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Everything posted by ERhine

  1. Listening to one of my favorite shows of his I've found through the years. https://archive.org/details/charlie2009-10-18
  2. I just don’t get the commercial. I mean I’m not exactly his target audience, but it’s essentially “Vote for me because this former marine who lost his legs wants you to stand for the national anthem”??? Am I missing something?
  3. Always thought he was underrated as a songwriter. He had some really good ones. I’ll never forget the show he played at Mucky Duck roughly eight years ago when he opened it up to audience requests. Had something like ten of my requests played in a row.
  4. Wonder where Cambridge Analytica found all those actors.
  5. It’s by far Cruz’ biggest crowd (that’s been posted here at least) and it still pales in comparison.
  6. New sign is in the yard. I've also now signed up to volunteer with the campaign.
  7. I was confused why you decided to frame your refrigerator.
  8. Somebody stole our Beto sign last night. Should have a replacement before dinner tonight.
  9. Still can’t figure out if Isla Rose is the name of his baby or the guitar.
  10. Bad_teammate is a beating.
  11. Shouldn’t that read “Guy accused of statutory rape who fled the country and is hiding in Taiwan has given...”
  12. Considering you post 500 worthless posts a day on this site, one would think you’d have seen the multiple times in this thread where decades of jerseys show you’re fucking wrong.
  13. He’s just asking questions.
  14. Stop feeding the troll.
  15. I wasn’t able to try and of the dishes that placed. Feges made an excellent head cheese, but he didn’t place either. All I remember is quail eggs are apparently the new pastrami in the BBQ world.
  16. The fuck are you talking about? You’re a horrible troll.
  17. Helped out Champkind this weekend at the Houston BBQ Throwdown. Champ made a great dish:
  18. It’s not often an OP asks a question and answers it seven different ways. Good grief.
  19. He’s saying that case would have to be brought by Plaintiff who received a mailer, OR our currently indicted Attorney General.
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