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Chuckie Finster

Burnt Ends
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Chuckie Finster last won the day on January 9 2020

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  1. Remember this poll when the internet freaks out after she picks Shapiro.
  2. Yeah, this would be my question. What are the values that you think the country has lost over the past few decades specifically, and how does Donald Trump help get them back?
  3. That hangover gonna hit like hell when you wake up today.
  4. To be clear, I’ve stated that I wouldn’t go Shapiro. All I’m saying is that “Democrats/Kamala don’t care about Jews” is guaranteed to be one of the Republican attack points, and videos of monument vandalism and Hamas flags flying outside the capital while American flags burn will only escalate the issue to outside those of us terminally online, and make it more likely something that the party feels a need to address. I love the idea of protesting Bibi (fuck him) but it was carried out in the least productive way possible for anyone who truly wants to fix the issue and not just let out emotion.
  5. They would need to add a couple more zeroes to get me to willingly move from Palo Alto to Lubbock.
  6. There will be riots in Chicago regardless. But these are going to be the images they try and pin to Kamala, and they do NOT play well with the America that lives mostly offline.
  7. I hope they realize that shit like this makes it much more likely for the Dems to think they need someone like Shapiro on the ticket.
  8. If it’s announced that Kamala has to return some of the donations, the ensuing donation surge at ActBlue would make earlier this week look like child’s play.
  9. When things are going great and you're definitely not worried.
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