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Everything posted by mbtex

  1. http://www.fox26houston.com/news/cancun-horror-as-8-bodies-including-2-dismembered-in-bags-found-on-streets (FOX NEWS) - Eight bodies -- two of which were dismembered and shoved in plastic bags -- were discovered on the streets of the Mexican resort city Cancun, prosecutors said Tuesday. Authorities made two of the eight grisly discoveries at midnight Monday in the trunk of a taxi, Rivera Maya News reported. A man and a woman were found dead inside the vehicle’s trunk parked outside the Chedraui de la Multiplaza shopping mall, according to the report. The taxi driver fled the car before police arrived. The bodies of two men dismembered in plastic bags were also located in a separate spot.
  2. When McCann comes back Stassi needs to be sent down.
  3. MLB screwing over the Astros is just status quo. Lets play a home game against the Cubs in Milwaukee after a Hurricane. FFUUCCKK Bud Selig!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Acting weird for me to when I click load more activity it just puts me back at top of page.
  5. Al, My wife teaches and has in her classroom a section with all kinds of College logos on the wall. She has a friend that also teaches and said we needed to put up Iowa as that is where he attended. I printed out Iowa State logo for her to put up instead.
  6. Adrian Beltre plays for the Rangers so He would be of no help. Unless we trade for him. Beltran was like another Coach on the bench and they all seemed to seek him for advice.
  7. Still believe Beltran's presence on the bench is missed.
  8. Forgot about the LA start. Just seems like He is giving up more Hr lately.
  9. I am concerned about Altuve. He is the catalyst for this team. Also worried that JV maybe hiding an injury has not looked like himself the last few starts. I also expected a little more from Tucker.
  10. Like I said yesterday this Ump crew sucks ass
  11. Playing multiple positions could also be affecting his performance.
  12. Did they get the # wrong thought Morton was 50 and should be CFM instead.
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