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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The Royal We

  1. 35 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    This reminds me...I need to make my “Hitler reacts to the midterms video”...




    Nicholas Burns, the former U.S. ambassador to NATO under George W. Bush, said the weekend events, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the end of a war in which 120,000 Americans were killed, were ripe for soaring words and symbolic gestures, which Trump failed to provide.

    “Not only did he barely show up, he didn't say anything that would help Americans understand the scale of the loss, or the importance of avoiding another great war,” Burns said. “He seemed physically and emotionally apart. It’s such a striking difference between the enthusiasm he showed during the campaign and then going to Paris and sulking in his hotel room.”

    This is the type of behavior I would expect (and not tolerate) from my 5 year old when he doesn't get something that he really wants.  How embarrassing.

  2. Perjury trap is such a crock of shit.  I've had a few Trumpkins try to use that as the reason that the Dotard won't sit down for an interview.  Here's an idea, don't f'n act like you're allergic to the truth all the time and you won't be charged with perjury.

    • Like 3
  3. 21 hours ago, triplehorn said:

    About that Politico article above deducing that POTUS is likely the one fighting a Mueller Grand Jury subpoena at the DC Circuit, yeah he better fight it down to every last one of his Yeti's.

    Evidently a sitting US President can be indicted, and one was going to be indicted on four criminal counts:



    Is this kind of a big deal?  It sure seems like a big deal to me, but I'm no legal scholar. 

  4. It's worth it to get a XBone for sure.

    I did the gold bar glitch and I kinda wish I didn't.  I've pretty much bought everything that is unlocked for me so far - insane guns with engravings, gold barrels, scopes, etc., upgraded the camp as much as possible, bought the most expensive horse and tack I could find, clothes, etc. and I still have over $12k in cash left...

    I haven't had the itch to play a game like this since Skyrim, so I'd say the comparison upthread is accurate.  I hope the online portion is done better than Skyrim whenever it comes out.

    • Like 2
  5. Sorry to laugh at your misfortune Red, but taht was funny.  I need to have this done asap but have been putting it off because lazy.  I'll make sure to keep your story filed away in case my wife asks me to do anything after the surgery.

  6. This should not be a R v. D issue, but it is depressing at how little coverage it gets.

    I saw something in my local paper about a big new project for the city - can't remember if it was new sidewalks or computers for the schools or what, but it was a $750,000+ spend.  The article discussing the project plainly said that the funds for the entire project were coming from "seized assets."  I live in a town of ~35k people - how is that even possible?

    • Like 1
  7. My circle of friends tends to follow this same trend as well with one caveat - I grew up in a very small town and my high school buddies who never left town are all hard core Trumpkins.  The ones who never left and the majority of my Aggie friends are the only people in my greater circle of friends who have remained conservative or become more conservative.

    My baby boomer parents are Fox News viewers and have remained very conservative through my entire life.  Truth be told they are probably baffled at what my political views have become.

  8. A two bladed H&H spinner never fails in a stock pond.  I always have 3 or 4 different colored ones in my spinner box at all times.  If they aren't biting anything else I can usually throw those and figure out what color they like that day.  Black/White and Chartreuse seem to work the most but Red/White has been the only thing that will get a bite some days too.


    I went fly fishing last week around Crested Butte and the water was depressingly low.  We picked up a few here and there but nothing like it has been in previous years, especially in the small creeks up in the mountains where it's usually 3 wt/Brookie heaven.

    • Like 1
  9. Yea, cannon cart can wreck shop too.

    My main point to GB is that his old deck is probably still going to work fine.  No need to fret about not having the shiny new cards and not being able to compete.

  10. I've taken the tack when talking to holdout friends and family that Trump is going to end up doing more damage to the GOP than Obama and Hillary could've ever dreamed of doing.  Some wave me away as having TDS but some seem to understand that this could end up swinging wildly the other way and hammering them on issues near and dear to their GOP hearts.

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