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Posts posted by UrbanAchiever

  1. On 4/22/2019 at 11:01 AM, ToY said:

    Ran Boston.  Weather was a little unpredictable, but we ended up with a nice stretch where there was no rain.  It was a little humid and a little warm, but could have been a lot worse.   My plan was to go for 2:45 regardless and was on pace till the hills.  For the hills, I was going to not fight them and hope I still had legs to close the last 5.   Turned out I did not.   Salvaged a 2:49 without dying too much.  Cardio wise, it felt great, but the legs just did not want to turn over fast.  I'm pretty happy overall!

    Excellent job, man!! I heard some recaps, and weather seemed to be more problematic than you described ... at least for the runners in my group. I heard it rained all morning and after it tapered off, it left the air too warm and heavy. Getting under 3:00 in the conditions is very impressive. You should revel in that.  

  2. 4 hours ago, hrmaddie said:

    Congrats Clintonaldo!!  Great time!!!  

    Last marathon coming up in a few hours.  No time goal.  Just finish and move on.  I’m done with long distance for the foreseeable future.  I just haven’t had fun with it for a few years.  No regrets, I had a great run at marathons. I think I could have beaten my current PR by about 2 minutes, but that was interrupted with a triathlon and my dad turning 70.   I still really enjoying running but will race shorter distances and mix it up with some trail races or even off the wall races.  I got into good shape this go around  I finally beat my time up this steep hill and was able to log some fast miles around town, but mentally I’m spent   No excitement for towing the line these days  

    With the Texas heat around the corner time to cut my mileage back and focus getting faster on the bike. 

    I'm sad to hear that. But I understand - there's nothing more miserable than slogging through long runs when you can't find enjoyment in it. Look forward to following you in other endeavors - trail runs, tris, whatever. Good luck today! 

  3. On 4/7/2019 at 8:33 AM, HornOnTheBayou said:

    I'm looking for another 10K in the area and I saw the Longhorn Run is next weekend. Is that a good race?

    I'm doing the 5K. I ran it 3 years ago, but they've modified the course since then. It still goes around campus. The 10K follows the same course but goes up and back down through Hyde Park. I remember it being pretty flat. 

    The only thing that was kind of a mess was the start. It seemed fairly informal, like a campus fun run but with Nike as the sponsor. It's certainly not made to accommodate a large crowd, because there's not a lot of room for runners to line up. And I fully expect it to be the largest crowd ever given the cancellation of the Cap 10K. The one thing that does help is that the 10K runners go first, and the 5K runners are off 15 minutes later. That will help with crowd control.

    The biggest upside is the Nike tech shirt that you get. To date, it's the best fitting tech shirt I've gotten in a race. 

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Pasken said:

    I really hope the city finds itself in a situation with land for affordable housing but no more money to build anything and we can move the affordable units from the stadium to that land. Developing that area into a retail complex would be so much better. Bars/restaurants etc. 

    Why not both in a mixed-use project? Ground floor commercial space and housing above. And the city wouldn't be committing money to the housing portion except a little through GO bonds. It would probably be financed through whatever Foundation Communities decides.

  5. 39 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    I understand mileage increases during training before a race, but for the "offseason", how many miles is one running per week?

    (I'm fully aware some of you are insane and don't have an offseason)

    I'm keeping a baseline of 28 / week (run 4x a week) until training starts again in May. That's basically two workout days (short workout and long workout) and two easy days.

  6. On 2/18/2019 at 8:04 PM, Mach 1 said:

    I liked to Stern alot on KRock, and jumped to Sirius immediately.  I used to think he had Sirius by the balls, they'd have to rehire him or lose a shitload of subscribers.  Now I'm not so sure. I stopped listening to Stern about a year ago, mostly because his narcissistic personality became more annoying as I got older (not sure why, maybe because I had kids), but also because the bits were getting stale.  Now I listen to music and news exclusively.  The money I pay is 100% to avoid the cringe worthy shit on terrestrial radio.

    It will be interesting to see what happens when his contract comes up. I think Sirius now has the leverage to low ball him, which with his ego, would likely lead to retirement,  and we can then find out if he really has a ton of offers to do other things.  He always said he hated it and wanted to retire, but I think that's bullshit.  He likes the fame and notoriety. 

    Haven't checked in on this thread in awhile, but this is where I'm at. Listened to Stern on terrestrial radio in San Francisco starting in 2004 and then jumped to Sirius when he made the move. His content when he first got on Sirius was so good. He was finally liberated and able to do the show on his terms.

    Over the past couple of years, I just felt like they were on vacation non-stop, and I didn't really like the guests he was bringing in. I called to cancel in January because I was paying too much, and they offered me a yearly subscription which was about a third of what I was paying. The cheap plan didn't include Stern which I didn't realize at the time. Anyway, I don't really miss it that much except for Richard and Sal stuff and the wack pack content (which has also fallen off as someone else mentioned). 

