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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The Royal We

  1. 11 minutes ago, Rimbo said:

    or just an "I'm the boss around here" plea

    which fits Trump perfectly

    Then why does that feature so prominently in the indictment?

    Whether or not he truly believed he won is completely irrelevant. Trump can and should try that defense, but I think other J6 defendants tried it and it didn't help them out in the least.

    Maybe this thread from a law professor at NYU and Harvard will help? Lots of good examples with cites to the indictment included in the thread.


    • Hook 'Em 4
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  2. That's it? They are making a big kerfluffle out of that!?

    These same people must be furious that Jared and Ivanka made between $23,791,645 and $120,676,949 in outside income in just their final year WHILE working in the White House! And that's just what they actually disclosed in their forms.



    Oh, what's that? These people couldn't be bothered to give a wet fart fuck about that? Okay. Cool. Hook 'Em!


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  3. Just now, Brew said:

    It’s all a roll of the dice sometimes, but in the last 10 years I’ve had 2 93’s, a 96, an 07, an 06, and a 20. I buy low hours in good shape, have the motor looked over, and go about my business. There just aren’t many places for the old ones to go bad as long as you get them compression checked. Starter issues and changing the impeller have been about it. Never had a driveline issue or a significant electronics issue. Had a buddy buy an 07 230 last year, motor blew his first time out. He got an overheat alarm on the test drive and bought it anyways like a dumbass. $15k later, he learned his lesson in getting them inspected.

    Jesus, wtf? Get an alarm during the test drive and I'm sprinting the other way.

    I'm also at least 90 miles from a dealer who could fix something big that goes pear-shaped on me, so I'm a little more allergic to older boats. My Hurricane is a '13, but the outboard has been bulletproof and there really aren't any electronics on it to fuck up. It's nothing fancy, but I bought it for cheap from my MIL and it's been great for our kids so far. I do think they are going to get bored of the tube/ZUP/skis in the next few years though.

    Thanks for all the info. I've followed your posts on boats for years and you've obviously seen and done a lot of shit with them. Appreciate it.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, Brew said:

    I missed the part on the bunk style setup, typically wake boats will cradle fine as long as it’s not a drive on platform or a sling. Anything that cradles using bunks will cradle in the trailer location. The draft on a wakeboard boat is generally going to be around 30 inches at 22 feet or less, a little more as you go up in size. However, that draft point is 2/3 of the way back in the boat versus with an I/O where it is at the rear of the boat. An R6 will cradle in under 2 feet of water with the motor tilted up to the water level. An X22 needs 32ish inches solid (maybe not comfortably) to cradle, so that is a legitimate issue to consider. You don’t want to be in a scenario where you risk hitting the cradle with a prop on an inboard. It can go really bad, really fast.

    On surfing older wakeboats, keep in mind they weren’t built for surfing. That is a much more recent phenomenon. It’s also why the size of the boats have jumped so much in recent years because they need to sink them further to generate a wave. My late 2000’s X-1 and 220 were garbage to surf unless we had enough people/weight to move things around to configure the wave. Even then something like the R6 has a better wave.  Honestly, my 2020 210 wasn’t great to surf because the boat just wasn’t big enough. You need a wider beam, taller freeboard, and a shit ton of weight on a corner to get the proper wave or you need a bunch of electronic/mechanical goodies that force the physics side of it. Old wakeboats don’t have those things but enough weight can cure most things

    Yeesh, yea I didn't think about the draft point not being at the rear of the boat. Probably a no go for me then. I put in new bunks on my cradle last year and purposefully made them as short as possible to use up as little of the water in the slip as possible. They are ~10 inches above the I beams that run perpendicular to the slip. The water depth at the back is probably 5ft right now, but at the very front it's probably closer to 2ft. And the lake is almost 2 ft down from full pool today.

    Maybe the technology continues to get better where I can find something that will work, but like you are saying, physics trumps everything at some point. Or maybe the next time the water level falls waaay down like it did in 2011 I'll dig a canal and reinforce the sides to make the water deeper in the slip.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Brew said:

    Honestly, because I’m a wake snob and think all of these companies attaching “wake” to their products are full of it. I think if you really want to board/surf, buy a boat designed for it. If you want to cruise a lot, buy a Centurion that actually has a decent deadrise. The newer wake boats run much better than the older ones anyways and aren’t terrible in open water/long runs. I ran my Nautique 10-15 miles on the river occasionally and it was passable, so I would rather go that direction. I also paid $110k for it brand new versus the stupid numbers the R series are selling for.

