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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mchookem

  1. i would totally do that
  2. just spent three days in Manassas - really nice little area, super easy access to Washington (at least mid-day this week lol).
  3. been immersed in Thomas Jefferson's life this week, DC and VA. already shared some of his words in the murder dildo thread, where he pretty clearly understood and advocated that as societies evolve their constitutions and laws must as well, otherwise we are barbarians. *ahem* so i noted this today, touring his home...i was really contemplating what a complicated, contradictory, and brilliant person he was, and how i feel more enriched knowing more about him and the role he played in my country's history, which is in fact my history... and that was involuntarily followed by the literal thought: 'if this was in Florida Desantis would try to shut it down'. and that made me feel angry and sad. sigh. despite everything i continue to be deeply moved by the symbols and monuments to this country's history. ALL of it. i'll say one thing old TJ def got wrong... "knowledge is power..." - yep "knowledge is safety..." - you bet "knowledge is happiness" - bullshit. haha...no doubt i would be WAY happier if i didn't pay attention and didn't know shit about what's happening in the world πŸ˜†πŸ˜
  4. shit, if we're just talking Jake movies...Nocturnal Animals is pretty fucked up, too. Nightcrawler was awesome, i thought he should have gotten an Oscar nod for that role.
  5. mchookem


    best tv show ever
  6. btw i read these words in person from old TJ today. it's like he thought we could evolve and adapt or something. wonder what he'd think of our Murder Dildo Cult today. nah, this is cool...
  7. "it could have been worse"
  8. saw this preview as well as one for MI: Dead Reckoning a couple weeks ago when we saw The Covenant. made me excited about upcoming summer movies for the first time post-covid! also, saw this today so this hits close to home.
  9. cults always sacrifice their children. the Murder Dildo Cult is no different.
  10. he probably needs to come back to earth first πŸ˜„πŸ€˜
  11. mchookem


    mine. he can use mine. πŸ˜›
  12. he's so fucking gross* i'd probably vomit in his face if he even touched me. * we had a French exchange student doing some doctorate work at UT stay with us in 2017 and 2018. i kept saying 'HE'S SO FUCKING GROSS!' and she had never heard the word 'gross' before, so she learned a new English word bc of him. that's literally the most positive thing i can say about his presidency. she also learned what a 'head shop' was πŸ˜„πŸ˜Š
  13. absolutely investigate thoroughly, and if there's anything to it, drag it into the light and let's see it. if there's a crime then let the punishment fit whatever it may be. /surlyleftists see Surly Rightwingers, that is how you're supposed to respond to these things. the liberal cabal is happy to show you by example. you're welcome.
  14. i have a friend who is the lead pastor at a methodist church in Oregon. she was a pastor in Austin for over ten years. i guess at some point there was a big rift in the methodist church? primarily over lgbtq issues. she became so disillusioned and disappointed in the Texas methodist church organization that she quit (her husband quit his job too) and moved her entire family first to Washington, then to Oregon. she is a devout Christian. her church does so much wonderful work - feeding and clothing the homeless, building actual tiny homes for them, work supporting lgbtq youth, engagement in the arts... she is just so full of love and acceptance of her fellow humans. she's on social media, as a pastor, a representative of her church, and has no hesitation sharing both her righteous anger/heartbreak over all the hatred (politics, guns, women's health, etc.) and especially anti-lgbtq agendas, as well as so much positivity and warmness towards everyone in her community. after she shared something particularly moving a few months ago, i DMed her to tell her that although i myself had become a rather 'detached' christian (for all the reasons in this thread and then some), that i found her inspiring and a true beacon for Christ - that she is what Jesus hoped mankind could/should aspire to. i made her cry. i felt it was important for her to know that yes, even someone like me, could 'see' her works and that they exemplified her faith. not sure why i'm sharing that story, other than the words of Rep. Talarico above resonated deeply in the same way. there really are genuine good ones out there.
  15. hooboy she was totally not prepared to be smacked with some real Jesus-talk. he handled that excellently.
  16. Mattson's 192 was obviously quite real, which is what everybody else was saying and you were arguing against. clearly the boys have sabotaged (or are trying to) the deal. but the offer was absolutely real.
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