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Biff Tannen

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Biff Tannen

  1. 21 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Is it your belief that the God of Abraham actually exists and promised the land they call Israel to the Jews? Unless you believe that fairy tale, there is no reason for there to be such a thing as a Jewish state, especially not on Arab land.

    There's no reason to have a Christian state either, or an Islamic state, or a Hindu state, etc. There should be a wall separating church and state. Granting citizenship to anyone in the world who practices your religion, but not to people who have lived within your borders for centuries just because they practice a different religion, is immoral. 

    This here.

  2. 1 hour ago, DanRydell said:


    I think it’s more likely he would say “I don’t care what he did, I still far prefer his Presidency to what Clinton’s would have been.”

    To his “credit”, Tahoe owns that nothing matters more than his political agenda prevailing. It could come out that Trump and the Russians coordinated to hack voter registrations and delete enough Democrats from the voting rolls to swing the election and Tahoe would support that as worth it to win the election.


    This is exactly what many of the trumpkins will default to in order to justify their traitorous support.

  3. 37 minutes ago, PilotsError said:

    People who are at a stop light and keep their vehicle in neutral, even when they know the light is about to turn green.  Put it in first and get ready to go, assholes.  

    a) how would you know this and b) how many people still drive sticks?

  4. 32 minutes ago, thrillhammer said:

    pedernales falls is the second closest state park, and it happens to be a great one.  colorado bend is excellent also.

    Yeah, but they book out months in advance.  I suppose I could roll up and see if they had any cancellations.  Was considering Colorado Bend anyway for day hiking to hit up the one trail I haven't done out there.  Love that place.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

    I voted.  I re-upped for the ACLU.  I call my congress-critters.  I'm doing what I can do.

    I feel like the guys who are most likely to do something about it, say, one Mr. Mueller, probably are as well. 

    My patience is wearing thin.  Mueller better have a big fucking hammer to drop by this spring.

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  6. 9 minutes ago, JimTom said:

    If there's going to be anyone getting raped in the pen, it will probably be the Muslim guy since DT has all the power.Maga-Back-Sized_900x900.png?v=1496177527

    This pic paired with the avatar is absolutely perfect.

    • Like 3
  7. 23 hours ago, UnivTex34 said:

    Yeah, looks like they just announced a mini version. It won’t be out by my next trip, so I’m likely going to pick up a NOS Delorme version, since it’s the same as the Garmin. Also slightly sad the Spot X won’t be out by my next trip. It’s an even more value option.

    FWIW, the Spot seems to be not nearly as trusted as the Delorme in the thru hiking community.

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