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Everything posted by mbtex

  1. mbtex

    Uniform Pron

    I believe those are throwbacks to the 1976 SWC year.
  2. I would think James over Valdez. James has already been used out of the pen more than Valdez. James also does not walk as many.
  3. Was it the same guy that was wearing the Astros suit last night.
  4. Keuchel's numbers against Boston are not very good.
  5. It also took them 4 minutes and they still got it wrong. Must have been on hold waiting on commissioner to tell them how to call it. It still pisses me off.
  6. I am kind of tired of the pitch location boxes also. Because all they do is piss me off seeing how bad these umps are at calling balls and strikes.
  7. Nothing will change with changing OC this is Hermans offense. Look at year 2 with UH and Wards regression. They tried to make him something he was not. Ward was criticized by Herman in year one for using his legs too much. When they tried to make him more of a pocket passer his game suffered.
  8. Heard all the same about Kenny Hill, Kyle Allen etc.. If Dabo would have left Bryant in Clemson would have been up more and game would have been entirely different.
  9. hands to his face holding these refs suck
  10. Where are the holding calls
  11. Same shit they said when Sumlin beat Bama
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