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Posts posted by BearMace

  1. 1 hour ago, mininghorn88 said:

    Yes, I had that dream multiple times for years after I graduated from Texas.  I also had the dream a few times where I thought that I had dropped a class only to get my grades at the end of the semester to find out that I had not dropped the class.

    Same thing. I have a dream where towards the end of the semester I start getting emails about finals for classes I didn't know I was enrolled in. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Austinvines said:

    I was fat in HS, skinny for a few years in college (185) until craft/home brews in college porked me up, and went nuts in law school (250). Got married at 207 (5’10”) and eventually got up to 225. Tried everything but keto finally got me down to 200 and then IF got me down to 185.

    My “thermostat” finally hit at 185 and I am now a medium shirt. That’s freaking awesome. Being able to button up a medium shirt and not having it gap is great.

    I may have cancer but being thin-ish is quite nice. My wife, of course, would like me at 175 and I cannot believe she stuck with me at 200+ (as shown on my FB memories) so I’m gonna try.

    Keto folks can be obnoxious, but doing a clean keto, not all bacon and cheese, is a remarkable tool to enable IF success. IF on its own it amazing if you can make it work with your schedule, but the appetite suppression of getting into ketosis is truly remarkable and makes doing IF pretty easy. I've experimented with some success too using exogenous ketones as appetite suppressants for IF.

    Really it's all just understanding caloric deficit versus thinking "fat makes you fat" and finding something that works for you. Regarding fat shaming, I'm not for personally making anybody feel like they're a worthless piece of shit for being obese, but at the same time we've damn near normalized being so fat you need a scooter to grocery shop. I'm pro body positivity that keeps girls from thinking they need to be bulimic to fit an image, but there's a balance somewhere short of where we are finding ourselves now where legitimately obese chicks want to wear dental floss bikinis and be praised for their bravery. Also, fuck Big Corn. 

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  3. 17 minutes ago, Tylerocks said:

    If my math is correct and it's probably not,  you have enough syrup to make almost 600 snow cones.

    1 gallon= 128oz.

    Internet says it's about 4 tbs/2oz per cone.

    128/2= 64 cones per gallon.

    64x9= 576 happy customers.


    * this does not include those of us that like them "flooded"


    My buddy had a snowcone truck come out to a party this weekend for the kids. The guy said he regularly has to tell adults that no he doesn't have straws because if you need a straw you're doing it wrong. And kids are going straight 'beetus strength, always. So by my math, that's only enough syrup for 320 or so.

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  4. 8 hours ago, Flg8rfan said:

    This. When we moved, my wife didn’t bat an eye at filling a toilet paper box with books. First off, not a sturdy box to begin with- secondly, was too heavy to lift.

    Her other annoying habit was overfilling boxes to where you couldn’t close them to stack other boxes on them.

    This is why when we move the next time, I’m going to burn the house down so we can start anew.

    Wtf is a toilet paper box? 

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  5. Steak somwhere between 1 and 2, but honestly those all look like they were cooked by somebody who probably calls what they did "barbequing". If better executed I could maybe go as done as what 3 was probably trying to be depending on the cut.

    Toast 3-4

    Coffee anywhere from A to D depending on where I'm at.

  6. Dark Mode on Chrome on PC is making me feel like a had a stroke or something. All the titles are missing letters. Seems to only affect the topic pages that I've noticed. 



    Dark Mode.jpg

  7. On 5/30/2021 at 6:55 PM, Txslnghrns said:

    I don’t know if you ever walked a pit bull. You owe to your life at some point in your life to walk a pit bull down the street. I’m telling you, it’s the greatest experience ever. People just get the fuck out of the way. It’s unreal. Three, four blocks away, they see me coming. They just immediately cross the street. It’s tremendous. I don’t know why black people complain about that. I love having the whole side of the street to myself. It’s great. I feel like a king. Oh, it’s awesome. It’s the greatest thing ever. Pit bulls are the shit. It’s like a gun you can pet. It’s the only way to describe it. It’s awesome. They make you want to p90x or something.

    This feels like a glimpse inside the mind of the guy who commutes from his suburb to work in an F350 dually with a 12" lift and six light bars.

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  8. On 5/6/2021 at 4:24 PM, Crapinon said:

    We had a cat that wouldn't touch their bodies. He would simply eat their brains out of the top of their heads and then leave them laying there.

    That's fucking metal.

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