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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by mchookem

  1. you know,  i just don't have it in me to enjoy these public comeuppances. the whole thing just sucks. he probably has employees, customers, kids, other family whose lives have been negatively impacted to varying degrees by his actions and ignorance.

    and it is SO ignorant, him even saying he doesn't understand. my god, man! some of these people,  their world is so insular that they are shocked at the righteous public outrage they incur...but I continue to be amazed at their surprise,  like, wtf did you THINK would happen?

    i just don't understand. 

    i wish in some of these cases there could be follow up...did this experience change any of these people? did they learn anything from it? do they now realize that no, they are not in the majority with their  POV and maybe the world really doesn't agree with me?

    there's got to be something good to come from all this loud, ugly thrashing

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  2. wtf i realize the dude was an annoyance in the middle of the street,  but that was a residential street and that car had a full 8 seconds to stop. lay on the horn, kid woulda moved


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  3. i just feel helpless. i can donate money. which i do. and i can vote,  which i always do. 

    but unless the house actually flips, this shit is just gonna keep rolling along.  cowards in Congress aren't going to do anything. 

    it's a slow moving train wreck and it's just horrifying to watch. 

    • Like 2
  4. 7 hours ago, Parliament said:

    An early look at what makes MM so great.  Cooper's eccentricity and underrated, deep knowledge of the business.  Roger's immaturity, glibbness and ability to "grow up" at the time it's really necessary.  Don's naivete, caused by the fact he grew up poor.  And Pete trying to be a baddass, only to be exposed as the douchebag he is.  Also a great plot twist.  

    Roger shrinks an extra inch in height 🤣

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