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Posts posted by Hook1997

  1. 2 hours ago, LTtxfan said:






    Always loved Mort, he was awesome and way too soon.  He would want us to laugh after the fact that I clicked on this thread after eating an edible…….  Then, I spent a good minute plus looking at the first picture deciding in my head if that picture was photoshopped or not.  Payton is the megamind cartoon in real life.  

  2. On 3/2/2024 at 12:39 AM, TexLonghorn said:

    Smackdown started with 40 minutes of talking tonight from the guy who has held the championship uninterrupted for 3 1/2 YEARS now, whose entire family seems like it is or has been involved in the WWE.  Such a quality product right now.  🙄  Seems more like watching someone's family backyard barbecue arguments than actual entertainment.  

    This is actually much better than 3 plus years ago….   I don’t really watch much other than flipping  channels to it there here and there anymore or Rumble or Mania pirating.  But from reading a bit on the internet the last few years and listening to old school wrestlers podcasts (who comment on the current product occasionally).  Everyone the last year in a half since Vince has been gone says it’s is the best it’s been in a long time, talent and fans.  

  3. 51 minutes ago, UT_OB1 said:

    I just found an unopened Amazon box from 20 fucking 18. We needed a record play so bad we just couldn’t live without it. We have a cash flow problem, yet shit from Amazon just keeps showing up and getting shoved in a hole somewhere unopened. 

    Angry Inside Out GIF by Disney Pixar

    I mean that was like 5 years ago.  I’d take this one as a win and start jamming some records.  Just make sure she opens the boxes with the records in it that she buys now….. 

    • Haha 1
  4. 14 minutes ago, D3zii said:

    Guess AD’s nervous, seen him drop some passes I know he would usually make 


    guess he saw the dollar signs after his 40

    That last one I’m not sure if he messed up the route or it was overthrown.  Looked like the other guys caught the ones in that area, odd.  

  5. Now that they have local morning sports competition it might kill The Horn.  ESPN finally gave up on just playing their annoying national shows in Austin in the am, finally.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, Newdoc said:

    Holy carp! How quickly Texas reverts to the norm and then you need the full 20+ point lead to pull this game out. 


    5 minutes ago, BigOrange1 said:

    we're up 18....

    I sometimes read the most recent game thread page for basketball before checking the score.  I often think we are down by 20 then I check the score and we’re up by 10….   

    • Haha 3
  7. 8 hours ago, Post Oak said:

    Can you imagine if we tried something that progressive here?

    Yes we in the USA are known for our self control….   So legal or non prosecuted drugs should work great….  See SF and Oregon as examples maybe of how great that’s going.

  8. 1 minute ago, Horn Dogg said:

    A bit optimistic on the deep throw?

    That’s what jumped out at me..


    1 minute ago, SimonBolivar said:

    Supposed ratings or Inside Texas' guess?

    True, but they fluff up star players stats so I could see it being correct.  

  9. Just now, Enemy07 said:

    Thought I had him in my post. Brooks is a sure 3rd or 4th round. But most likely 4th depending on how confident a team thinks they can get his injury to 100% recovery.

    Its just nice having so many getting drafted that we can forget one when listening them.  I want the Charlie and Tom years to be like a fever dream that we never talk about after ten more years of success.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Enemy07 said:

    How they should get drafted but wont because there are so many dinosaurs working in the NFL.

    1st - Sweat, Mitchell

    2nd - Worthy, Barron

    3rd - Sanders, Murphy, Ford

    4th - Jones


    6th - Watts

    Undrafted - Whittington, Robinson

    What about Brooks?  

