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Biff Tannen

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Biff Tannen

  1. 13 hours ago, retread said:

    MON. JUNE 11, 2018

    FOXNEWS HANNITY 5,902,000
    FOXNEWS INGRAHAM 4,560,000
    FOXNEWS TUCKER 4,222,000
    FOXNEWS BAIER 2,788,000
    FOXNEWS THE FIVE 2,634,000
    MSNBC SPECIAL 2,378,000
    CNN CUOMO 2,362,000
    CNN TONIGHT 1,790,000
    CNN COOPER 1,691,000
    MSNBC HARDBALL 1,551,000


    1 hour ago, Stringer said:


    America is so fucked.

  2. If things don't change and he makes it all the way through to the end of the term, this era, and probably several years afterward will be looked at as an incredibly bad part of American history.

  3. On 6/1/2018 at 8:41 AM, CooterBrown said:

    Just checked online and my protax account still just says "Filed".  Oh well, maybe sometime this month.



    Same.  Got a feeling it's just gonna be homestead for me this year.  They've saved me money the past two years in a row.  Surely they can't all be winners.

  4. To be clear, I mean it is not meant to be a true autopilot RIGHT NOW.  It will get there.  So a deposit for full self driving is exactly that.  A deposit for when the tech is ready.

  5. 1 hour ago, freyguy said:

    He must be more concerned with doing it his way, and being remembered as some sort of forced new-age Henry Ford.  As much as we dick on the resident automakers, thankfully none of them are this aggressive in rolling out autonomous driving.  Tesla’s level of quality is very amateur to be allowing this to be on the road.  It has an Auto Pilot feature, but then he’s on Twitter asking folks to not treat it as such.  He might as well be selling vapes or cell phones.

    “Hey everyone, with the latest software update going live, we’ll hopefully kill fewer people!”

    How long before the NTSB forces him to pull his cars off the roads?  When one of his cars kills a family?

    You wouldn't pull the cars off the roads, just disable the autopilot software.  That's also a worst case scenario.  Autopilot is not meant to be used as "autopilot" and anyone with a functioning brain should know this.

  6. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:


    I'd prefer a CCC sort of approach -- put them to work on extra infrastructure projects.  Put them to work in additional government jobs -- yes, we'd be paying tax dollars, but we'd get benefits. I'd LOVE it if we had amazing national parks with a heavy staff of rangers, park maintenance, and the like.


    So much this.  

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