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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by jimmyjazz

  1. Yeah, I'm not paying someone to haul away free firewood.  I had a pin oak come down in my front yard.  It took out a streetlight and fell halfway across the road.  I put an ad on craigslist and said first guy to cut it up and haul it off gets it for free . . . it was gone in 3 hours.  City of Austin took care of their streetlight.

  2. The only thing that could have made that AIC/Gretchen/Nancy cover any better (besides Ann) would be if they had been in a dark stanky club playing that well.  Holy shit.  I assume Gretchen wasn't autotuned, as I have no reason to believe she ever needs to be.  They killed that.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Why should I give a shit what Joy Reid wrote on a blog years ago?

    Would I care if Hannity made anti-Semitic statements on his blog 10 years ago?

    Nope, I wouldn’t.

    they are not an elected officials, running for office, or working in government.

    The point is that you shouldn't be going out of your way to soften the story about her.

    If the left can't acknowledge shitty behavior on the part of our own then we're doomed.  Not all leftists speak for me.  I don't speak for all leftists.  Why is this so difficult?

    • Like 1
  4. 37 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

    Show me all the live performances of Bruce, Carlin, Pryor, and Murphy on C-SPAN.  You can do crude at comedy clubs but you have to make it a little more accessible for the masses when you are being broadcast live from coast to coast on a political channel, not Comedy Central.  Pryor and Carlin for sure could also do network television without going blue.  The original idea behind this dinner was to have the jokes done in a Johnny Carson manner--both sides get shots taken at them but you don't go personal with it.  It has progressed into something far more biased than it was ever intended to be.

    They could have dumped her at the first "pussy".  They didn't.  Don't blame her for doing her bit.  And for fuck's sake, she didn't say anything that others haven't said before in that exact same spot.

  5. I'm cheap as hell.  I compare HEB to Randall's before shopping (don't laugh, Randall's is regularly less expensive on meat & dairy, as well as "salad kits"), I use store coupons all the time, I "treat" my family to dinners out via Groupon or restaurant.com, and I pride myself on feeding 7 people a good healthy dinner for ~ $13 when I cook.

    Shit, before they changed the rules, I used to buy discounted GameStop gift cards off eBay, take them to the store, and purchase eBay gift cards.  Rinse & repeat.  It was pretty easy to save 10% a turn.  Before long I'd have a few hundred dollars of GameStop gift cards I basically paid nothing for and then I'd swap for a Shell/Exxon/whatever card.  Free gas.

    • Like 1
  6. While they're almost surely my favorite band, I've never been a Replacements fanatic.  I didn't spend much time on skyway or other sites, never subscribed to 'zines, etc.

    I'm not up on all the minutiae.

    So who the hell is up front and far left on that photo?

  7. I once saw Jay Leno when he was touring colleges ~ 1982.  He was heralded as one of the only comedians who "wasn't crude".  He wasn't.  He was actually really fucking funny.  But the idea that, in 2018, there are people out there who are actually shocked or dismayed that a comedian might <gasp> use bad words is mind-blowing.  Hers was a perfect example of most modern comedy, and she was pretty good.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    No it has been more nasty. It is getting a bit more liberal, which doesn't matter, but the intolerance level of anything that deviates from their point of view (of their opinion, not fact like that some to think is the case) is getting uber annoying.  

    There are those who call anyone a racist who disagree with their  ......... "o-pinions".  

    Holy shit.  Self aware much?  You don't know "nasty".  Go back and read your shit on the scat board, you fraud.

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