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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SydneyCarton

  1. Too complicated. But his opponent should suggest he visit his therapists couch repeatedly.
  2. Did he say nothing for his entire segment and then stick his hand out at the end?
  3. Yeah, I'm not sure where the fuck my brain went on that one. Woof
  4. In news that is relevant to no one but me, I can say that after samplaing all of the Valentina's brands, Cholula, and Tapatio that by far I think Tapatio is the best. I think all I have left to try is El Yucateco. Tapatio was far and away the winner through.
  5. Apparently they're email releases. https://newrepublic.com/post/184249/78-year-old-criminal-kamala-harris-roasts-trump-press-release https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/live-blog/-presidential-election-trump-harris-live-updates-rcna163041
  6. I don't think she went far enough. I think she should start ending that statement with "I'm not sure why a venue chance should matter to him, unless he's scared of a woman and hopes to have a friendly environment."
  7. Sadly that demographic mostly isn't old enough to vote, but yeah. I dunno. I can see a world where black men don't want to vote for ANY woman, black or white. Of course I'm a fucking white man, so what the shit do I know? (nothing).
  8. I mean I just assumed that he was directly referencing that.
  9. I have to imagine that there is a segment of the gay population that will be even further energized by Pete, as well. Some people won't vote for their own rights, but if there's a bandwagon for their team going to the polls they will join the crew and vote. Dig him up, I don't give a fuck.
  10. Good. Bring out the whole fucking Friends crew. That's a generation of women that are now firmly entrenched in the suburbs and absolutely watch that shit whenever re-runs are on, or stream it the way lots of folks will just perpetually stream The Office or Seinfeld.
  11. It would be interesting to look at what some of these specific polls said in the previous election at this time. What did AZ have trump up then? I literally read it as a joke.
  12. Yet another strike against the existence of God.
  13. Mac is about as MAGA as it gets, he'd let JD in after hours without blinking. She's probably just being a good, supportive wife. So, in for the grift.
  14. I mean, great, but expecting Harris to win both AZ and GA again seems like a stretch to me. I know AZ horn is optimistic, and I know that AZ has dem SOS installed, but that is a contentious state. And taking GA as a given two elections in a row, no matter how much harris has energized her base there...also feels like far from certain. GA is SEC as fuck man. I'm assuming Harris wins 2/3 of the blue wall, and we go from there. I mean, whe you say it that way, the methodology makes perfect sense, actually...
  15. Why would they raise retirement age when like 30% of people under 30 are unemployed?
  16. I mean I don't hate Beshear. But in this world of short attention span theater, is anyone really paying attention to the VP unless they're consistently weird AF and fucking a couch, like Vance? How many young people are going to see a VP speak on the left to get fired up? I'm just skeptical of booting a guy becuase the far, far left who are prone to wine about any single thing says "Not that guy!"
  17. To me this just feels like a far left, I'm going to piss in the pool if I don't get exactly my way on everything situation. There's a lot of hemming and hawing going on in that article, and speculating that that many circles won't like Shapiro's stance on Palestine is certainly valid. But it's the same as certain posters here who were saying the bloc in michigan was going to doom ______________________ becuase _______________________ for weeks. Or the people here and in congress who were insisting dropping Biden was literally suicide, and that includes the likes of AOC. Sure, you would *think* that these people would understand their options versus a Trump regime in charge, for palestine, but I had a very spirited interaction with some progressives in a group chat this week, where I basically pointed out they were fucking children who look out for any excuse to not participate unless it's their actual dream candidate and they love nothing better than to take their ball and go home. Bernie Bros got fucked over in 2016, for sure, but they also stayed home and helped Trump get elected. So I have zero belief that many voters can do an analysis of which platform progresses their overall worldview further. In short, I don't think anyone can say anything with certainty, but if you lock up PA, you have to seriously, seriously consider Shaprio. I'm not saying he's got to be the guy, but you can't dismiss him becuase maybe he's not some folks first or second choice. PA is the ballgame.
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