    Saying that, Cobalt’s design is as close to one that works as well as anything that I have seen. It comes with a massive price tag and it’s still an I/O that’s using some “smoke and mirrors” to get to a decent wake product, but if the goal is to cruise mainly with some surfing mixed in then it probably works. I’m also not a fan of the reverse drive system and the location of it. I’ll be curious how it holds up long-term.

    I know 4-5 people with R4’s and R6’s. They have all been happy but they typically still surfed my boat when we were out.

    Thanks for the reply, that makes sense. I started poking around looking at '20-'22 used models and there sure is shit is a Cobalt premium that I don't know would be worth it. A Malibu or Mastercraft could easily be had for the same price (or less) as the Cobalt in the same year model, and that seems a little silly for what I would be trying to do. It looks like I would have to go back to a '18 or '19 on a Centurion to get there.

    I don't think anyone riding behind my boat would able to tell too much of a difference in the quality of the wake as long as they could surf it. One of our friends has a 2010ish Supra that we were out on a few weeks ago and he was having all kinds of problems with the perfect pass system and/or the engine was misfiring. The wave was shite. I felt bad for him, but no way I'd want to mess with one that old unless I knew more about how to fix them on my own.

    It probably would make more sense just to rework my cradle to work with a "real" wake boat. But the increased height of the bunks would eat up more of the water in my slip and with the feast or famine nature of rain in our area the last few years that probably would mean more time on the trailer.

  6. On 8/2/2023 at 9:35 AM, Brew said:

    That’s a harder pass than the Sunscape. That goes in the same boat grouping as the 28 foot pontoon with twin 450R’s selling for $325k.

    Curious why you say this? Is it just a bad mashup of luxury and functionality? Or are there problems with the lower unit design?

    I ask because the ability to surf behind an I/O interests me. We live on a lake and I keep my boat in the covered slip at our dock 95% of the time, but the water is not consistently deep enough for a real deal surf boat. And I'd have to get a new cradle for the lift to accommodate the drive shaft/prop on a surf boat. It looks like these Cobalts draft ~3 ft and that would work unless the water in the lake is way down and I'd be trailering then anyway.

    We currently have a Hurricane deck boat with an outboard, which is great for our lake and for skiing/tubing/cruising and even wakeboarding for beginners. But I do think as my kids get older they would enjoy surfing more than anything else.

  7. It's already been said, but you could be more of a friend by telling him you're sorry he got shit on (again) and that while it would hurt like hell if he left, that's probably what he should do.

    Unless you have some pull with senior management to get him more money now...

    I had something similar happen to me at my first job out of college. I was too young for them to give me a managerial position so they gave it to someone from the outside instead. Having to train my new boss who knew nothing at all about what we did, while also knowing that they were making quite a bit more money than me was completely deflating. I bounced.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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    • Drool 1
  8. 43 minutes ago, 0xdeadbeef said:




    0 for 3 so far, but it's still early days.

    From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LK-99 

    Group Country Status Result References Notes
    Huazhong University of Science and Technology China Results unavailable 2023-08-01: Video claiming to show diamagnetism of small (< 0.1 mm) flakes of LK-99.

    Reportedly making a new batch to measure resistance.

    [34][37][38][39] Post-doctoral Wu Hao, Doctoral Yang Li, Professor Chang Haixin. Video posted to bilibili, no official announcement.
    Beihang University China Preliminary results available No diamagnetism observed. LK-99 sample had high resistivity not consistent with superconductivity. [40][41] Li Liu, et al. arXiv.
    Council Of Scientific And Industrial Research - National Physical Laboratory of India (CSIR-NPLI) India Preliminary results available Structure confirmed by XRD. No diamagnetism observed. [40][27] Kapil Kumar, et al. Verified authors,[42][43][39] arXiv.
    Southeast University China Preliminary results available No diamagnetism or levitation observed. [44][36] Prof. Sun Yue, et al.
    Argonne National Laboratory United States Un­known [45]  
    Sungkyunkwan University South Korea Un­known [30]  
    Korea University Un­known
    Seoul National University Un­known
    Varda Space Industries & University of Southern California United States Un­known [46][47][39] Engineer & entrepreneur on X and Twitch. Resulting samples due to be analysed by University of Southern California after production.



    Is this an update to the Southeast University results mentioned in your chart?


    ETA - nevermind, not room temp, should have read closer.

  9. I did a little digging and was surprised to see that there hadn't been any chatter about this yet on the Surl. The science behind this is well beyond my ability to fully understand, but the potential implications if this is real could change the world as we know it. The South Korean scientists who made the discovery and posted a paper about it would almost certainly win the Nobel Prize if this is confirmed to be legit.

