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Everything posted by ERhine

  1. The most impressive part of that to me is the number of contributors.
  2. This. The whole thread is impressive. I wish I was this creative/skilled.
  3. Now I’m laughing at the image of Ted Cruz at the same barber shop.
  4. It will always be a church key to me, and I will always have one on a magnet on my fridge. And I’m like 1/8 Armybrat’s age.
  5. I don’t believe you. You’re the person who expanded the lexicon of anyone who observed your breakdown chat confessions on the old site by describing your participation in PNP parties. The holier than thou attitude you’ve shown on this thread based on your background is truly amazing.
  6. FIFY. If you’re going to ask him the question, at least get the vice correct.
  7. Maybe he’s referring to the Party n Play party?
  8. Had a “Parent University” night at my daughter’s middle school last night. I was surprised to see there was a table set up to register voters. Also, Beto should still show up to the debate and just answer questions for an hour and a half.
  9. Seriously. That almost looks like jail food.
  10. Again, you clearly have no clue how sexual assault victims react to what they’ve been through. I do. I represent them regularly. You have literally no clue what you’re talking about.
  11. I thought she was credible? Why do you keep changing what Dr. Ford needs to show you for you to believe her? Every time she meets your already manufactured requirements you just move the goalposts. Sad.
  12. It’s not just women. Most of my sexual assault/abuse related clients have ended up being men. But they also don’t report it for a multitude of reasons. Just because they don’t acknowledge/or even remember it happened until literally decades later does not mean the sexual abuse did not happen. I’m astounded people have this misconception.
  13. No fair-minded serious thinking person believes Kavanaugh didn’t lie today. Repeatedly. But you don’t meet the fair-minded serious thinking person requirement.
  14. Clearly you’ve never represented victims of sexual abuse. I have. You have no clue what you’re talking about.
  15. Doesn’t matter. Flake votes yes in committee with some lame excuse that although he has reservations he thinks the Senate as a whole should decide. He continues to pretend to be anti-trump/conscientious/whatever bullshit adjective here.
  16. Weren’t you posting earlier today about how credible Dr. Ford’s testimony was?
  17. I’m sorry, did they testify today? Didn’t think so. Because you nutless Republican hacks are afraid of investigating the allegations against Kavanaugh. What’s the rush? What are you trying to cover up? It’s disgusting really. I guess I should just expect it from Republicans by now. If you actually thought he was telling the truth today then you’re a horrible judgment of character. Then again, you’re a shitbag, so that makes sense.
  18. Durbin destroying him with this FBI investigation line of questions.
  19. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/opinion/outlook/article/Ted-Cruz-is-what-s-wrong-with-Texas-politics-13258351.php?utm_campaign=facebook-premium&utm_source=CMS+Sharing+Button&utm_medium=social
  20. Sorry if it was already posted, I looked for awhile after your post.
  21. This needs to be asked in both of the remaining debates.
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