  11. 7 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Tapa quote of you: “Also no, those are the loud voices you hear that say things like that then support everything he stands for.  I think both are flawed right now because they try so hard to be the opposite of the other.  Nothing will be fixed until both realize they need to work together instead of trying to prove the other is wrong non stop.”
    See, that’s the problem. I know you WANT it to be just some “loud voices.” But it’s not just those. The assholish positions I pointed out (and many, many others) don’t belong just to some screaming nut job on Twitter.
    They belong to legislators regularly proposing (and frequently passing) legislation with those positions.
    They belong to governors and attorneys general aggressively litigating in support of those positions.
    Those positions are plainly stated in numerous Republican Party platforms - you know, the literal document that says “these are our priorities and beliefs.”
    The John Birch Society HAS A SPEAKING SLOT AT CPAC.
    Open and proud Nazis are advising Texas conservative advocacy groups, and Texas republicans remain divided over whether that’s a bad thing.
    You don’t get to examine a patient riddled with tumors and say “it’s just a few loud rogue mutant cells.” No. It’s fucking cancer. And it’s killing us all. You’re either on the side of killing the cancer, or you’re not.
    Yes, there are other problems with our body politic. It has a bum left knee, damaged hearing, a broken wrist, and it burns when it pees….but NONE OF THAT MATTERS IF WE DIE OF CANCER.
    You’re over here asking “but why don’t we talk more about the bum knee, that limp is slowing us down” while everyone sane is focused on what kind of combo of surgery, radiation, and chemo can keep us alive to see another year.
    Oh….and you also want us to keep smoking, drinking carcinogen-flavored water, and sitting out in the sun all day, feeding the cancer.
    Nope. Sorry. I’m done with the Republican Party and everything it stands for. It’s contemptible and anti-American. For fucks sake, it harbors a real-deal movement to have Texas secede from MY COUNTRY. That’s fucking treason, and the Texas GQP discusses it as casually as placing lunch order. Seriously. Fucking treason, and you’re trying to “both sides” this shit?

    The those decisions belong to legislators argument, that was kinda my whole point for both sides?  But to you one side is at fault completely here? For every Marjorie Taylor Green there’s a John Fetterman that got elected (I agree he was running against a person with brain damage also, hints my point)..  For every Ted Cruz there’s a AOC, defend it all you want but come on.. (they are pretty much each side’s opposite)  Hank Johnson thought an island might turn over because a base was too big on one side….  Jamaal Bowmam, Tommy Tuberville, the list goes on.  How people like this on either side get into office is astounding. Yes Trump brought out the worst in blind followers who choose to turn a blind eye to everything but the Democrat reaction to that was to act the same way to an extent. Neither admit flaws at any cost now and when challenged just talk louder about how the other is wrong instead of any actual discussion happening.  Are Trump politics and the hardcores that jump on board worse than anything else right now, sure.  But both parties and all media outlets have adopted the strategy.  So yes in my opinion it’s understandable to not like the direction either has taken.  This whole thread is about CR bring crap..  My whole point is in CR if you bring up any opposing view over half will just call you names and not give a educated answer.   Same with a conservative board right now.  Before a few years ago that wasn’t always the case, there’s a reason most on this board say CR has gone to shit recently.  It’s the same people patting themselves on the back and bitching in unison about views they don’t like, there’s seldom any actual debate on anything going on.  Same for a conservative board I’m sure.  

    • Like 1
  12. 1 minute ago, royiv said:

    Both sides!!!

    Believing parts of both are right and maybe both should be more to the center is not a badge of shame you think it is….  Country would be much better off if both parties thought more like that.  But you wear your extreme to one side badge proud if you want!  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. 50 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    Maybe I’m reading a different CR

    but seems to most people readily admit Biden’s age is an issue but when viewed against the choice of a fascist Putin sympathizer rapist, it kind of loses relevance. It’s the same with any criticism of Biden. Some are valid, but they will always be compared to Fat Satan, and upon doing so, the criticisms look silly. 

    Where?  You can go back to page 16 of the Biden thread there is no talk about it being an issue, plenty of talk saying it’s the GOP narrative and there is no issue.  Half the Biden thread is about Trump.  The Jon Stewart thread is the closest thing to that, but most of it is well look at Trump.  We get it, everyone should know what Trump is at this point and yea it’s crazy people overlook everything and still support him just because he’s a Republican. Which goes back to being more worried about your side is wrong I’m right at all costs.  Let’s ignore this issue because look at the other guy isn’t addressing the issue..  


