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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Anastasis

  1. Remember that neighbor I was talking about that already had nailer going on his roof.
  2. Also. This one may be moving too fast but at least it’s hitting the lake recharge.
  3. We about to get jackhammered again. Anyone know if I get to wrap the wife’s car and the roof under the same deductible?
  4. Last one was like round four by my count.
  5. Lukewarm on this on first look. I prefer the color keyed fender flares over the black on color look.
  6. Thanks, quoted what I think is the relevant methods section below. Various scales, some of which were combined, and then further composited with other scales. Political orientation was assessed with the single item “What is your political orientation?” on a 1–5 scale ranging from “extremely conservative” to “extremely liberal.” Authoritarianism was measured using 12 items capturing three facets of authoritarianism (subordination, aggression, and conventionalism) from Duckitt, Bizumic, Krauss, and Heled (2010)’s tripartite authoritarianism-conservatism-traditionalism model. Egalitarianism was measured with eight items from Feldman and Steenbergen (2001) and Feldman (1988). Religiousness was assessed with the 9-item religiousness scale created by Koenig, McGue, Krueger, and Bouchard (2005). The scale asks about participation in and frequency of religious activities. 11 items were used to measure socialism liberalism and six measuring fiscal conservatism. These items were adapted from similar questions in the General Social Survey items (Smith, Davern, Freese, & Morgan, 2018). A list of all items for each scale can be found in the supplementary materials of Willoughby, Giannelis, Ludeke, Klemmensen, et al. (2021). Correlations among our political scales are presented in Table 3. Due to the high correlations among the variables, we create a composite measure to summarise the relationship between intelligence and political opinion. Authoritarianism, egalitarianism, social liberalism and fiscal conservatism scales are combined to create a sum score called the political composite. Before summing, we change the signs of our scales so higher scores indicate left-wing views, ensuring that high composite scores indicate left-wing views too. A scale was coded as being left-wing or right-wing by its correlation with authoritarianism, which is assumed to be right-wing. Example items are shown in Table 2.
  7. That response has nothing to do with the request for more details on exactly what scales they used to assess political orientation. It's not a gotcha, it's a reasonable request if you want to the discuss the abstract you posted.
  8. Today is the 76th anniversary of deir yassin. Within a month the mandate expired, Israel declared independence, and the Arab countries and Israel were at war. It’s been a real box of chocolates since.
  9. More details on the political orientation scales used please.
  10. That was dope. Got a good minute of totality before a cloud took over.
  11. Cloud cover just got very heavy. Can’t see the sun if I tried.
  12. Got a couple glimpses, but now totally obscured by cloud cover.
  13. This was the coolest part about the last one.
  14. There are reports that the turn around time is speeding up. But plans on timeframe measure in months. I think my last one was like 10 or 11.
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