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Everything posted by PHLaggie

  1. Have you guys been watching the fightin Buzz Williams? Last night, they kept it close in the 2nd half but the obvious talent mismatch came through because A&M just doesn't have enough talent right now to go up against the top 25 teams and win. And that one dude from Kentucky (Quickley) just kept firing the 3's and hitting almost all of them. But the way they have fought and won, they seem to have exceeded expectations (SEC pre-season rankings had had near the bottom of the conference), and other than a couple of blow-out losses the games have been close, so that shows the fight. Buzz probably has them peaking right now, and if they could win one or two more before going into the SEC Tourney and winning a couple there, they at least could get a post-season NIT invite hopefully. And that's good build-up for next year (hey, i'm an aggie, i always have next year to look fwd to! lol) Buzz looks to be a good coach who makes the most of the talent he has; hopefully he can also upgrade the talent and A&M can begin to think about making it back to the Big Dance.
  2. CNBC on-air personality with interesting phrasing...
  3. "Dick Pound, the longest serving member of the IOC..." the dude has a lot going for him. Is his secretary's name Arlotta Fagina?
  4. getting on Twitter and seeing "Dick Pound" trending, had to click to see what that's about. Dick Pound, turns out, is a big deal within the International Olympic Committee, and he is saying that the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo are still good to go, but could also be cancelled if the COVID-19 epidemic/pandemic isn't brought under control soon... You could say Dick Pound is weighing his words very carefully. IOC member estimates there's a three-month window to cancel Olympics in wake of coronavirus https://apnews.com/58043910be7bdc6818344bdee2096bc2?utm_medium=AP_Sports&utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_source=Twitter
  5. in most such matters, i have come to conclude that at the end of the proverbial day, let the actions/results do the talking; everything else is spin and will be worthless. If Robinson is a good hire that will show up in recruiting and in on-field production or any other objective measure of a coach's worth. and actions will be needed pretty quickly in that thin RB room. so, we shall see.
  6. As a tree advocate and volunteer, anything that brings more tree canopy to College Station has my support. If they're lucky the trees will be large with enough canopy to cover up some of the atrocious architecture from at least some of the lines of sight/viewsheds.
  7. finally! who is he? *runs over to google* https://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/sports/lsu/article_bff83fbe-576a-11ea-b7f5-5fd967314fab.html maybe decent option?
  8. Just got back from an awesome 3-course prix-fixe dinner at a chef-driven spot. And what I see here, but awesome support. Thanks, you guys! I'll know better going fwd. If any of you happen to be visiting Philly and I'm free, happy to buy you a drink.
  9. looks like most of the new space is dedicated to ancillary/support services. Student housing, retail, parking, green space. how much of the half-a-billion is actually going toward any hard science or engineering?
  10. i made a mistake of dropping by in the politics forum earlier today. i blame myself.
  11. Few would disagree with your point! ( couldn't miss this one, as it can go two different ways, depending on how you read it!)
  12. may be it's meta? a defensive mechanism? they laugh at us so let's preemptively make a fool of ourselves that way we look like geniuses! lol
  13. i assure you i'm neither a troll, nor a bot. there's no angle, other than at first discussing trump's india trip. and then responding to follow-up questions.
  14. eh, neg-repping is just an ego contest. it's an annoyance but i guess i don't expect idiots to not act idiotically upon seeing responses that don't match their preconceived reality. yes, you'll "survive" the neg-repping I bet. that's ok. I am complicated too, but you were quick to call me a xenophobe, which instantly negates my lived experience vis a vis Islam, and the history of my people's dealings with Islam. especially in the context of Pakistan, Kashmir, Bangladesh (and also Afghanistan). You would never abuse a Jew for calling out Islamism and Islamist apologia... but you are obviously feeling very free to call me out, thus erasing the Hindu ethnocide.
  15. you should be a great Holocaust Denier too, the way you are refusing to even acknowledge Hindu ethnocide of Kashmir, Pakistan, and ongoing in Bangladesh.
  16. any news on the running back coach hire? does any RB corch actually want to work for Jimbo?
  17. you wouldn't say that if you knew anything about how Pakistan and Bangladesh came about. Or what's happened to Kashmiri Hindus even since 1990. not all population change is benign. That's not xenophobia, that's just accepting reality.
  18. looks like some of you bitches got your panties in a wad; thanks for the negs, surly bitch-asses. that's what i get for wading in on here. ugh. looks like it's just one... Continental Op. fucker.
  19. Kewvun sought out my input, so I provided it. I guess I expected a more enlightened and open-minded conversation on a Longhorn board (compared to fellow Aggies), but thanks for setting me straight on that false expectation. May be it's a Texan thing (all hat, and all?)? There's definitely at least one committed anti-nationalist person on here, which is at least interesting tidbit by itself; the others are more like trolling one-liners themselves or people with Trump Derangement Syndrome, who then tell me I'm the troll for simply sharing my point of view (which was sought). I'll see myself out of this thread now.
  20. that's one angle for sure. Trump did mention in his SOTU speech that he wants to reform the immigration system and make it more merit based or what have you, basically favoring higher educated immigrants. There are more than 500,000 Indian backlogged on H1B visa, and Democrats in Seattle and SFO are busy twiddling their thumbs about this issue. Republican tent isn't large enough yet to attract more Indian Americans. Asian Americans as a whole and Indian-Americans within that group especially, would side with Republicans more if it was simply about taxation and economic policy, and about limited quotas for getting into top schools.
  21. So how strong is TDS in here?
  22. don't want to keep taking this thread off-tangent but yea, The Economist famously published editorials pushing the failed dyanstic politician of Nehru-Gandhi clan in 2013 when even WSJ columnists were mocking that guy's intelligence, so when the BJP and Modi won, they were shocked. They pulled something similar in 2019 run-up to the election, and this time Time Magazine also got in on the act. Almost all coverage of India in foreign press is devoid of actual ground realities but rather pushes the set narratives. Discerning media-consumers know this well by now. can you say "Fake News"?
  23. all-time record? not even 5% on any major indices. and not that big even in terms of just raw numbers. how big was the 1987 crash in terms of percentage? much bigger.
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