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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by mchookem

  1. so, mom just died at the beginning of January.

    she had a will, pretty simple, i'm executor, 50/50 split b/t younger sister and i. she had a little nest egg surprisingly, not huge but she made it into six figures. plus a house we will sell. 

    no debt... except she spent about 3 weeks in the hospital at the end. i have yet to receive a bill, she was on medicare and she had a supplement...but i fear this month we're going to start getting hit with them, based on the explanation of benefits we've been getting. 

    my dad (they were divorced but very close friends) keeps telling us we don't have to probate, waste of money, ignore the med bills, 'what are they gonna do?', close cash accounts (i'm on them) and split the cash, we're both 401K beneficiaries, be done with it...

    but my dad is very much an 'angle' guy, cut corners,  etc... he's making us crazy trying to 'look out' for us. and it's not for him,  he's sitting pretty on his own, he doesn't want anything, just wants us to get everything we can. 

    i just don't know what to do, what is required by law, what if the hospital bills that aren't covered wipe everything out...

    i consider anything a blessing, we had no idea she'd saved so well and weren't expecting it. but i'm eligible to retire this year and it certainly would help me make the transition. sister is a single mom and niece is headed to college next year, would certainly help with that as well. 

    it was a really nice surprise from mom. 

    i'm so afraid of making the wrong move. but i'm also afraid of waiting too long,  dad's talking about 'if you don't move that money they can freeze the accounts!'

    and if course, this is in addition to grieving, which is not helping. 

    guess i'm just wondering if anybody has experience with this,  or any advice? 😒

  2. this discussion reminds me of a similar event that happened to a family we are best friends with here in Austin.

    and yes, it was when Acevedo was still here. 

    no-knock warrant served pre-dawn...dad was working, mom and son were home alone. he did have some sketchy friends and was running with a questionable crowd. an 'anonymous' tip said he was a cartel-level drug dealer. 

    anyway, when door was busted in and flash bangsthrown, they both wake from dead sleep, mom screaming, kid grabs gun (because Texas, hunters, big 2nd amend supporters, etc) and proceeds to fire. shot one cop in the knee. mom realizes it's police, yells at him to stop, he does immediately, they lay on floor and he's taken into custody. 

    2 years later, he's found not guilty of attempted murder of a peace officer, but guilty of agg assault. 

    oh, and their dog was also killed.  blown up with a flash bang in their kitchen. 

    that officer,  ANY of those officers could have been killed. our friends could have been killed. the dog WAS killed.

    for an ounce of pot and some xanax. and several legal firearms, which were returned to the family. 

    i was in the courtroom for much of the trial.  neighbors testified they hid in the closet bc they did not hear it was APD. APD surveilled the house for a week and admitted in court that they observed no suspicious activity. they did trash raids and found baggies and a container from a dispensary in CO. and empty ammunition cartridges...which came from the dad going to shooting range. that and the tip is what they based the no-knock warrant on. kid did not have a record.

    kid went to school every day at 730. why the couldn't have waited,  just stopped him on the street, i will never understand. they didn't even charge him for the drugs, just the shooting.

    which, in my not so humble opinion, THEY instigated. 

    he got 13 years. completely illogical to me.


  3. well she's probably going to hate it anyway. especially if they have a corps dork do the tour. or somebody hisses at me. but i'm trying to be objective. sister has ceded all college stuff to me, dad is aggy and he's paying for about 40%.😒

  4. 3 minutes ago, Enchubben said:

    I would send my kids to UT Dallas before A&M.  I’d probably send them to UH over A&M as well.

    UTD is on the list, as is UTSA. i tried to talk her into UH but she thinks Houston is gross 😒

    • Like 1
  5. so i bit the bullet and made appointment to take my niece (HS junior) to tour atm later this month. blech 😝 but it had to be done, she doesn't think she's gonna make the cut for UT. but... there are 5 other schools we're gonna check out as well.

    if i wear burnt orange will i get heckled? 

  6. my list hasn't changed much in the past 10 years, don't know if that says something about me or crappy movies. if i come across any of these i can't look away...




    LA Confidential

    The Big Lebowski

    The Godfather II*


    The Talented Mr. Ripley

    There Will Be Blood

    A Fish Called Wanda


    * trying not to cheat and count I and II together, original is epic but i've always been more partial to cold-blooded Michael in II

    • Like 1
  7. Alien is one of my top 5 favs.

    one of the best things about the cinematography was how claustrophobic every scene was.

    the Nostromo was this mammoth cargo ship with giant cavernous rooms and compartments, but they shot most scenes from a low angle so everything felt so close in. brilliant.

    anybody seen the director's cut with the few extra scenes? the one where Ripley comes across HDS and Dallas cocooned and Dallas is still alive, begging her to kill him... that scene creeped me the fuck out!

  8. yeah, i am only close with two, and they are both sort of anti everything you associate with aggy (conservative, conformist, etc). aging hippies, really, very cool dudes...

    but... when we start talking football they DO revert to standard talking points, 'BDF' vs sec, strength of schedule, etc. 🙄

    i don't think they can help themselves

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  9. the amount of bureaucratic overhead this has created in the management of statewide contracts is unbelievable. as in, i did not believe it until i sat in two lengthy work sessions last week to strategize on ways to streamline processes. the number of times this was brought up as a roadblock was just insane.  i had no idea. 

    gotdamn this is stupid. 

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