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Posts posted by SydneyCarton

  1. 7 hours ago, Hornius Emeritus said:

    What's your evidence for this opinion?

    Much like most of our cautious optimism for the 2024 elections, recent elections. GOP has gerrymandered and won big. Tim Dunn has successfully primaried republicans that stand in his way. History. 

    7 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    The record of the entire legislative session, everything filed by our AG in the last several years, our governor’s sole “leadership” being a constant game of “look how big a dick I can be to brown people,” and the fact that all of them are rewarded for that with electoral victory after victory.
    Being a piece of shit isn’t punished. It’s rewarded.

    Just say “the last 30 years.”

    2 hours ago, Hornius Emeritus said:

    If your interpretation of these events is correct, that would seem to prove that the Republican party is getting more racist and misogynistic, not the state of Texas.



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  2. 23 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    Claiming “the data shows” without presenting data does not make it a fact.  That may even be construed as misrepresentation of reality, and insisting someone accept it. Accusations, confessions, rah rah. 

    receipts or nah? 

    Would my insurance disappear or something?  I’m employed. 

    Oooh, that’s certainly a take.  

    lol. You asking others for receipts. I’ve watched you on 4 threads this week refuse over and over again to post videos or articles you claim are “so easy to google, I won’t do your work for you.” But you demand receipts from others. L O L

    meanwhile no other posters can dig up your “obvious” links and videos. Get all the way fucked, and stay fucked. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  3. 38 minutes ago, Snake Diggity said:

    If the situation plays out to give Dems control of the House, they better RAM through every god damn thing they’ve ever wanted.  The find out needs to be the most find outtie of all find outs.  Fuckin Medicare for all, codified abortion access, massive taxes on the super wealthy, order of magnitude increases in education funding, free universal childcare, massive gerrymandering restrictions on states, and a change in who is eligible for the presidency (no one under current indictment or currently being tried for a felony).  FUCK THOSE DUMB MOTHERFUCKERS.

    It’s like you think they have 60 votes in the senate. 

    • Rage+1 4
  4. 1 minute ago, atomheartbevo said:

     It’s fucking insane with everything that is happening with the House today.  Three Toes will be filing a motion to vacate tomorrow, no doubt about it, and sounds like Gaetz and a few others will back her.

    Massie, obviously, and if you want yet another prism with which to understand just how fucked up the GOP is, 8 years ago Massie was a fucking lunatic nutter in his party, and now he's a guy that has a completely undeserved veneer of respectability. It's like waking up one day in the future and seeing that Paul Gossar is a moderate. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 24 minutes ago, immamac said:

    Being a moron isn't trolling. Being a moron and being shown you are being a moron and continuing to be a moron is trolling. 

    Pretty sure that's also just called "being a moron." 

    You met a lot of morons that get their idiocy exposed and suddenly have a Eureka lightbulb moment? Because I never have. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  6. Just now, The Dog said:

    my point is that it's not just Fox News who was spreading the information and point the finger exclusively at them is disingenuous. not that you specifically were but there's a narrative out there that only Fox was doing this to mess with the jury when all they and other media outlets were doing was reporting things they thought they could report (Waters editorializing aside - he'd say that shit even if he knew nothing about them). 


    Yeah, I'm not sitting here going "WTF Fox News," at least, not about this specific thing. I'm sitting here going "everyone who is letting these details out, including reading them in open court, should be fucking fired/jailed/fined" etc. Why the FUCK wouldn't you read these details out in a closed session with just the teams invovled?

    • Hook 'Em 3
  7. 1 minute ago, The Dog said:

    NY Times, CBS, and MSNBC all reported the same information as Fox News. the jurors used that as an excuse to get out of jury duty. 

    then the judge told them to all not report that stuff even though it's being stated in open court. 

    bottom line is they are going to just have to sequester the jury once this starts.

    And then watch some of them get murdered if he's found guilty and gets jail time. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. Someone can explaint to me what having some clown on the floor "guard" against unsavory bills means. What are they, tackling people who want to call legislation to vote?

    That being said, this would be funny and hilarious if the end result likely wasn't further delays on Ukraine funding, and other things.

    When the Russians buy these guys, they really stay bought. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  9. 12 minutes ago, The Dog said:


    So he flipped his opinion on Feb 28th, and we're just now hearing about it 6 weeks later, and after several rejected efforts to bring a Ukraine funding bill to the floor by Johnson. That would make the question more like...why did he block efforts to bring the bill to the floor before now? 

    No, it can't be that the numbers for a discharge petition were reach, or that Iran attacked Israel. That would make too much sense. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  10. 2 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Except I didn’t want or need a reason to post about the Catholicos, and the majority of people openly driving this move against birth control are evangelicals/non-Catholics.  The fundamentalist Catholics are allied with them, sure, such as the head of the Heritage Foundation (who is a UT grad and somebody here knew him in grad school), but overall it’s being publicly driven by the evangelicals who want certain groups to have more babies because they are insecure about the demographics.

    If you want to fixate on Catholics, be my guest, but they aren’t the ones openly driving this.

    You're a sensitive boy, Tommy. 

    It was a joke that you go out of your way at every possible moment to remind everyone that Catholics outnumber evangelicals in Texas. Please, carry on with your thread.

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