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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UTEX90

  1. 12 hours ago, Vic Mackey said:

    I would not mind seeing OU beat Bama and then lose to Clemson. Us beating Georgia. It would make Aggy insane lmao. That is why I might root for OU just to see them try and spin it. But I hate both of those teams but definitely OU more since we have history obviously. 


    I think I have been driven to this mindset for this year.  I have never wanted OU to win a football game but as long as they lose to Clemson I'm good with it.

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  2. 8 minutes ago, Fud said:

     To make this recruiting thread worthy, this type of splash hire would hurt us with Bru, imo tbh no shit 

    They almost have to make a splash hire.  Not only for Bru but for future recruiting.  I'm not one to think we don't have a chance with Bru but I do think USC will hire someone they feel will get future recruits excited.  If Bru is looking for an excuse to go to USC I don't see them screwing it up and not giving him one.

  3. Ok so painting went way better than expected despite substantial frustration on my part.   Again, I am a perfectionist and she is fuck it we will figure it out and fix whats wrong when its all over.  Not exactly a good home repair match made in heaven.  Nevertheless kitchen looks great.

    I really thought this would be train wreck from the start.  She got 5 or 6 samples from Lowe's and proceeded to slap some on every wall in the kitchen so that there was no way this project wasn't moving forward.  The focal point of the kitchen is a wall that had some grease spots on it that prompted this project in the first place.  After just beginning to paint that wall it starts to peal and bubble.  Professional painter was called 30 min into project.  He is a friend of mine so at no charge he came and saved her ass by floating the wall and giving instruction on future bubbling.  Anyway kitchen looks fantastic much to my surprise.  We were basking in the glow of our accomplishment sipping wine on the couch watching a movie in satisfaction and exhaustion and then this beautiful conversation occurs.

    Mrs. UTEX90:  I don't like the rug in the kitchen. 

    Me.  The one you just bought Friday and sent me to pick up?

    Mrs. UTEX90:  Yes but it was second hand and only $80.00.  How do you like this one?  [Showing a pic on her phone]

    Me.  What are you going to do with the one we just bought? 

    Mrs. UTEX90:  Probably give it to Goodwill.

    I'm starting to simmer.  At the same time, Little Miss UTEX90 is sitting down to soup at the kitchen table. We just bough the table that morning (Sunday) from a guy who refinished it.  Neither of us loved the table but we will throw a table cloth on it and make due until we can agree on one.  We have been looking for 6 months and I am being picky.

    Me to Little Miss UTEX90: "Use a place mat at the table for your soup and drink.

    Mrs. UTEX90:  What does it matter the table is a piece of shit?

    Me.  Why the fuck did we buy the damn thing then?

    Mrs. UTEX90.  We needed a table for Thanksgiving.

    Me.  Well maybe we can sell it after Thanksgiving to someone else, there is no point in ruining it.

    Mrs. UTEX90.  I would be embarrassed to sell that table for $20.00.

    Me.  YOU JUST PAID ALMOST $200.00 FOR IT THIS MORNING.  Put the rug on your resale site for $80.00.  After Thanksgiving put the table on the resale site.  Don't fuck it up worse in the meantime.


    Between last night and this morning the rug is already sold for what we paid for the damn thing.  Anyone want a poorly refinished round kitchen table?  Couch is not for sale for obvious reasons.


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  4. 5 minutes ago, ousux said:

    Also, is it wrong that the thought of Herman sniffing blow off a strippers tits with Michelle present makes me actually like him now? Not that I believe a word of that drivel, but still..emoji23.png

    Wrong?  I think we would all knight him.  Or make him King.   This shit makes me want Tyrian Lannister's ass to be the last seated on the iron throne.

  5. 1 hour ago, Atxracer said:

    Commercials with a door bell ringing.  WTF, do commercial maker people not have dogs?

    And solicitors.  Yesterday a guy rings my doorbell and dogs go apeshit.  I am working from home so this is huge annoyance.  I go to the door and there is guy holding a clear tub with a UNICEF sticker on it and a few dollars in his bucket saying he is collecting donations for UNICEF.  Why would anyone put cash in a tub for some teenager?  I can just go online and donate to any charity I want and be certain they actually receive the money and I have a paper trail of the donation.  I am all for kids trying help out for charitable purposes but going door to door isn't the way to get it done.  I'm damn sure not donating cash to some teenager's drug fund.  GTFO.

  6. 46 minutes ago, Both Tacos said:

    Alright, Duck season Youth Weekend is just a couple of days away. This is the last year that my son has to participate as a shooter. There were some ducks in our wetland last weekend and this last cool front should have brought more, so looking forward to some smoking guns this weekend. 

    Good luck to the young fellow.   Some of the best days of my youth were spent waterfowling.

    • Like 1
  7. My daughter (no pics) is going to graduate in May and has been offered a job in Chicago.  She is super confused about whether or not to accept the offer.  It is a fair starting salary for Houston, Austin, or Dallas but I am concerned about the cost of living in Chicago as well as safety of a 22 year old moving north to a new city without knowing a soul.  I am also not happy about the prospect of her being so far away but I guess we have to let them find their own way.  I am certain she will get homesick but I want her to make her own decisions.

    I had never been to Chicago but went for 5 days this summer as a tourist.  The weather was perfect every day we were there which I hear is a rarity.  I had a blast other than being berated by some little shits on the subway but other than that I felt safe and the city was really nice. 

    I would love any input from someone who has lived in the city can give me.

  8. Coming into a thread with 69 pages certain that this has all been discussed but not having time to read the whole damn thing. (I am sure I will make some of you surly for doing this)

    Kids running around outside in socks without shoes.

    Little sayings printed as art decor all around the house.

    Opening the garage and finding the refrigerator open and 100% denial by the entire household that anyone got anything out of it.

    Finding a half drank soda or Gatorade in the house or fridge.

    People bitching on Nextdoor about how people drive in the neighborhood.

    Having to repeat myself.

    My dog continuing to bark after I get home when he can see it is clearly me and not an intruder.

    Big women in little shorts.

    Finding mold on cheese or bread.

    Putting utensils in the dishwasher handle down so they have to fondle the eating end when putting them back in the drawer.

    Not being in complete control of the remote.

    Someone sitting in my spot on the couch.

    Not being able to understand someone at a drive through window.

    Having unsolicited newspapers thrown in my yard.

    The "My Pillow Guy."

    People who get married during hunting and football season. (Not so trivial)

    Chit chat conversation. (And the people who want to continue it long after I have tuned out.)

    Finding a typo on something that was already sent.

    People who gossip.

    The price of bottled water in stores and tea in a restaurants.

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    • Haha 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Scholz said:

    Columbus is a complete shithole full of rude idiots and fat, ugly women and I've made a terrible mistake?  Just spitballing.

    Truth.  Makes me wonder how they hide all this shit from recruits so they actually don't see what the city is like.  I was there for 48 hours and was in fear for my life about 8 of them.

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  10. 1 minute ago, SydneyCarton said:

    Man. I'm not sure how to interpret that...one would think that implies he already knows where he's going if they are positive they will have a decision after their final visit. I would *think* that means OU is just a fun trip since it was so recently added?

    This is what I am hoping.  Still think it may be USC but one can dream

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