    TL;DR - still have Sirius but not Stern. Won't go back to terrestrial radio. Would listen to a just Richard Christie show. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Jive Turkey said:

    I'm back from Tokyo.  Ran the Tokyo Marathon on Sunday.  It was cold and rainy, but I did PR.  Finally went sub 3:35.  Flat, fast course.  Despite a few out and backs, I liked it.

    Definitely feel like sub-3:30 is within reach.  To qualify for Boston, I'd need to go sub-3:25.  That may be out of reach.  But who knows. 

    I trained hard to run faster for this marathon and it paid off.  Did a lot more speed work than I had before.  From mile 11 to mile 22, my splits were between 7:34 to 7:55 per mile.  I was cookin' for me.  But I know there's still room for improvement.  

    I'd love to get into London or Berlin next year and go all out.

    Nice work!! Congrats on the PR and for crossing Tokyo off the list!!  As an aside, you and I have eerily similar marathon race profiles.

    • Like 1
  8. 17 hours ago, jet black said:

    Nice job smokey!

    How did everyone else’s races go? I went 1:23:03 in Houston on a lot of fatigue. Hoping to take 3:04 off of that in a couple of weeks at Katy half with a full taper.


    Well done! I know you were kind of squeezing this one in. Hope you can crack that 1:20 in Katy!

    • Like 1
  9. The Houston Marathon was very kind to me. I ran a 3:22:44 (goal was 3:25) and bested my PR by 15+ minutes. 

    The conditions were very favorable for low times - the wind dropped significantly from Saturday to Sunday, and temps stayed in the low 40s. That was my first Houston marathon, and that city knows how to put on a race. I couldn't have asked for a better experience. 

    • Like 3
  10. On 1/13/2019 at 10:23 AM, jet black said:

    Same thing for Houston full/half. But it’s not the cold I’m worried about, it’s the accompanying 15 mph wind that’s gonna make it brutal.

    I'll take bitter cold any day of the week over upper 60s and humid as Houston has been known for in the past. The colder, the better IMO.

    Curious about the wind, though. I'll keep an eye on that.

  11. Thought I would get this started and invite people to post 2019 goals, accomplishments, inquiries, etc.

    I'm doing the Houston Marathon on 1/20 with a goal of 3:25 (largely depends on the weather). I don't have anything else on the calendar at this point.

  12. 2 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    I'm not complaining about anything and don't give a shit. The context was Lobo's comment. 

    But yes, the Austin City Council has been and will always be filled with morons, regardless of your opinion on airport parking garages.

    Regardless of your feelings about Council, the airport is hands down the best run city facility. It's something the city does very, very well.

  13. 1 hour ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    congratulations austin, didn't believe PSV would pony up.  my only question is what does $3.5m to capmetro over 15 years get you?

    A new red line stop in front of the stadium. The plan is to move the Kramer stop further north and have a new one there.

  14. I ran the San Antonio half yesterday and finished in 1:38:07. I hit my goal pace of 7:30 exactly. 

    A few thoughts. First, the conditions were very favorable. Low 50s to start the race and high 50s to end. There was almost no wind, and the course was probably the flattest one I've ever run. There was a little ascent at mile 10, but they quickly reward you with a downhill as you make the turn back towards downtown. It was a corralled race which helped a ton with crowd management. I was in corral 2, so there was minimal weaving, and it thinned out by mile 2. 

    Next is the Houston Marathon, and I feel more confident going into that. I may adjust my goal time given how pleased I was this past weekend. We'll see how training goes at a little faster pace.

    • Like 2
  15. On 11/23/2018 at 1:00 PM, HornOnTheBayou said:

    I'm thinking about starting to do triathlons in the spring after the Austin Marathon. I've got plenty of running and biking experience, but I'm new to swimming races. Any gear that I should put on my Christmas wish list?

    Wife got me a waterproof iPod shuffle and earbuds several years ago. I wouldn't consider them "gear," but they made boring laps in the pool much more enjoyable. 

    • Like 1
  16. 43 minutes ago, usmc0331horn said:

    What running/training watches do y'all use and why? I'm sick of my apple watch and want to upgrade to something more  conducive to running.

    Garmin Fenix 3. It's a multisport watch and works great for the type of running training I'm doing. I highly recommend the Garmin Forerunners if you're looking for just running.

  17. Prop J was terrible. Our current land development code hasn't been comprehensively updated since 1984. It's outdated, and it's failing at every level to deliver the number of housing units we need to keep up with demand. It makes zero sense to delay changes for years when we know and have known that our current code and development processes are archaic and broken.

    I'm not saying we need another CodeNEXT, but there are at least three or four changes that can be made today that will help deliver the number of housing units needed, and those should be done immediately without a citywide election.  

    • Like 3
  18. 1 minute ago, Johnny Sack said:

    And those 19-29 year olds start paying taxes, having families, and moving right.  

    I'm 40 [insert Mike Gundy rant here], have a family, and I'm as liberal as I was at 18. I don't mind paying more taxes if it means taking care of things the boomer generation of elected officials has spectacularly failed at, primarily addressing the exorbitant costs of college, health care, child care and housing. 

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