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Biff Tannen

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Biff Tannen

  1. 34 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Says the guy who, when Kevin fucking McCarthy said in 2016 that he thought Putin was paying Trump, urged his Republican colleagues to keep the allegation private and said, “What’s said in the family stays in the family.” Funny he should presume to talk about character now. Fuck him. 

    Agreed, but it is one level above Nikki Haley. Astonishing. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 8 hours ago, Lerka Lerka said:

    Careful not to step on any human feces when you’re out and about. Enjoy the weather. 

    Hmm. I’ve been there 5 times in the past 3 years. Never been an issue. 


    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 2
  3. 3 hours ago, Texzilla588 said:

    Spurlock was not a documentarian; he was a reality TV developer. SSM is full of questions and shouldn’t be looked at as fact. He never released his food logs and his claimed diet has been questioned. Once he admitted that he had been a daily drunk for three decades a few years afterwards it’s likely his shitty liver, kidney, and blood numbers probably had more to do with his alcoholism than eating McDonald’s. SSM2 lost its district deal due to his admissions regarding g his sexual misconduct on his various shows.

    Dude, you can still eat McDonald’s. In shame. 

    • Haha 3
  4. 4 hours ago, BeardIP said:

    Big whoop: AI can now understand sarcasm better than some people. Researchers in the Netherlands have created AI tech capable of detecting sarcasm. Trained on sitcoms like “Friends” and “The Big Bang Theory,” the AI was able to accurately identify instances of sarcasm ~75% of the time — meaning robots are getting closer to understanding complex human communication as well as we can, and that Captchas are probably about to get even harder. Great.


    Ok motherfuckers. Friends and that other bullshit show?

    Fuck. Off. 

    It SHOULD have been trained on Seinfeld. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, YGIFS said:


    Say what you want about Hitler.  At least his “ infrastructure week” and yielded thr Autobahn.

    I’ve heard their music is something of an…ugh…techno pop. 

  6. Just now, billfromlaketravis said:

    I’m probably in the minority here, but Fishes was funny as hell. 

    It ran the gamut on emotions for me. Funny, sad, terrifying, anxiety inducing, horrifying, on and on. Brilliant episode. 

  7. 2 hours ago, South Austin said:

    Loved Super-Size Me. It made me sweat off fast food (for the most part). Seemed like a good dude.

    Jokes aside, I think this was a very important public service. He did this before Food Inc and other docs started to expose the idea of Big Ag and the food/health crisis in America. He did seem like a good guy and sad that he went so early. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, HenryJames said:

    Manchin and Sinema won't support it. 

    They are both gone, no?

  9. 14 hours ago, ButtFumble said:

    what I saw talked about is a couple of fuck heads that have some interest in a couple of Euro kickball teams want to take over the licensing and branding of 20 to 30 top schools and take a % and make some (I am sure very vague) promises about the growth of the brands because of their "expertise"

    it will be a total shit show though and it makes no sense to me (although no one would claim I am some business genius), but then again you look at how most athletics departments and conferences are run and a fucking moron could do better 

    I fail to see how UA, Adidas, nike, or any of the other fucks that do branding are going to go along with another middleman to deal with and WTF do companies like LearfieldIMG.......well I mean really they do pretty shitty is what they do and take a cut for it, but sadly most athletics departments are full of such ride the pine fucks that even with $100 million dollar budgets and a shit tonne of alumni that would do things for free they still need a 3rd party company to come in and take a slice of their marketing deals

    the best I can tell some dumb fucks have decides that fans of LaTech, Arkansas stAte, UTEP, UTSA, UAB, USA, F_U, all of the MWC, the AAC and tons of others are just chomping at the bit to cheer for Texas, Alabama, Miami, FSU, Clemson, tOSU, Oregon, USC, and some others in a super league......which of course they won't be

    these same fucking idiots think they can convince ESPN and maybe Fox to dump most of the NCAA teams and give all the money to their collection of teams and that will be where the "growth" comes in......which will be a perfect match for the further decline of cable/SAT TV subscribers and now the already happening decline of streaming services and "bundles" on streaming


    also I have said this many times before and will say it until proven wrong.....there is not going to be any type of "special athlete employee" category for sports ballers at universities.....once they are paid directly by the university they will be 100% beholden to the same standards of conduct and behavior as any other university employee and the university will be 100% liable for their behaviors and conduct just like they are for any other employee.....so some sports baller that decides he wants to gran his crotch and do that sucking sound thing between his teeth while he talks to random shawty about her ass while on campus, in class, or in the dorms will have to be fucking fired just like if a janitor or a grounds keeper channeled their inner freak nasty and did the same thing

    if they are not fired you can look for a nice lawsuit from shawty and from all of the other employees that have been fired in the past for any type of inappropriate conduct......universities will be getting fucked left and right and it will probably break a few of them 

    and before you bring up some well known incidents again there is a difference (right or wrong) now with the whole "have to give the student athlete a chance" process that helps sweep this shit under the rug and the other major difference is currently the other universities and past employees that might have been fired for misconduct are not involved.....because they are employees and currently athletes are not....so they are not subjected to the same HR rules

    college sports is heading for a disaster as it is and any "private equity" or "private capital" getting involved will just drive this shit off of a cliff into a volcano

    Do I need to speak jive to understand this post?

  10. 1 hour ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    It would take 60 votes to overcome a filibuster in the Senate and it would have to pass the House as well.  I doubt that all Dems would support it.  It’s not going to happen. 

    Because they are spineless pussies that are afraid to do what it takes to fix this shitstorm. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 28 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Sure they are.  They have enough socialization not to say the quiet part out loud.  But if a future Trump presidency set up .50 cals at the Rio Grande and mowed down thousands of brown people, they would be okay with it.  Or they at least wouldn't be "not okay" with it.

    Read a history book.  The Nazis and the Holocaust didn't happen only because of evil schemers who were anti-jew to their core.  Nope.   The Nazis and the holocaust couldn't have happened without millions of "ordinary" Germans who maybe didn't have any great hatred for jews, didn't have any particular desire to see jews murdered or persecuted....but they were okay with it happening, and were gonna go along with things because "hey, it's happening to them, not me."  That's my point. That was Hannah Arendt's point.  That's how hell on earth happens.  Not because of a small cadre of demons.  No.  It's because of millions of people who are okay with demons doing demon things, so long as it's to "them," and not to "me and mine."  A lack of human empathy.  THAT is evil.

    People like you will defend and excuse this behavior all the way to and through the camps belching the smoke of burning bodies into the air.  That is EXACTLY what happened before.  And that is exactly the path you're following now.  The hell of it is, you somehow think you and yours are different than those good, ordinary Germans.  You're not.  You're exactly the fucking same.

    To quote Boondock Saints, there is another kind of evil which we should fear most. And that is the INDIFFERENCE of GOOD men. 


    • Hook 'Em 3
  12. Thanks for posting. Always a good reminder that shit can go wrong out there. 

    Speaking of going wrong, my hiking partner for my PCT section hike in the Sierra this July had to bail due to family issues. Now I’m trying to figure out if I’m going to try it solo (not really wanting to) or pivot to another week long trip. Maybe a few sections of the Colorado Trail or something. Was going to look at AT in Georgia, but consensus seems to be the heat and humidity would be awful in July. 

  13. 31 minutes ago, Armybrat said:

    My brother used to lifeguard at Stacy pool in Travis Heights in the early 1960s and sometimes at Shipe up in far North Austin.

    Shipe opens this weekend.  Cover came off yesterday.


    29 minutes ago, utee94 said:


    And yep

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