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Biff Tannen

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Biff Tannen

  1. I think something that the Dems and Harris need to make clear when they talk about Project 2025 is that this isn’t something they made up or that they are selectively criticizing. This is the plan that the GOP ACTUALLY PUT OUT ON THEIR OWN. Harris needs to consistently point this out. This isn’t cherry picking. This isn’t twisting the facts. Quote directly from it. Put out links to specific parts of the text from their own site. All of it is out there. Don’t let them claim conspiracy by the Dems.
  2. You'd be surprised. Some people don't pay attention for shit and get booked at super low rates. Of course, then they just cancel on you because they realize how bad they fucked up.
  3. I'm more laughing that "trump assassination" dropped off to "meh" so quickly.
  4. The other 5% are left wing anti-vaxx nutjobs like my sister. My guess is that she just won't vote if he's not on the ballot, but she's in Texas, so whatever.
  5. Let's give Kirby a 10 run lead every game. Seems to be a winning strategy.
  6. No, he says it because he wants to remain in power until he dies because he knows that is the only way he stays out of prison. And he knows his cult (and his actual billionaire backers) want the same thing so they can continue their corruption.
  7. Well, but you see, you can't take him seriously. Or something. So no need to report on this.
  8. I had friends who weren't allowed to watch The Simpsons growing up. The horror.
  9. Good fucking god. I would almost rather have dotard than him. This is like "name the dumbest internet conspiracy theories you can name and I will make them a top priority!!!"
  10. The world is a scary place man, I get it.
  11. YUP. And he knows this is their last gasp. If they win, he rides to fascist glory. If they lose, well he was done anyway.
  12. You're a child if you're offended by that.
  13. I mean, they are literally the worst team in all of MLB by like 10 games. But I'll take it.
  14. Welp, someone screwed up the performing rights or something. Dammit, it was cool.
  15. Seems like this is a worthy cross post for this thread. Fuck.
  16. D-Mo. 7-0 Holy shit. Back to back to back. 8-0
  17. Oh hello. 6-0 top 1. Let’s see if we can hold on.
  18. No jokes allowed in here either apparently, jeez Imma. I'm excited to vote against fascism. My mom (lifelong Dem) asked me how I was going to vote after Joe stepped down. I said my vote has not changed. I'm voting against fascism.
  19. Ideally he will be dead or in prison, but (assuming he loses this year) it would be quite hilarious if they did it again.
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