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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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  1. Sorry about your brain worms bro. You think Elron is thankful for that $45bn being valued at <$12bn now? hE's A gENiuS!!!!!!1!!!!!!!one!!!! https://fortune.com/2024/03/30/fidelity-x-stake-73-decline-since-elon-musk-twitter-takeover/
  2. Is this real? These chucklefucks really think these are bad things that are going to HURT Kamala?
  3. I can't wait until this dude is flat broke laying in a k hole gutter. He's just such a piece of shit human. He daughter cooking him on social media would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
  4. Every time I see a Walz TV spot it makes me like him even more. That dude has got the juice.
  5. Today is 30 days on the nose from when I tax loss harvested my most expensive lots of IBRX. I might yolo some more in my stonks account.
  6. Le Batard talked about it on his show today, which is great because it likely hits a large audience that has not heard much about P2025 yet. Stick around until the very end for some lulz.
  7. Joe is fresh out of fucks to give. Tee it high and let it fly champ.
  8. I hope the Buttered Biscuit sitting with them is real uncomfortable every time they start yammering on about DEI, woke, urban, etc. Is he going to snap when one of them drops the hard R n-bomb they so badly want to drop?
  9. I never knew that. So you banked them when hurricane Ivan shithoused their platform at Mississippi Canyon 20? That's one of the few incidents I know of where pretty much every single policy in place paid out full limits - and then the USCG tried to attach to every OSFR policy they ever had in place covering that block. That USCG stance made for some brutal conversations with clients during renewals earlier this year. ~400% increases on a policy that most operators have never made a claim against and that they are required to carry in order to operate. #pain https://darrp.noaa.gov/oil-spills/taylor-energy
  10. Not too much. Amarillo NB seems like an odd place for them to get financing from... I did have an old client in Houston that I became pretty good friends with who was old buddies with Brad Cox. My client was a P&A contractor that focused on state water and shelf stuff and he was telling me ~6 years ago that they were upside down on their ARO/Reserve value and weren't going to be able to make it work. I just remember them having a metric fuck ton of platforms for the number of economic wells they had producing. I'm sure they had bonds running to the majors they acquired fields from, in addition to the bonds for LA and BOEM, that were part of what killed them. There are thousands and thousands of abandoned wells out there that are ticking time bombs that taxpayers are going to end up getting proper fucked on.
  11. Oh man, my red pilled family is freaked the fuck out and already starting to convince themselves that the election will be stolen (just like it was in 2020). Sorry about your old ass sad sack of shit convicted felon candidate that more people HATE than like. Good luck!
  12. Yea, please give us this dude. I think this was from the signing ceremony for free school lunches:
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