth Trail and Boothill.  The really ironic thing is, it's an unincorporated area, and right next to that neighborhood is small ranch where people target practice, and the neighborhood group is constantly complaining about gunshots.

    Why is this ironic?

  7. You have your whole life to smoke weed. By the time these guys are done with the NFL, weed will be legal in many places around the country. The inability to delay gratification and focus on long-term goals is staggering when the stakes are this clear and this high (no pun intended...okay, somewhat intended).

  8. 13 hours ago, wreckatx said:

    Wasn’t there a live Janes Addiction album where Perry chastises someone for throwing a Birkenstock?

    Yes. "And this guy's a REAL moron. He threw a Birckenstock. He doesn't even know fashion!" Off of some live Ritual song, I believe, released on Kettle Whistle.

  9. I'm headed to London / Great Britain this summer with the family on our way to and from South Africa. We'll cruise around Great Britain for about 2 weeks on the way over and will be in London for a few days on the way back. Any advice regarding stuff to do with kids would be great. We'll probably focus on tourist attractions since it's the family's first time there, but any lesser-known spots or insider stuff would be cool. We're staying in Mayfair. I've been to London a couple of time for brief stops and loved it, even just walking around Soho and other random areas with no particular destination in mind, but I'm sure there are a few places that I should've stopped at but didn't know any better. GF Trumper for example sounds fantastic. Any other insider info is welcomed.

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