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Posts posted by Thatguy

  1. 46 minutes ago, StassneyHorn said:

    That’s certainly one way to look at it.


      Look. This is Texas where teams gameplan every week for your game despite playing other opponents. Where the UH's of the world come in all fired up and throw all their emotions at you and then give zero effort in a shutout game a week or so later. You are getting everyone's best shot and all the pressure. It's not for everyone. Gilbert was overwhelmed here and it showed in his play. Pros felt the same way. Hold the clipboard. Same for the others. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Bolero88 said:

    We had 3 sacks from our DEs yesterday. That ain't the problem Shitty Safety play is. 

    Maybe you need a rewatch of how long this mfer was patting the football behind his line while our D-line flailed about, desperately trying to get to him. You can't ask a secondary to cover that long. Start and the 16:15 mark. Count 1-thousands. We are even bringing extra guys and still can't get there. You can say its holding or whatever you want, but 4-5 seconds in the pocket is an eternity.



    • Rage+1 1
  3. 3 hours ago, txhorns said:

    2.3 YPC takes into account all of the sack yardage that Shedeur has taken, which is a ton.  He had -37 yards last night.  Their running backs haven’t been bad.  They won’t win the game for Colorado but they could certainly help to ease some of the pressure.  Another big concern is that they constantly try to throw the ball deep, likely to show of Shedeur’s talent for the NFL.  Shedeur wouldn’t take near as many hits if they threw quick slants and screen passes more often.  Get the ball out quick.  Basically their offense is designed to show off Shedeur as much as possible instead of to win football games.

    Sack yardage is taken into account by every team's average. Also, you are not taking into account long runs. Take UCLA for example. McCaskill had a long of 9, Edwards had a long of 8. Wilkerson had a long of 8. Hankerson had a long of 9. That means those 4 backs, outside of popping one run each, averaged 1.5 yards per carry, and that's without the sack yardage added in. If you are watching their games you would see this. They will have a draw play on 3rd and long that gets close to a first or something like that. However, they can't run the football to get them ahead of the chains at all. Now take Texas. We popped two big runs of 54 and 27. Outside of that we are still averaging 4ypc.

     I get you guys love hating them. However, their line cannot pass block even a basic rush, and they can't consistently open hole for their backs.

  4. On 11/3/2023 at 6:36 PM, NoName said:

    yeah, the offense is the problem here.




    demoting easily the best hire you made and a true up and comer who has done very good all things considered

    if you want a real laugh compare how they did last year vs this year.




    demoting Sean Lewis is the single worst decision he could have made coaching staff wise. its going to impact his ability to hire actual up and coming coaches moving forward and is a terrible look for a guy who left a HC job for you.

    then you demote him for one of the 5 worst NFL coaches by win% since the super bowl era and who was last successful in 2017 with the Vikings and whose last experience at the college level was in 1998 with the 3-8 Stanford Fighting Willinghams?

    terrible decision. wonder if lewis even stays around at this point


    They are averaging 27.32 time of possession. Part of the offense's job is to possess the ball and protect the defense. They also cannot protect the quarterback. If you actually are watching the games Sanders has pressure on him by the time his back foot hits the ground. Lastly, they CANNOT run the football and aren't doing anything creative to get something going. 2.3 ypc isn't going to cut it. If I were Prime I would bring in someone from the Briles tree to get people away from the box.

    • Fuck You 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Sundodger said:

    Um, Sark.   You got a shit coach.  Washington crushes Texas this year if they meet.

      This dude coming in here with his chest puffed out. That 316 yards rushing you had on USC? You can slice 200 off of it bruh. That dog won't hunt.  We played yall last year when all our draftable players sat out the bowl game and you still barely beat us. Us at full strength? Nah bro. Truth is, you don't even know how good you are because you've played a Pac12 schedule and no one else. Your best win came against a team that barely beat a 4-5 team from our conference. Utah barely beat a 3-6 team from our conference. In fact, who from your conference has a quality win out of conference? If I were you I would just hide in the corner and see how things shake out.

  6. 5 hours ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    what the fuck is up with everyone saying the bolded part?  are you the same fuck who said the same thing in the Houston game?


    "defense completely stuffing them, go for the jugular!"   yeah, and in that game and this one, what happened.... the defense suddenly couldnt stop anything.  and to be VERY honest, thats happened to Sark's defenses a LOT in the last 2 years, like the defense blows just as many leads as Herman's teams.... the difference is Sarks teams have managed to win in the end in most of them. 

    you take the points early, and maybe you dont have to freak out about not having them later. 


    our glaring hole on defense is the secondary... none of our DB's and safeties have any fucking clue how to defend a high arcing ball coming to them. the slant route is worth 15 yards against us everytime and the only time we get INTs is when the opposing QB badly throws a ball. 

    Our actually problem is natural pass rushers. We can't get pressure so the guys on the back end have to hold up forever. Then when we bring second level guys, they still don't get home, and someone is open in the area they vacated. The cushions are a form of protection against explosive passing plays.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  7. 5 hours ago, dec3169 said:

    I think we could drop 1 because of Bama beating LSU.  It wouldn't surprise me.  Even though we beat Bama, and beat a ranked team they beat a higher-ranked SEC team.  I can't read the playoff committee's tendencies yet, so we may still get lucky for beating Bama head-to-head but Oklahoma beat us head-to-head and it didn't help them.

