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Patrick Bateman

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Everything posted by Patrick Bateman

  1. We're missing a guy on the outside who can win deep or 1 on 1. We miss Amare, but beyond that, we miss someone who will cause a safety to shade....
  2. Loved everything about that play. Dak read it.... Schultz with a huge block and Tony P just coasted in..... Okay, defense, let's not give up any points.
  3. Fuck. Keep your feet Zeke...... had a 4-5 yard there and another first down. Need another 3rd down conversion now.
  4. Ensuring we get in FG position. Didn't mind it. If you go for a mid range pass play on 2nd and it's incomplete then you risk a 60+ yard FG. The penalty was a killer and then Steele getting beat like a drum on first down just killed the drive.
  5. Two really nice slants.... that 2nd one was low key a really hard catch. High and with smoke. Nice to see because he hasn't been good this season..... which should have been expected. Needed time for his knee to get back.
  6. Pollard way better in space but Zeke still better in short yardage.....
  7. Great pitch and catch by Dak to Gallup but we need more wide open guys by scheme rather than talent.
  8. Not a big fan of that 3rd down. It was a good pass bit how about counter side, where you had 1 on 1??? Don't get me started on the 2nd down call.
  9. Parson already with a sack and forced fumble. Zeke has 2 touches. What????
  10. Again, Bland can't keep his feet...... Secondary. CB. Just can't cover.
  11. LOL! Jalen Tolbert has been a net negative for the entire season..... JFC.
  12. Cowboys again..... stupid team.
  13. Why did Gallup stop running? JFC.
  14. Not having the good extra CB has really bit the Cowboys in the ass today..... and the fact we can't control the run. 187 yards on the ground.
  15. What will he be without Quinn? I still worry about this...... and Philbin as OL coach. Thumb and Rodgers also had arguably the best defense in the league and an obvious top 5 squad with Dom Capers.
  16. I have. We're a spunky bunch who play hard, run efficient plays and share the ball, but it's still a below average team. 2nd to last in SRS, 3rd worst in point differential. We don't have the talent or depth to do much.... maybe a misguided charge towards a play-in game? For what? Again, this franchise is a long, long way from being an actual contender. Primo being a monumental bust is a really a blow for the future of the franchise. Look, there are still positives. Vassell is looking like a guy who can stick and start in the league. Tre Jones looking like a rotational piece. Keldon is playing well. We'll see how the rookies pan out but we have all of the same issues we had before last season.... and the season before and before. We're younger now..... that's good, but don't go mistaking 10 games of .500 basketball as if this franchise has turned some metaphorical corner. We still have a bunch of issues and this team's best outcome is to get a top 5 pick..... or best.... a top 2 pick.
  17. True, but Sark calls a 2nd half like Greg Davis was coaching Jason Garrett at QB...... He's so fucking conservative, it's fucking terrible. We just went run, run, run with the game on the line..... Just fucking terrible.
  18. I would be shocked if they didn't find out at some point..... especially RC. Both may be smart enough to have plausible deniability though. And perhaps them finding out was the change in tack here. I said it when this came out..... this type of thing, pick, transaction could be a GM killer and it may well be so. Bryan Wright may be seen in Brooklyn, looking for a nice brownstone.
  19. Welp..... As Garth Brooks sang..... sometimes I thank god for unanswered prayers.
  20. I'm not sure the answer is Cooks, who's reported price is a day two pick and another picks so probably like a 2nd and 5th or 3rd and 4th. Cooks is a nice player but he's also a concussion away from taking some serious time off. That said, I do think we could use another WR, a CB, and another LB. They don't have to be huge names but guys who can do specific things like Hankins, who we just got for next to nothing. No. I don't remember any serious person wanting to trade multiple 1st rounders for Jamal Adams. I seem to remember folks thinking a 2nd may be FMV, but obviously were seriously outbid.
  21. Defense has just been awful today..... Terrible. And the lack of holding being called is ridiculous.
  22. Fumble!!!! Holy shit we needed that!!!!
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