    50 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    He’s not interested in “solving” any of those problems, because….he doesn’t think they’re problems at all.
    It’s amazing how the “I don’t like Trump, so I’m trustworthy, I swear” crowd still ends up consistently falling in line with most/all of the hard right policy positions that are sizably out of step with a majority of Americans.
    What they don’t like about Trump is that he’s messy and gauche. That’s it. They agree with everything he stands for, they’re just embarrassed by the package.
    So, how do we work on the problem of Ted Cruz? We don’t. They will all vote for him and re-elect him.
    How do solve the problems of women and their health after Dobbs? Tell them to keep their legs closed, and there won’t be any more problems.
    Etc etc.
    The conservative moment isn’t shitty because of Trump. The shittiness of the connective movement is what made Trump inevitable.

    Also no, those are the loud voices you hear that say things like that then support everything he stands for.  I think both are flawed right now because they try so hard to be the opposite of the other.  Nothing will be fixed until both realize they need to work together instead of trying to prove the other is wrong non stop.  


    1 hour ago, Celery Man said:


    I think you’re kinda right, but also the skepticism of the center right is rational. The center right consistently votes for extremist lunatics. 

    While you are right to a point, that’s voting just on general policy over one person or the other side.  Also plenty undecided and center who just won’t vote this year, I expect the voting numbers to be way down this year.  

  14. 25 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    I don't buy this argument in the slightest. If you go in there to discuss a problem with an honest attempt at reaching a consensus, I'd bet you'll be met with those willing to listen.

    A couple of current disagreements among posters on active topics that have remained civil are a) whether Fani Willis' hiring of some dude she was bonking would hurt the election fraud case against Trump in Georgia and b) whether Biden's age is problematic. Most posters agree that each of those is not ideal, but there are dissenters. Given the context of each, however, most are willing to give both Willis and Biden a pass. Willis' actions harm public perception but don't change the facts of the case. Still, more than a few question her judgment. Trump is also old and showing signs of slipping, so we're going to elect a geezer either way. If that's true of both, then why not go with the one who didn't try to overturn an election? Care to debate either of those?

    It's true that most come at things from an ideological perspective, ranging from pretty far left to left-of-center to moderate and then to far-right, but that's because a lot of posters from the center-right camp have abandoned the discussion of political issues/subjects altogether. So, what problem would you like to discuss and reach a consensus on? You are allowed your beliefs if you're willing to back them up with something.

    A few other problems that are open to discussion 

    There’s no real discussion here about Biden’s age being an issue here minus a sprinkle of posts.  The last couple pages of the Biden thread are about Trump mostly.  

    The center-right abandoned the discussion here because no one listens when people even try to make a solid point.  Instead it’s met with anger and things like go suck Trump’s dick more or other name calling.  Now some do come in just spouting far right crap too and get yelled at for good reason.  The same thing happens if a democrat goes to a right leaning forum trying to make valid points.  I’ve seen it plenty while reading threads in the past here.

    The they both are showing sign of slipping so choose the non crazy person argument kinda proves my point.  Both parties should not be running either of them but the loudest voices and most extreme run both now.  Many people on both sides shouldn’t be in the positions they are in but people love the ones yelling the loudest, most rah rah their side these days even if what they are saying doesn’t make sense. I hate Trump as much as anyone and a year ago thought there was no was he was actually going to be the candidate. 

    All the other issues you brought up are far right people issues that logically shouldn’t have arguments standing up for them and should be called out by their own party but instead it’s blind support.  

    All my opinions obviously, so I don’t care to debate it more either. The reason people don’t like going to political forums these days is that no one listens to any idea that’s different than their own.  You can say otherwise but I don’t believe for the most part that is close to true. I don’t really believe deep down that both parties truly think these are the best candidates they can come up with but here we are. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
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