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Everything posted by JimmyHoffa

  1. Agree 100%. That said he has sold his bullshit for years and years and PLENTY of smart people that knew better allowed him to do it for a long time because he was so famous in NYC. He has always been that loud, drunk, uncle at family gatherings that people hated behind his back but would kiss the ring to his face because of his fame. He also won the election in large part to the biggest con that has ever been seen in politics. The media ate it up and he was getting free PR. Throw in his opponent and it was the perfect storm. A lot of blame to go around but I still to this day don't think he ever really wanted to be president but he just was in too deep to drop out of the race as it would have hurt his "Brand" and that is really all he has ever cared about. The problem- he was too stupid to realize if he won the election those same people that used to kiss his ring at all the "it" parties in NYC wouldn't turn the other cheek just like the rest of the country that finally started calling out his bullshit but by that time it was too late.
  2. I think this is very possible. She was probably mind fucking the ever loving shit out of him. Didn't some of his friends say in an interview that he looked at her in a different way and it was pretty clear that she basically had a spell over him and it wasn't good? I could of sworn I read that somewhere.
  3. Agree. Once last point I forgot on our girl Angelina. She gets back to camp- you know with the other 3 people that didn't get to go on the reward and says she's really mad and says it's not about her and then proceeds to make it about her bringing up the "winning the rice for the whole tribe". The editors get an A+ for doing her so dirty. It's great and she is too stupid to realize they are giving her a shitty edit because she loves herself so damn much.
  4. Real Madrid Bayern Barcelona Juventus Porto Dortmund
  5. I think the editors are making their money this year (and production for the placement of all their idols and advantages) The editing makes things seem much more up in the air than I think some of the votes have been and we obviously don't see all of the conversations at camp just the ones that make things less clear than they actually are.
  6. No doubt, but she did interrupt Jeff, yes he asked if anybody wanted to make a plea but she interrupted him before he could finish because as you mentioned she couldn't help herself.
  7. I would put Walker in before Baines Walker hit .322 his last year for the Expos .298 in his half a year with the Blue Jays and .289 his last year in the league with the Cards
  8. My dad and uncle are White Sox fans and I went to several Sox games growing up in the middle of the Baines era. He was never a super star just a really consistent and good hitter and average OF for a long time. Sorry give me 10-12 years of one of the best players at a position not a lifetime achievement award for a guy like Baines. Throw in the fact that Baines has always been really quiet and not a Rah Rah guy it does make me feel bad for him that he isn't getting killed because he got in. I don't think he deserves to be in but there are more guys in the HOF less deserving then him. That said I would have thought a guy like Dave Parker would have got in before Baines did.
  9. Just as it's dumb to think Harper would ever consider signing with the fucking White Sox but that didn't stop that being leaked and making the rounds yesterday. It was also a shocker that the media was falling all over themselves to report it.
  10. Agreed, and the thought of having to listen to Angelina try and explain why she deserves $1M is going to make my ears bleed. And knowing she is going to get 0 votes to win won't do a damn thing to make her realize she's an awful person and player and in fact will be the exact opposite and she will somehow in her mind believe she got screwed because she is so selfless and deserving. The only saving grace is it might be a final 3 of women so she can't play the sexist card for why she lost. I am team Davie from here on out. Hands down the greatest scene from this season. Angelina of course is to fucking self centered to realize that the other 3 didn't say a damn thing to plead their case yet she interrupts Jeff to explain why she is such an amazing selfless person. I only pray at the reunion one of the cast calls her out on being such an annoying and self centered moron.
  11. And very well have been what did him in. I know he was having a really hard time dealing with the news that Mario Batali was having a #metoo issue. Not to mention the fact that kitchens are pretty well known for being one of the worst offenders of sexiest behavior.
  12. I trust Theo and know its way early but if they only add a few mid range players and keep the 40 man pretty much the same they are going to miss out on the last couple of years they have left on what was once a really promising window.
  13. The West Virginia episode is what made him so great. He clearly didn't agree politically with most of the people he spent time with but he LISTENED and respected their views even if he disagreed with them. He was able to push aside the shit and see people for who they are and that for the most part is good. Sure there are assholes in the world but there are a shit ton more honest, heartfelt, and caring people that we just never hear about because everyone wants to label "the other side" as a bunch of assholes. Conversations over meals is important and UNDERSTANDING (not agreeing) but understanding why someone feels the way they do is a lost art in today's social media world. People are people and we are way more alike then different, we have just been conditioned to hate, it's sad really and the bubble of like minded people everyone surrounds themselves with is not good in the short term or long term. Fuck I hate that he is gone.
  14. I wouldn't say 100%, she wouldn't have given him the lead on the courier if she was 100% still with the other side. At some point she is going to choose which side to go with and I think no matter what side she chooses it isn't going to end well for her. And props to Quayle for turning down the sex, not sure I would have been that strong. I did have to question his judgement however as you can still not trust her and get a little piece.
  15. and CB (VVD not Lovern just in case you were wondering)
  16. How do you miss that? My 3rd grader scores there
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