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Biff Tannen

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Biff Tannen

  1. Had Turntable for the first time last night too and I think it's pretty similar to House.  They expanded the taps and I think it will do fine.  It's the Barfly's owner.  Also, Homeslice pushed their official opening back to May 30th, last I heard.

  2. Quote

    Sen. Tom Udall calls on Scott Pruitt to apologize for the "disturbing treatment of journalists" after reporters were barred from entering an EPA hearing and one was forcibly removed from the EPA building.

    Fun fact: Tom Udall is the son of former Interior Secretary Stewart Udall.


    Among his accomplishments, Udall oversaw the addition of four national parks, six national monuments, eight national seashores and lakeshores, nine national recreation areas, twenty national historic sites, and fifty-six national wildlife refuges, including Canyonlands National Park in Utah, North Cascades National Park in Washington, Redwood National Park in California, the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge in New Jersey, and the Appalachian National Scenic Trailstretching from Georgia to Maine.

    Zinke, on the other hand, has successfully reduced 2 national monuments so far.  Both Zinke and Pruitt should be fed to the Kraken.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Lol at questions.

    Trump won’t be answering questions.

    It’s going to be a 30 minute tirade sermon of grievances.

    Comey, Obama, Hillary, SPYGATE, McCabe, Democrats, emails, obstruction, WITCH HUNT! Russia, Cohen, NO COLLUSION! 


    • Like 1
  4. Fuck you Hank.  I generally enjoy your schtick, but trying to pass that off as real is just a step too far.  





    That's not real right?












  5. Buzzrock, I think the disturbing part to all of us is that you are basically willing to give a president the benefit of the doubt when it is blatantly obvious, BLATANTLY, that he is the most corrupt president in history.  Based on the rest of your posting history (and your Chris Cornell avatar), I think you are probably a good guy in general.  But god damn man.  This isn't just a "pain in the ass, run of the mill, bullshit politician".  It's so much bigger than that.  I guarantee you that 99% of us would be fine with almost every other republican jackass on the 2016 ticket being president (fuck you Chris Christie).  This is a different bird.  Bill Maher, whom a lot of people dislike, including people on the left, is correct in saying, this isn't fucking normal.  The youngsters need to know this is the most critical point in American political history and is not fucking normal.

  6. Yeah I have two vacations lined up where hiking is a must. If I got it done beginning of July would I be good to hike by end of September? Surely yes.

  7. No way did anyone see this coming.  Personally, I thought it was in the bag.  I had my No Nork Nukes party already booked at Brazos Hall.  What am I gonna do with all that dry ice?

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