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SKA the boss

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Everything posted by SKA the boss

  1. My liver pleads that your “together” theme kick in soon and everyone plays to their ability.
  2. RT: Who wants it? Clutch time. Carr (3-14): Me, coach, me!!
  3. 0 for 6 from threeville. Guards cold will feel like that.
  4. That half of basketball ripped the last bit of optimism from me. We’re so inconsistent. I just don’t see putting it all together magically for a deep run. We will be favored and feared going into each game, but getting bounced early would not be surprising.
  5. Fucking Lowell. What game are you watching?
  6. Absolutely. This team feels like it has something to prove with the way they play for each other. Look at the games where they come from behind with a fire and passion. That’s a winner’s mentality. I just hope the bracket committee doesn’t put us in some murderer’s row path.
  7. Just one bad game, but it sure doesn’t instill a lot of confidence when we can’t play with any consistency. If we had played well and lost because they just were electric? Oh well. But outside of Carr, no one played up to the level they should for a game of this atmosphere.
  8. Winning frenetic ball for the moment. Gotta stop giving up size mismatches in the paint to that Euro-Sasquatch looking goon.
  9. I hope our dudes show up with an attitude and put some beat down on those loud little fuck nuts.
  10. 28 years, Jerry. You stupid, arrogant prick. You threw away a dynasty because of your ignorant ego and what do you have now? Three fucking decades of suck. You might be the richest loser of all time, but you’re a fucking loser.
  11. I firmly believe that Jerry Jones has cursed this team. I’ll be overjoyed if they can actually win this.
  12. Carr is frustrating because he wants to be “that” guy so he guns up too many shots and only makes like 30% of his 3’s so the majority of his deep balls look selfish and frequently come with poor timing or court awareness. Carr is awesome because in all of Shakablah’s tenure, nobody wanted to be “the guy”, take the last shot, or take over a game. When he’s feeling it, Carr can do that.
  13. Time to go back to feeding Timmy in the lane.
  14. Gritty fucking performance. Don’t count us out yet.
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