    The quick and dirty:


    Let’s look at what’s being claimed, and how strong the evidence seems to be. The authors describe a lead-based copper-doped material, LK-99, which is made by first preparing a well-characterized mineral (lanarkite, Pb2(SO4)O) from lead oxide and lead sulfate. Separately, copper phosphide (Cu3P), another well-characterized compound, is also freshly prepared from elemental copper and phosphorus. These two substances are ground together in a 1:1 ratio and the mixture is sealed in a vacuum-evacuated quartz tube and heated to 925C, forming LK-99, which is Pb10-xCux(PO4)6O, a dark polycrystalline material. The structure is very similar to lead apatite, a well-characterized phosphate mineral, but its crystallographic unit cell is slightly smaller due to the substitution of particular lead atoms in its lattice by copper ones.

    And it’s this effect on the compound’s structure, the authors believe, that leads to its extraordinary superconducting behavior. Honestly, “extraordinary” doesn’t get it across. We’ve been getting excited over the years about superconducting materials that don’t even quite have to be cooled with liquid nitrogen, and this stuff is claimed to superconduct all the way up to room temperature and indeed up past the boiling point of water. Its critical temperature is said to be 127C (!) The phrase “boiling-water superconductor” is not one that I had ever used until yesterday, trust me on that.

    So they claim to have discovered a superconducting material that is made from readily available materials and not Unobtanium or Vibraniaum.

    Potential implications:


    But as usual, it's a gigantic step to just show that such things can exist. That’s what will shake everyone up well before any applications come along, and if this reproduces, labs around the world will frantically start looking for quantum-well superconducting materials of their own. Who knows what could come out of that? Robust high-current-density room-temperature superconductors are right out of science fiction (SF readers will recall that one such material was a big plot point in Larry Niven’s Ringworld). Electrical generation and transmission, antennas, power storage, magnet applications (including things like fusion power plants), electric motors and basically everything that runs on electricity would be affected. We could stop throwing away so much generated power on heating up the wires that deliver it, for starters.


    Labs all over the world started working on replicating this immediately since the materials needed were easy to get their hands on. A couple of them claimed to have been successful yesterday:


    As of this morning, there are (as yet not really verified) reports of replication from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China. At least, a video has been posted showed what could be a sample of LK-99 levitating over a magnet due to the Meissner effect, and in different orientations relative to the magnet itself. That's important, because a (merely!) paramagnetic material can levitate in a sufficiently strong field (as can diamagnetic materials like water droplets and frogs), but these can come back to a particular orientation like a compass needle. Superconductors are "perfect diamagnets", excluding all magnetic fields, and that's a big difference. The "Meissner effect" that everyone has been hearing about so much is observed when a material first becomes superconductive at the right temperature and expels whatever magnetic fields were penetrating it at the time. All this said, we're having to take the video on the statements of whoever made/released it, and there are other possible explanations for the it that do not involve room-temperature superconductivity. I will be very happy if this is a real replication, but I'm not taking the day off yet to celebrate just based on this.


    A deeper dive into the science:


    I'm not STONKing into all the mining stocks just yet, but I'm starting to dig around a little bit into the companies that would be on the bleeding edge if this turns out to be the real deal.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  10. 1 hour ago, texasdago said:

    Man, I have to pay attention to that later.  It just gets me when Faith/God are on the same level as Firearms.  The Biblical God that I know is not pro-Gun.  He's no pro-violence.  He's not "mah rahts" for guns.  It is not compatible with the Bible.  It gets me every time and to me its further proof that the vast majority of Christians are Christians in name and convenience, not in action.  But we all knew that.

    A lot of these same fucksticks screech about "faITh OvER fEAr" when talking about vaccines, but have so little faith that God will protect them in the gym that they feel the need to strap up.

    I took my daughter to breakfast yesterday and the dude at the table next to us had a poorly concealed gun under his shirt. We were in a cafe on the town square where the population is <35k. Not exactly fucking Fallujah in 2004.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  11. 3 minutes ago, Shut up Lou Holtz said:

    Conspiracy shit beamed down from the mothership. 

    Basically how my parents get their news from fox 

    Blaming Spider-Man GIF

    I’m going to hurt family members feelings trying to get them to read the indictment instead of being spoon fed the FNC take on this instead.

    Tell them to put a marker down now - if Meadows and Pence testify under oath that what is alleged in the indictment is what happened, then it actually did happen. And it’s bad, real bad, right? Because they are going to be gaslit to oblivion that it’s all fake. 


    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. Anyone tried one of these out? It looks like the old Raspberry Pi build that you could do on your own, but it comes loaded with 50k games with the ability to download more to the memory card. I'm not sure how they get around the copyright issues.

