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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by mchookem

  1. we actually commented on that, at least they were having a conversation. and we didn't yell at them, either 😁

    still, you have to admit the positions are interesting 🤔

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  2. central austin neighborhood Mexican restaurant tonight...

    table next to us was a young couple talking Beto and Cruz, we could hear almost every word. 

    she thinks Trump is doing a 'great job' but Cruz is a 'sleazy used car salesman' (her words) and she's voting Beto.

    he thinks Trump is a 'dumbass' but Beto is a socialist, he's voting Cruz.


    *mind blown*

  3. just got canvassed by Beto's campaign. we were both enthusiastic 🙂 but we're in central austin...told him i hoped his counterparts were doing the same in south texas!

    he said they are, and what the campaign is saying is that if he can pull off a win, it's literally going to be by a few thousand votes.

    don't give up, vote!

  4. 22 minutes ago, MixtyMotions said:

    This is better than visiting texags after the Horns beat the crap out of the Ags, but not as good as visiting MSNBC after Hillary lost.

    no offense, but i feel like this post exemplifies one of the biggest problems in our politics today, and is the primary reason Trump is our president. 

    • Like 3
  5. yep...put me on the list with M12BH, trauma babe, sachick, etc. 

    i recounted my litany of incidents back on shaggy, don't have the energy to do it again. it happens, and it happens a lot.

    • Like 6
  6. 49 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    I think you hit the nail on the head here. Give the people what they want vis-a-vis their Senators in this case, one way or another. I would imagine he wouldn't be confirmed if they voted tomorrow at 8am, but who knows. 

    ok, but only if we apply the Merrick Garland standard, and see what new senators the people want

    • Like 1
  7. 21 minutes ago, Blotto said:

    He's a sleazy opportunist who has no business chairing a city council, much less the presidency. If that's the best the dems can do, we're fucked either way. 

    different from current POTUS how?

    not advocating for a run, just pointing out that criteria is completely irrelevant at this point

  8. 26 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    What is wrong with you?   I can’t imagine my wife or any of her friends posting on a college football message board, even if it was her alma mater.  Yet here you are.   Some upper middle-aged foul mouthed lady posting on a board of a team yours never plays.  Sounds like a real happy marriage there   

    Do you wear fishing shirts and cargo shorts?







    wtf is this bullshit?? guess we should know our place. good lord.

    i was also screaming tonight, bc my 16 yoa niece is being stalked at her place of work by a 22 year old creeper that works a few doors down,  who keeps coming in and sitting in a booth watching her and telling the other workers to tell her 'Vince says hi' and she doesn't want to 'make a big deal out of it'* but is talking about quitting the job now and i mean WHAT THE FUCK! just watching this shit all week and this disgusting fucking perverted toad in the white house and knowing my own experiences, of which there are several and i just want to stand behind her with my husband and my single-mom sister while my niece screams at him 'LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE YOU CREEP!' so she knows she has the right and the strength to say that! 

    i mean...just...fuck.

    stream of consciousness, some of my thoughts and emotions this evening. and some fuck thinks i have no business posting on a gotdamn Longhorn football board. fuck you.


    *my sister is going up there tomorrow to talk to the manager about it, the other employees are even like 'this dude is creepy'.

    • Like 4
  9. 5 hours ago, C-Man said:

    There is no way that story is true.

    no way. my boss and one of my staff both had kids with that kind of pedigree, except they were top 10%. they got into UT, but neither got into the college of their choice (engineering and health science, respectively). so, they both went to atm. 

    my niece looks to be top 12-15% this year (jr). she's going to try for UT School of Fine Arts (she has the art pedigree, statewide competitions, NAHS, etc)... they do holistic admissions, with portfolio being about 75% of admission criteria. she needs to kick ass on SAT. 1260 on PSAT her sophomore year, so fingers crossed.

    since i'm paying...she can go anywhere she wants (as long as it's public TX), but I'd be lying if i didn't admit how thrilled that would make me 😊

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  10. my sister has been mostly nonpolitical her whole life. until Obama's second term, and of course she's appalled by Trump. she's been trying to pay more attention, mostly as she's gotten older and has disagreed on individual issues with our republican parents. 

    anyway...she came across the debate tonight and ended up watching, she didn't really even know who Beto was, but she knew Cruz bc mom is a big fan...

    "OMG Lying Ted is such a played out, chasing the political dragon, smeegle, conniving, backwards talking, dinosaur fucktard, mean girl, game playing bitch that got served tonight. 
    I'm gonna be honest I have 20 minutes left and my heart is racing. 
    I had no idea TX was the 50th lowest voting state. I didn't vote last time. I'm a part of that number. "

    so, that's kinda good 🙂

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