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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The Royal We

  1. I found another Portugieser on WUS that says the warranty card is dated 7/2012 and was "regulated" in October of 2018.  Pardon my ignorance, but what is regulated vs. serviced?  I sent the guy a text and am trying to meet up with him later this week to check it out.

  2. Thanks for the info!  I requested some additional information on the IWC from DavidSW - that looks to be a pretty good value.

    What are your thoughts on a white faced watch of that size - will it be too "loud" on my wrist?  I've read on some of the forums that it wears big because of the 14mm thickness and I wonder if those are just purists or if the concerns are valid.

  3. I'm in the market for a new watch and think that I'm going to make a leap up this time around.  Thanks to this thread on TOS, I started with the Maratec mid pilot and then got a SKX007 that I'm still wearing every day.  But the SKX is losing more than a minute every day and is looking a little beat up these days.  I'm having a hard time figuring out what I want and what will be a good fit for me as I don't ever take my watch off.  I put an Isofrane on the SKX and very rarely take it off unless I'm playing golf.

    I had my mind made up on a Seamaster Aqua Terra GMT for the longest time, but I got cold feet and now I've started looking again and have been running down the rabbit hole on a bunch of different brands/styles.  I like the looks of Nomos' stuff, but they do seem a little delicate and some of the comments upthread have spooked me a bit.  There are a few different Sinn options that I like, but not being able to try one on anywhere makes that a little tough.  I really like the blue faced Milgauss but have always thought that I would stay away from Rolex when I made a big purchase - mainly to do something a little different.  I'm drawn to the Panerai Luminor watches, but I'm not sure if they would look too big on my wrist.  The main one I've been looking at is not as thick as the SKX, but probably would wear a little bigger with the crown guard and pillow shaped case.  The IWC below is more than I want to spend, but damn it looks fine.

    GMT - https://www.jomashop.com/omega-watch-23190432204001.html

    Nomos - https://www.jomashop.com/nomos-watch-271.html

    PAM - https://www.jomashop.com/panerai-watch-pam00537.html

    IWC - https://www.jomashop.com/iwc-watch-iw500705.html


    I know I'll probably have to change up my watch wearing habits if I spend this much, but do you guys have any other ideas or things I should be considering?  You a-holes are the reason why I even became interested in watches, so I'd appreciate any other thoughts.  Also, would Jomashop be a decent place to buy?  I'll probably look for whatever I end up deciding on used first, but I don't know if I'll be able to find what I'm looking for on watchuseek.





  4. 59 minutes ago, Welch said:

    I actually appreciate the clarity that Republicans’ consistent and absolute dumbfuckery has provided for us.  I’ve become more fiscally liberal as a result.

    I figure that Rs manage to be wrong (or acting in bad faith) on virtually everything... climate change, Jade Helm, bathroom bills, immigration “crises”, death panels, the debt ceiling, weapons of mass destruction, hurricane relief, child separation, “the tax cut will pay for itself”, etc.

    I mean, if I know someone who is always wrong about everything I care about, I figure they’re probably wrong about everything else, too.

    Damn, you pretty much nailed my feelings at the moment as well.  And whenever I engage in a political discussion with my family and some of my friends/co-workers they make snide comments about how they can't believe how liberal I've become.  They don't seem capable of admitting that many of the policies they now support via the current cult of personality are in no way, shape or form conservative!  Quite the conundrum.

  5. He's been so allergic to the truth (and such a criminal) that he couldn't even tell the truth in written answers to written questions.  Much less survive actual questioning from investigators.  The clown car presidency gets more and more shit smeared all over it every day.

  6. I don't know 'stache, I guess I'm a hopeless optimist thinking that people are waking up as more new stuff comes to light.  I guess I just care too much. 

    Or maybe I'm the mouth breathing simpleton for thinking there's more than a sliver of truth to the deluge of information that continues to pile up re: Trump/Russia/headed to hell in a hand basket.  I know I'm swimming upstream in the industry I work in and area I live in.

  7. I'm continually amazed at how brazen and tone-deaf the Senate GOP continues to be.  Are there really enough mouth breathing simpletons out there to make them think the optics of voting to lift sanctions at the same time they are refusing to vote on a bill to reopen portions of the government will not come back to bite them?