    I might scoop one just so I can beat down my kids at Tecmo Super Bowl and GoldenEye.


    Top 100 GameGrid 2 Games

    1942 (1984)
    4D Prince of Persia (1994)
    4D Sports Boxing (1991)
    64 in 1 (1991)
    7 dní a 7 nocí (1994)
    Adventure (1980)
    Alex Kidd in Miracle World (1986)
    Arkanoid (1986)
    Baseball (1983)
    Battle City (1985)
    Blockout (1989)
    Bomberman (1985)
    Bomberman II (1991)
    Bubble Bobble (1986)
    Castlevania (1986)
    Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night
    Chip ’N Dale: Rescue Rangers (1990)
    Circus Charlie (1984)
    Contra (1987)
    Contra III: The Alien Wars (1992)
    Crash Bandicoot Trilogy
    Dangerous Dave (1988)
    Dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion (1991)
    Dig Dug (1982)
    Disney’s Aladdin (1993)
    Donkey Kong (1981)
    Donkey Kong Country (1994)
    Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest (1995)
    Doom (1993)
    Doom 64 (1997)
    Doom II: Hell on Earth (1994)
    Double Dragon (1987)
    Duck Hunt (1984)
    Dyna Blaster (Bomberman) (1990)
    E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
    EarthBound (1994)
    Excitebike (1984)
    Felix the Cat (1992)
    Final Fantasy 7
    Final Fight (1990)
    Flicky (1984)
    Galaga (1981)
    Galaxian (1979)
    God of War
    GoldenEye 007 (1997)
    Grand Prix Circuit (1988)
    Hudson’s Adventure Island (1986)
    Hudson’s Adventure Island III (1992)
    Ice Climber (1985)
    Kirby Super Star (1996)
    Kirby’s Adventure (1993)
    Kung-Fu Master (Spartan X) (1984)
    Lion King, The (1994)
    Lode Runner (1983)
    Magic Jewelry (1990)
    Mappy (1983)
    Mario and Luigi (1994)
    Mega Bomberman (1993)
    Mega Man (1987)
    Mega Man 2 (1988)
    Mega Man X (1993)
    Metal Gear Solid
    Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! (1987)
    Montezuma’s Revenge (1984)
    Mortal Kombat (1993)
    Mortal Kombat 4 (1997)
    Mortal Kombat II (1994)
    Oregon Trail, The (1990)
    Pac-Man Collection! (2006)
    Pitfall! (1982)
    Pokemon Blue
    Pokemon Red
    Popeye (1982)
    Prehistorik (1991)
    Prehistorik 2 (1993)
    Prince of Persia (1989)
    Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow & The Flame (1993)
    Resident Evil 2
    River Raid (1982)
    Road Fighter (1984)
    Road Rash (1991)
    Sid Meier’s Civilization (1991)
    SimCity 2000 (1993)
    Snow Brothers (1990)
    Sonic and Knuckles (1994)
    Sonic the Hedgehog (1991)
    Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (1992)
    Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (1992)
    Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (1994)
    Street Fighter II (1992)
    Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting (1992)
    Streets of Rage 3 (1994)
    Super Bomberman (1993)
    Super C (1990)
    Super Mario 2 (NES) / (GBA)
    Super Mario Advance 4 (GBA)
    Super Mario Kart
    Super Mario World (SNES)
    Super Punch-Out!! (1994)
    Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (1993)
    Tank 1990 (1990)
    Tecmo Bowl (1987)
    Tecmo Super Bowl (1991)
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1989)
    Tekken 3
    Test Drive III: The Passion (1990)
    Tetris (1986)
    Tetris (1989)
    Tiny Toon Adventures (1991)
    Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2
    Track & Field (1984)
    Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (1996)
    Vlak (1993)
    Wolfenstein 3D (1992)

  13. And loads of them testified under oath that they were participating in the Jan 6 fuckery at the direction of Donald Trump. Hell of a long game if it was a false flag; antifa must pay really well for these losers to hold the line on the framing of Dotard all the way through their own sentencing hearings.

  14. Now I'm running down the rabbit hole on fly lines.

    I've got a Loomis NRX 9' 5wt LP - which is probably 5 or 6 years old. I bought it from a friend and he gave me a Ross reel with unknown line on it as well. The line does have a sinking tip on it so I assume he had it set up for streamers and it really loads the rod up easily - maybe too much. I've got an extra spool for the reel and am thinking about setting this one up for dry flies. After a little googling for a good line match for this rod I found quite a few recommendations for SA Amplitude Smooth line:


    The Rio Premier Gold has some fans too.


    I'm probably not really proficient enough to be able to tell the difference, but I need all the help I can get to make good casts. Any opinions?

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