    OU had a worse loss.

  8. 6 hours ago, StassneyHorn said:

    Well yea, y’all did it 

    The point is our transfers are NFL ready and the stupid ass scrubs you picked over years didn’t do dick

       Stass- What somebody did at a directional school doesn't equate to what someone does here. It's a lot different. Playing higher quality defenses with a lot more pressure on you. Secondly, the NFL brings guys in on potential. If they have all the measurables they are looking for they will bring them in on potential. You know, the same way we bring in recruits from high school. None of those dudes worked out here nor did they work out in the next level.

  9. 1 minute ago, Irish Wrist Watch said:

    We've got three QBs with room for two. Manning is not going to be 3rd string next year. He'll leave the program. Now is the time to make the decision. Hey, give Manning a shot and if he shits the bed, let's go forward with Maalik next year,  but putting this season on Maalik's shoulders is a mistake. 

    We've got a good team supporting Manning. Let's give him a shot.

    That's not how that will go at all. Maalik believes he can be just as good as the other two. That is the only reason he is still wearing burnt orange. If he gets pulled for Arch then there won't be a next year. He will portal. If you think Arch and Murphy are even somewhat at the same level then you let Murph ride it out. Arch expected to redshirt.

  10. 1 hour ago, Hermanator said:

    Repeatedly makes the same game day mistakes game after game. Last week refused to take the 3 to make it a 3 score game, twice, and this week refused to take the 3 to make it a 3 TD game. All with a red zone offense, irregardless of the QB, that ranks among the last in the nation. That's sheer stupidity and not knowing your team. 

    But honestly the most egregious was not getting split snaps for both QBs against BYU knowing full well Ewers would miss this game and one or both of them would have to play it. ESPECIALLY when Maalik showed to be careless and turnover prone early in that game. By accounts inside the program it's a question which backup QB is more ahead of the other and as a HC in this situation it's your job with the playoffs and conference title still on the line to exhaust all options at that position. He failed to do that and that's probably the 1 largest factor that had us in a situation to lose that game if Klieman doesn't make one of the most boneheaded decisions by any coach in the CFB season. Sark failed to prepare and found his team in OT with a QB that could not be trusted to make decisions with the ball. 

    I'm ecstatic with the win and believe we may be charmed to survive until the big 12 title game but it's kind of happening in spite of Sark's decisions in some ways and there's mounting questions on why he's making these mistakes. The best HC in any sport know their team, know their opponent, and coach to their team's strengths and opponent's weaknesses and adjust to what's happening in real time. Sark seems oblivious to that much of the time. 

    I believe he can still win a title here if he continues to recruit and hit the portal at an elite level and maintains top quality assistant coaches but he's showing he can derail a season with his mistakes. 

     We assume Arch is good or even close to where Murph is currently. Just like everyone assumed Murph was in the same stratosphere as Ewers. He isn't, and maybe Arch isn't quite ready for the big time yet and the coaches know it and don't want to kill his confidence putting him in a tough situation. Hard to say, but these coaches have been pretty good at talent evaluation to this point. So I am trusting them with that.

    As far as him showing he can derail a season. We are 8-1.

  11. 3 minutes ago, nineliveslost said:

    And the reason he didn't take the points against a very disciplines tough team that just shut out the team you struggle with?


    1 minute ago, WinningIsHard said:

    The same reason kleiman let his OC run Howard into the strength of our defense then not take the points and keep getting chances against our wore out defenses. They are human. Which “game day” coach can you point to that doesn’t do some head scratching shit? 

    Nick Saban didn't run Milroe vs us. All coaches have a couple head scratchers, but they are only head scratchers  when they don't work. We were all cheering when we called the 4th and 1 Baxter run.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  12. 2 minutes ago, nineliveslost said:

    Holy shit. Sark called a good first half. His 4th down calls in the red zone are dumb. His second half calls were odd and MM.didn't help

    Honestly, I don't understand how you guys blame things on the coach. Sark had a solid gameplan. He knew KSU would come out and load the box. He appropriately had deep plays dialed up. KSU then backed off but Murph still forced it downfield. We ran the football but we kept getting ourselves behind the chains with penalties. Then Murph, who lost his confidence after a few boneheaded decisions, started holding the ball to be sure before throwing it, and then throwing the ball behind the receivers. At that point, seeing our QB was rattled, KSU came up and challenged the running game again.

     I saw a coach trying to flip momentum by being aggressive but we just couldn't execute. If Quinn is in there we blow KSU out.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  13. 2 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    I feel like I just worked out for 2 hours and then ran for 2 hours. My whole body hurts and my heart won’t slow down lol

    My doc says to get my heart rate up to lower my high blood pressure. Done and done Doc.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  14. 4 minutes ago, SpiralOut said:

    Hate to say it, but this team definitely has another loss in them this season.

    I'm skeptical they can even get past TCU and ISU unscathed.  Then they have to not choke against the Gooners in the title game.  All with a backup QB who doesn't know his elbow from his asshole when it comes to running an offense and completing passes.  And with Sark giving opposing teams every chance in the world with poor decisions.

    They've had all season to figure shit out and play mistake free football.  They haven't done it once yet.  I doubt they magically turn it around now.  Who knows though.  Maybe we get lucky like in this game.

    Ewers they will likely be fine.

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