    I have a domestic flight tomorrow and an international flight on Saturday and am legit concerned about my safety.  This is depressing.  Not to mention my flight tomorrow is out of IAH at 7:30 am, so I'm planning on getting there at 5:30.  FML.

  8. That's what I've been leaning towards.  How do y'all think other income producing assets would hold up - rent houses, storage units, mineral ownership, etc?  I could see rent houses being a double edged sword - inflation would make it harder for people to buy and keep their homes, but it would also hinder their ability to pay their rent.  Same goes for storage units, but at least you would own their junk when/if they stopped paying their bills.

    I like the idea of owning land with timber and mineral rights, but that's obviously a very cash intensive prospect with slower returns.

  9. 14 minutes ago, NBMisha said:

    The dollar's reserve currency status makes for a whole world of opportunities, in terms of money supply manageent choices, that would not be tolerated for a "normal" currency.  The music will surely stop as the day approaches when competitive reserve currencies emerge, which will surely then mean usurping reserve currencies.  Then the US population (all dollar holders) will be in for some rude awakening.

    This type of future risk has been talked a about for a long time, but the competitive currencies have been slow to emerge.  The RMB looks to now be the sure pack leader.

    What should a person with a multi decade investement perspective do?


    This is my basic view of the situation too.  I think there is definitely pain to come, but I don't know what the safe havens will be.  Land?  Food?  Ammo?

  10. 2nd time through is not disappointing so far.  Getting the white arabian horse for free is such a huge leg up early in the game.  It's a total pain in the ass to get up there, but it's worth the effort.  Save your game before you get to the west side of the lake where it hangs out.  I didn't do that and got eaten by wolves after catching the horse - ended up reloading from a few missions before because the horse wouldn't reappear. 

    Good idea on burgling pelts from a hunter camp, I haven't done that.

  11. I think he said he was 72.

    White leather coat, white leather boots, black felt cowboy hat with a f'n Cobra on top.  I was real close to asking if I could get a selfie but I couldn't bring myself to do it.  "Now you're going to have to load most of this up on account of my bad back..."

    He was on the west side of 59 between Nac and Lufkin if anyone is looking for some stimulating political conversation...

  12. I bought firewood from an old man last weekend and he was a real chatty dude who couldn't keep himself from bringing up politics.  He started in on the wall and couldn't believe that I didn't think it was a great idea that we should plow forward with.  I could tell right away he was a full throated Trumpkin because he started his pleading with me -"He's already done more for this country than any other president in History!!!!1!!!one!!"  He then thought he was going to get me when he said, "Name one thing the president has done that you disagree with, just one thing.  I always ask libruls that and they can't answer."  I said, well Mr. May, he seems to have a really hard time telling the truth about anything and his rhetoric is extremely divisive and unhealthy for the country.  He then said something about What do you expect when he is attacked non-stop by the MSM!?

    We kept it civil and he ended up shaking my hand and invited me to come shoot some hogs off the back of his property because he's been overrun.  He did say that he's been a democrat his whole life until they "Lost their minds" and he decided to vote for Trump.  He's the first one of those that I've met in the wild.

    Dude wore an old cowboy had with a King Cobra - head and all - as the hat band. 

  13. Another vote for checking out Gordy & Sons.  If I had to choose one place to go on a free for all that would be it.  It's ludicrously expensive, but some of the shit you see in there is amazing.  Last time I was in there I think I bought 4 bass flies and a ball cap for ~$45-$50.

  14. I finished up the main story line last night.  I don't want to spoiler anything so I'll just say it was unlike anything I've ever played through before and was pretty damn well done.  They did such a good job of developing all the characters and building a connection with Arthur.

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  15. I think I'm going to power through the rest of the story missions and then start a new game and grind more in the next round.  I did the gold bar glitch and haven't done many of the challenges in this 1st play through.  I think the first thing I'll do is trek up to the NW to get the white arabian horse, get the legendary buck and then start trying to get the legend of the east satchel before going too far on any of the story.  I'm ready to get back to a simpler time when I wasn't always wishing I could punch Dutch in the face.

    I finished up with the Wapiti Indians last night and there are some pretty cool missions in that bunch.

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