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Certifiably Surly
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SydneyCarton last won the day on January 28

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About SydneyCarton

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  1. Celery and chips. I’ve also made the leftovers into wraps with some ranch dressing, so I could see a pita working well too.
  2. …. …. …. honestly we’ve used a crock pot to make our versions of it. So that?
  3. I've made several versions of this. It is fucking fire.
  4. I'm with you Mueller, at least the logical part of my brain is with you. But like you got to at the end of your post, I wouldn't be suprrised if they way, way outspend to take one or two recruits away that we really wanted to try and prove something...to themselves, to recruits, whatever. Like Colin Simmons or Anthony Hill type kids in Texas. I could see them trying to make a statement with Zion Elee too. These guys are nuts, and they're desperate. The good news is them showing up to drop 3-5 million on a couple of players probably continues to exacerbate their problems.
  5. Clearly you understood nothing about my post.
  6. Oh I have him on ignore too. Like I said it’s a public service. I don’t think he meant “panned out for us.”
  7. This is your public service announcement for a potentially shitty friday morning:
  8. I’m not one to talk, I addressed it like 2 posts later. I forgot about the time editing limitations because, well, most reasonable people pay to be part of tree-fiddy and burnt ends. I legitimately forgot there are regular posters who don’t give back to this community. Let’s talk about your commitment to sparkle motion, Pete.
  9. Harvdog spent two years angrily telling us how a high profile recuit that was a friend of his son's, and wasn't a worthless bag of shit (he was). Hank Scorpio used to mock him incessantly with long winded stories about harv's fake (maybe) son Laramie, who was friends with said football recruit.
  10. I'd also argue that Jefferson in a competent scheme with competent coaching proabably would have an entirely different career. But that's speculation. Duvernay starting isn't speculation, it's obvious. Edit: I should probably add that it's obvious to everyone but Katfid, who probably can't tell the two apart, and can't tell Devin duvernay apart from Kevin Hart, or Kevin Kline.
  11. They'll find a way to blame this on Newsom.
  12. I would be shocked if it's huff. Dude's done well, and while he likes being around football, I'm not sure he's hungry for the recruiting grind. If he does sign on, he'd be a get for sure.
  13. Man, I fucking LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE reading their certainy with where we're failing and crushing it with NIL. "They leveraged their whole network of donors and alum early!!!" - Our AD literally stood in the way of tapping bigger donors for years. "Their crowdsourcing is amazing!" - Uh, is it? Maybe, I've been out of that loop for awhile now, but I haven't heard anything other than "It's coming along, not where it needs to be." Fucking know-nothings.
  14. In completely unsuprising news, the "lets get Jimmy Lake" ignorant takes are rolling in...
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