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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The Royal We

  1. One side of this argument sure seems to be getting twisted up in knots trying to rationalize it.  Both at the official govt level and at the sycophant level.

    Which is it -a new zero tolerance policy that is justifiable according to scripture?  The same policy that Obama had?  The Dems fault?  Not apologizing for something that we aren't doing? 

    I can't f'n keep up.

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  2. T-shirt - I've eye balled that spot when floating down a number of times, but it doesn't look there are any flat spots to pitch a tent - not true?  I've camped there 3 times now but have never made it all the way to the end of the trail.  4x4 is handy down on that huge beach as well.  My buddy had a 2x4 F150 and got hung up trying to get out of the beach and onto the road, it was a breeze in my Yukon though. 

    The white bass were going bonkers and blowing up the top all day and night when we were there but we couldn't catch anything.  Tried all different kinds of flies/soft plastics, but I think you had to have some live bait.

  3. I took my boys to Colorado Bend last month for some car/tent camping, but we stayed at the Sulfur Springs camp that is just up the road from the park.  We took a canoe and planned on floating down from Sulfur Springs camp past Gorman Falls and pulling out at the park, but there wasn't enough water to get all the way down there.  We paddled down to a nice shallow ledge before the falls and had a picnic lunch on the rocks before paddling back upstream to our camp.

    The Sulfur Springs camp is a little on the seedy side and has an eclectic group of people camping out there, but they have a huge slice of land along the river and there is a good beachy spot where we pitched our tent so the kids could play around in the water and fish the whole time.  We had a blast.

  4. Stop spamming the board.  We get it.  And the majority of people posting/reading this forum agree with you for the most part, but this type of thread does nothing to move the conversation forward.  It probably works against you/the message by alienating everyone. 


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  5. I'm not sure how any reasonable person can read through that timeline and all of the links/supporting documents and come to the conclusion that there is nothing going on that is AT LEAST worthy of further investigation.  Yet there are millions of people in this country who think that all of this is a witch hunt and that the real bad actors in this situation are the DOJ and FBI.  It's mind bottling. 

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